The Intruder

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What a day...hopefully, I can make it through the rest of it without any more issues, I think to myself as I close the door to the Duke's emporium room. I take a few steps forward towards the stairs and looking down, I stop, noticing what looks like dragged, large bloodstains across the floor, leading up the stairs. I hear a spine-chilling scream echo out from another part of the castle and I startle slightly. Something like this would usually make any normal person panic, but I, of course not being normal and living here, I understand it to simply be just a daily occurrence. I quickly dismiss the bloodstains and continue up the stairs into the main hall. I start to head to the 2nd floor of the castle when the dining room doors opens and Daniela bounces into the main hall, dragging behind her a fresh, yet very dehydrated corpse with a gaping wound in its neck. Even though I've grown accustomed to the constant bloodshed, murder, and cannibalism, the sight of a corpse still unsettles me greatly and I shudder, trying desperately to keep the imqge from burning into my brain. Daniela catches sight of me and a cheerful, blood-soaked smile stretches over her face. I attempt to ignore her, and continue up the stairs to the balcony, but I'm stopped quick by her pleasant greeting of, "Hi Val"!
"Hello Daniela", I grumble as I avoid looking at her for fear that my eyes will travel towards the corpse. "Where are you going?", she asks curiously. I ponder that for a moment as well, since I really didn't have a certain idea for where I would go, just as long as it was somewhere I could relax. After a second of umming and thinking, I quickly answer with, "The library". As I reach the top of the stairs Daniela buzzes, "That sounds boring, you want to come make a scarecrow with me instead"? GOD NO, ANYTHING BUT THAT! I crumple and cover my mouth trying to keep from screaming or gagging as my mind is flooded with images thay would scare the devil away. Drain them....drain the bodies and turn them they eat the- oh, I think I'm gonna be sick.. I take a short minute to recover just enough to answer her. "NO NO, that's ok, you go have fun!!", I squeal and choke as I fight with my thoughts. I hear her audibly sigh, sounding very disappointed, and then continue to walk out of the main hall with the corpse still dragging behind her. I silently retch, I shut my eyes tightly, and shake my head rapidly forcing my mind to clear itself. Just stop thinking about it and go to the library like you said you would. "Are you alright Miss Amitto?", a sweet voice says. I open my eyes a look up to see a maiden whose name I can't quite remember. She looks quite concerned and is holding a bucket with water. Wanting to ease her and keep her from being frightened, I quickly stand up and just reply, "Yeah, yeah I'm alright..just..silly thoughts is all". Still looking a bit concerned, she just nods, barely accepting to believe that I'm truly alright, and slowly walks past me. I feel her eyes watch me as I continue to walk along the balcony. Eventually, I make my way into the annex and hear a harmonious melody. The grand piano in the opera hall downstairs is playing a sweet and gentle tune meant to ease and entrance whomever could hear it. The melody grows louder as I continue walking along the second floor towards the library. Curious, I peek over the railing looking out over the opera hall below and see Lady Dimitrecu herself at the piano. She looks quite focused, but calm. Her hands are very careful and gentle on the keys as she plays them delicately. I can't help myself but to smile watching her and hearing the song. To my surprise, I hear the front doors of the castle open just barely over the music. I look back, but quickly assume it to be caused by Daniela leaving to make....a scarecrow. Just the thought alone is enough to send turn my blood cold, even with the music playing. I need to distract myself. I hurry to the library door and enter, closing it gently behind me as if I'm trying to be quiet. Well, I guess I am since I don't want to disturb the lady's song. The music from the piano is now very muted and I can just barely hear it. Uncomfortable with how quite it is, I open the library door again this time, leaving it only slightly ajar so that the music can fill the room more easily. That's better, now, let's see what I could read. I don't normally distract or busy myself with books, but compared to other activities at the castle, reading seems the most favorable at the moment and I'm almost certain it wouldn't pester Lady Dimitrescu. Starting towards one of the many shelves filled with books, a bright red, leather bound one catches my attention. Compared to the other books, it appears the most used. I pull it off the shelf gently and inspect the title. It reads: Flesh and Bone: The Properties and Benefits of Cannibalism. Feeling disturbed once more and seeing the image of the corpse crawl back into my mind, I quickly shove the book back of the shelf in horror. My aggressiveness in putting the book back into its tight fit causes another book on a higher shelf to fall and WHACK right onto the top of my head. "Ow, fuck!", I whisper loudly forcing myself not to yell. The book tumbles to the floor as I yell and brace myself in case of more impact. Growling and massaging the lump on my head, I look down at the book angrily, but quickly become interested by its appearance. It's leather bound, similar to the red one, but it's a bit dusty and seems older. It's a very faded, pale turquoise in color and the cover is difficult to read. Intrigued, I pick it up and dust it off, carefully making out the faded, golden, printed words on etched on the cover. It reads: The Untamed Venus. It sounds interesting. Even more intrigued by the title alone, I turn it over in my hands, looking for any insight as to what the book entails. The book is very worn as if it has been read many times and travelled lots of places. With no luck as to discovering this book's mystery, I have no choice but to read it and discover myself. I seat myself in a chair next to a lamp and turn it alight. Exceedingly curious, I open the book and begin to read. Chapter One: Understanding the Nature of  Love and Pleasure
Ah, love. Such a wonderful, thrilling, exciting emotion that engulfs the mind and swallows all other sense of oneself until all that matters is everlasting passion. Love leads to many things and comes in many forms: Emotional, Spiritual, Physical, and Sexual. Love is meant to be understood and experienced in all of these ways, but unfortunately it somehow isn't. Though love might seem an easy concept to be understood by all humans, males often miss the mark in understanding all forms of love (usually narrowing it down to  just sexual and physical) and how to properly please their female companion without only pleasing themselves. Unlike women, men are completely too easy yet center love around their pleasure and their pleasure alone. With Mars forcing itself to be the center and abusing its power in the world, women are often neglected in love and instead are made to provide pleasure for themselves. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing or impossible to achieve even if men make the world believe it to be. Often times, women find they can pleasure themselves far greater than their male counterpart could even attempt, hence why the pleasure of women becomes taboo or rare in a Mars centered world and mindset. Throughout history, it is a common practice for-
Hooked from the start, I feel myself become immersed in the pages, not keeping track of how many pages I've turned or how time has passed as the chapters continue. This book goes into the details and depth of some things that I already understand about women, easily being a woman myself, as well as many things I had yet to learn about how the world works in relation to women, relationships, love, and ESPECIALLY sexually loving. One particular chapter went into the graphic details about feminine sexual desire, arousal, and the act itself with illustrations that made my face burn hot. I'd been so immersed and distracted that I hadn't even noticed that the piano had stopped playing. Feeling very hot from the steamy depictions, I force myself to take a break from the book and put match between the pages as a makeshift bookmark to save my place for later. Instantly, everything feels too quite again. Suddenly, I hear the front doors open again, yet it doesn't sound as smooth and I feel something in my gut telling me that it isn't anyone from the castle. Was Lady Dimitrescu expecting a visitor? I'm not sure... I'm hesitant to investigate, yet curiousity is already leading me out of the library. I exit and start to cautiously and slowly make my way out of the annex and back to the main hall. Everything is silent except for the clear sound of heavy bootsteps coming from the entrance hall. Those footsteps don't sound familiar either. I creep down the stairs, becoming increasingly frightened as the footsteps grow louder and closer until they sound as if they're beside me. Then, a man strolls into the hall of four breezily wielding a massive, makeshift hammer. He's wearing a large pale tan trenchcoat, a white work shirt, brown pants, black work boots, a necklace with a compass and other things attached to it, a tattered bucket hat, dark, round glasses, and black leather gloves. His hair is salt and pepper gray, and about shoulder length, complete with a salt and pepper goatee. He's smoking a large cuban cigar and humming. He seems to be completely relaxed as he waltzes into the hall. I'm too stunned to move or speak at his audacity. Does he realize what he's done, does he understand what could happen to him..does he even CARE?? I'm not sure..who is this guy? Looking around, he stops in his tracks upon seeing me. His eyebrows raise in surprise and he slowly takes his glasses off to get a proper look at me. "Well eyes didn't decieve me", he chuckles with a sharp grin. What is he talking about, seriously who is this guy?? Working up a small amount of courage, I finally bring myself to ask him, "I'm sorry...who...who are you"?
"Oh, you're new here", he chuckles before taking a puff of cigar, "I'm guessing Alcina hasn't mentioned me to you yet...I'm Heisenberg, Karl Heisenberg". Heisenberg...I remember Donna mentioning Heisenberg's factory when discussing the four worlds. What is he doing here? He gestures to me and asks, " are"?
"Valyrie...Valyrie Amitto, some people just call me Val..or Miss Amitto..or Miss Valyrie", I answer clumsily. He nods slightly and takes another puff of his cigar, still staring at me. I'm still hung up on what he said, my eyes didn't decieve me...what did he mean by that? Feeling confused and slightly scared of his presence, I cautiously ask, "Soo...what exactly are you doing here"? His grin grows wider and he turns around slowly to start back towards the entrance hall. As he steps he replies, "Oh, I just wanted to see if it was true is all, or if my eyes were just playing tricks on me". I raise my eyebrow confusedly and walk down the stairs towards him. "What do you mean by that, what did you see"? He turns around to face me and points at me, gesturing largely to my right and left. "A girl with WINGS...feathered wings, unlike those bat-like hags that swarm around the castle from time to time, flying around the sky, cheering and laughing...", he charms, "I've never seen anything like it, and wasn't sure if it could be true, so I figured I should investigate...turns out, it is true". I fold my wings tightly behind me and step back, once again feeling self-concious about them as he mentions my flying practice. Heisenberg notices my sudden change in behavior and he quickly says, "It's a pretty useful isn't it, pretty exciting...a freeing experience, being able to fly and just get away from it all...but that's just me....they look nice anyways". I raise my eyebrow again trying to make sense of his attempt of a compliment. He's a little bit awkward, maybe he doesn't talk to many people. I smile and laugh slightly assuring that I understood what he was trying to tell me. I rock on my heels anxiously and say, "Well..I think you should go now, from what I know, the lady doesn't take kindly to unexpected guests".
"Yes, I think that would be best", a cold voice spits behind me. Instantly recognizing the voice, I turn around and see Lady Dimitrescu standing at the top of the stairs with an ugly scowl on her face. I can tell that she is only seconds away from losing her cool and fighting the urge to lunge down the stairs at us. Heisenberg, still seeming surprisingly unbothered cheers, "Ah, Alcina...I was just speaking with Valyrie here..making sure she really existed is all or if my eyes were just messing with me". Lady Dimitrescu takes a threatening step down the stairs, still glaring at Heisenberg and hisses, "Well, you got your confirmation, now GO". Heisenberg turns, as if seeming to walk away, then turns back quickly, moving closer to me. I feel his hand brush along the edges of my wing, making me shudder and giving me an unwanted and uncomfortable feeling. "Do you think I could borrow her and her would only be for a little while?", he asks. Engulfed in fury, Lady Dimitrescu races down the stairs and rushes us, grabbing my arm and yanking me towards her. "SHE'S MINE". Lady Dimitrescu growls at Heisenberg, holding me close to her. Heisenberg, still seeming unbothered, approaches me carefully, with a hand extended. "Oh..Is she really?", he asks. Lady Dimitrescu takes that as a challenge and in a flash, I watch as long blades grow rapidly out of her fingertips and she slashes warningly at Heisenberg. He dodges her just in time and that finally seems to rattle him. It rattles me as well. I didn't know she could do that...I wonder if there's anything else about her mutation I don't know about. Her razor sharp claws retract as Heisenberg backs away saying, "Alright..fair enough, you can keep her...I'll go now", and starts to leave. She holds me there as we both listen to his heavy bootsteps and the opening and closing of the front doors, singalling his departure. Lady Dimitrescu stands back up and asks, "Are you alright"? Still quite stunned by what I had just witnessed, I answer her only with a nod. She brushes her fingertips along the edges of my wings just as Heisenberg had and it gives me the same strange feeling, as if I want her to do it again. She smiles slightly looking down at me and informs, "Now that THAT has been taken care of, dinner is ready, come join me". I nod once again, and follow her closely as she gracefully walks up the stairs, through the main hall, and into the dining room.

Valyrie: A Resident Evil: VILLAGE OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now