The Bath

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The castle doors creak open as Lady Dimitrescu enters with Donna still following closely and staring up at me. Immediately, we are greeted warmly by the familar swelling sound of flies buzzing loudly. "Is she better?", I hear Daniela ask her mother with concern. Lady Dimitrescu sighs and answers, "No, not quite, but she will be soon enough". Looking at Donna, I watch Angie spring to life in her arms. She leaps up towards me, and Donna catches her as if holding her back to some extent. "I CAN FIX HER, LET ME HELP, LET ME SEE"!, Angie calls out to Lady Dimitrescu while still trying to jump up towards me. Please don't give me to Angie, please don't let her, of ANYONE, 'fix' me. What would she even do, she's a DOLL. Lady Dimitrescu sighs again, sounding a bit angry this time, carefully lifts me off her shoulder and lowers me towards Donna and Angie, still holding me by my sides. "Be my guest", she growls in a threatening tone. Donna steps back and cowers, feeling an enourmous amount of pressure to aid Lady Dimitrescu in helping me. She's intensely intimidated, but looking at my desperate, weeping state, she pushes herself through it. She approaches me carefully and reaches into her pocket as Angie bounces excitedly in her arms. I fret and whimper in pain and nervousness and Donna quietly soothes, "It's ok, it's ok".
"Let me do it!", Angie chirps as Donna pulls something purple and petaly out of her pocket. It looks like flowers, but they smell...strange. Moving closer until she is standing just inches from me, she gives the flowers to Angie who then quickly thrusts them into my face. I startle and panic at Angie's sudden movements. "Just breathe's ok..just breathe deep, calming breaths", Donna continues to soothe. Deep, calming breaths...deep, calming breaths...Trusting Donna, I start to breathe in the aroma of the flowers in front of me. The scent is odd, and feels like a mix of conflicting smells and flavors changing with every inhale. "Cassandra, go fetch a maiden to draw a bath in my chambers", Lady Dimitrescu orders. As I take another breath, Angie shoves the flowers sharply into my face once more as if trying to make me inhale them. I choke and back away, coughing and sputtering on petals. "Angie!", Donna scolds as she yanks Angie away from me and backs up. Lady Dimitrescu pulls up back up in the air as I continue to choke. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?!", Lady Dimitrescu demands Donna. I force myself to breathe in again and my coughing fit ends as quickly as it started. It takes me a minute to realize it, but my pain has disappeared. In fact, all of my feeling has disappeared. "5..4..", Donna says as she continues to back away and cower under Lady Dimitrescu's scowl. The room spins quickly in circles and my tounge feels puffy. "3....2....", Donna continues as her voice gets harder and harder to hear. I feel a shock and the faint smell of strawberries fills my senses as I feel my eyelids droop shut and my body falls limp in Lady Dimitrescu's grip.
Fuck, I'm so cold. My eyelids snap open. I'm outside laying face first on the ground. Snow and ice cover the land around me. I gasp for air. My throat and lungs are burning and feel raw and bloody from breathing in the icy air. I can't feel anything but cold. I move my legs, but it feels like they're submerged in lava. Looking at myself, I'm naked and I panic realizing I'm half-submerged in a large hole in frozen lake. The water is thick, dark blood and it's pulling me deeper under the ice like tar. Using every bit of strength in my body, I grip the ice and pull myself out and onto the top of the ice. I can't feel my legs, I can barely feel anything but ice and agony. I crawl pitifully off the ice and hear the sound of hundreds of crows cawing growing louder and closer. Looking up, I realize they're swooping right down onto me. Unable to fight or scare them away, I cover my head and bury my face in the snow as they peck me, clawing, stabbing, tearing through my skin. They just keep coming until my body is covered in a mess of flapping black wings, sharp, angry talons, and vicious, flesh-eating beaks. All these soul-piercing screeches, MAKE THEM STOP!!!! I explode in a screaming ball of panic and fury, scratching and clawing at the birds and into the air as the birds scatter and flee back into the sky and trees. That took everything out of me, but at least I'm no longer being eaten alive. The air gets thicker and thicker and it feels harder and harder to breathe. I'm choking, sputtering and gagging as I fight for air. What's happening to me? The sky suddenly darkens and I look up towards the sun as it grays into the moon and darkness consumes me whole. The shattered moon and sun face's flood my vision and scream, "WAKE UP".
I open my eyes again but this time, everything is red and feels extremely warm. I take a breath and start choking immediately, bubbles spurting from my mouth. Shit, I'm underwater! I push myself upwards bursting and breaking through the water's surface. Water pours from my nose and mouth, splashing and dripping down around me as I cough violently and gasp for sweet, cool air. My entire body feels tingly and it's hard to move, causing me to slip back under the water. Not wanting to drown, I force myself to swim, keeping myself afloat. I wipe my face free from the water and clear my vision to look around. I'm in an elegant looking bathroom and quite literally swimming in the biggest, porcelain bathtub I have ever seen in my life. The water is up to my neck, very hot, and crimson red. Is that all from I STILL bleeding? Suddenly, the bathroom door opens and Lady Dimitrescu enters. "Ah, I knew I heard you splashing,", she says breezily as she approaches the tub. I watch her carefully and with a very shaky hand, hold the edge of the tub trying to keep myself steady and above the water as feeling slowly returns to my body and the tingling of pins and needles subsides. Lady Dimitrescu stops and her eyes widen in surprise and awe. "My my...they are pretty", she croons with a wide grin as she takes her gloves off. She must be referring to my wings. She sets her gloves on the dresser and kneels in front of the tub, reaching towards me. "Are you feeling alright?", she asks. I almost answer, but I startle feeling sharp tingling all through my left wing from her touch. I look back towards her hand and see her fingertips gently brushing against the wet, deep brown feathers of my wing. Finally seeing them for the first time, I stare open-mouthed in shock and marvel at my newest assest. They're large and rich, dark sienna in color with coal black tips. Wow, they are really pretty. They're mostly submerged in the water and folded awkwardly behind me, but since I can barely feel anything but tingling, it's difficult to adjust and move them. Not that I'm sure how to move them anyway...well, maybe if I- I flex my back slightly, focusing on my wing, but nothing happens. Well, I tried. A spasm up my slices up the muscles in my back, forcing them to feel something and suddenly, my wing jerks and splashes the water. Lady Dimitrescu yanks her hand away, flinching as droplets of water splashes at her. Oops..didn't mean to do that..maybe I should wait until I have complete control of my body again to test my wings further. Lady Dimitrescu raises her eyebrow at me and looks unamused. "Have you lost your tongue or shall I repeat myself?", she asks sounding unamused. Oh, right, she asked me if I was ok. My tongue does feel strange, but I feel I should still respond to her."Sawy..I..I hink I'm awright", I answer. Lady Dimitrescu snickers and reaches to touch my wings again. "Oh dear me", she sighs, trying not to chuckle, "Whatever Donna gave you, it was very strong". Yeah..whatever it is, I just hope it wears off quickly. Looking back down at the blood red water I ask, "ahm I sill beeding"? Lady Dimitrescu shakes her head and replies, "No dear, your wounds fully healed before you were brought to the bath". The water slowly starts to burn hotter as my nerves awaken from their drugged paralysis and I actually begin to feel Lady Dimitrescu's touch on my feathers. My hand shakes even harder as I grip the edge of the tub and I can't make it stop. "You're trembling awfully hard, are you sure you feel alright?", she asks noticing my hand. I bite my tounge and try to force the shaking to calm, but it seems to be making it worse. " won't stop!", I cry nervously. It feels like my bones are rattling with how hard I'm shaking. What's wrong with me!?! Suddenly, the bathroom door opens again and Lady Dimitrescu turns to look. "Oh goody, she's awake now!", a familar, shrill voice squeaks. Lady Dimitrescu growls quietly and stands up as I hear the pitter patters of Angie shuffling towards us. Donna stands nervously in the doorway and quickly apologizes, "I'm sorry...I was going to knock but...sorry...can I come in..please"? By the looks of her, she's holding some kind of fabric and she puts one hand back in her pocket. Lady Dimitrescu sighs and sourly scowls, "By all means, please do". Donna thanks her and quickly approaches the bathtub. She looks at me carefully and I reach shakily towards her. Looking at my distress and quickly assessing my issue, she reassures, "It's alright, the shaking is means your body is waking up, it will pass soon enough, don't worry". Sure enough after saying that, she takes my hand and the intense shaking slows down to a gradually stop and I can finally feel every part of my body almost normally. I swear Donna is a miracle worker. "Feeling better?" she asks gently. I nod as she carefully lets go of my hand. Lady Dimitrescu continues to scowl at Donna as places the fabric down and reaches back into her pocket. She pulls out a small roll of measuring tape and gently asks. "Could you turn around...I need to measure the base of your wings". I quickly spin around in the bath and push my back upwards towards Donna, feeling my wings rise out of the water and hearing the splashes of water spilling off of my feathers. Donna's gentle hands feel cool against my back as her fingers ruffle my feathers and travel around the base of my wings, measuring them precisely. I'm guessing she's making me new clothes and making sure that they will accommodate my wings properly. Part of me wishes that she would instead create clothes that could hide my wings or compress them without making it obvious that I'm hiding something. "Your wings are lovely Val, don't you agree Angie?", Donna asks. There she goes reading my mind again and trying to make me feel better. I really have to learn to quiet my mind whenever she's around. "They're so beautiful, and they make you look stronger!", Angie squeals excitedly. Wow, she really means it, Angie doesn't usually compliment me. I almost start to thank her before Lady Dimitrescu sneers, "Yes, yes, they're lovely, are you about finished"? I feel Donna's hands and the tape move off of me and hear her footsteps quickly trail away out of the bathroom. Lady Dimitrescu walks over to the door as I turn back around in the tub to face her. The door clicks as she locks it and she waltzes towards the tub once more with a slight grin on her face. Something tells me that she doesn't really like Donna...maybe they have some sort of sibling rivalry? "I think ALL of you looks quite lovely Valyrie, your wings just add a little more to your beauty", she croons as she reaches down and strokes my wing. Mm, that feels nice..really nice....too nice. Her touch feels electric through my feathers and it unexpectedly arouses me. I muffle a small and quick moan, but it's still enough that she notices. "Oh?", she purrs grinning wider, "I suppose you wouldn't mind letting me join you"? I freeze slightly feeling my nerves kick in, yet her magic touch makes my body instantly demand for more and invite her in easily. Realizing that my body has given her absolute control, she slowly moves her fingertips acoss the edges of each of my wings, teasingly before finally sliding them off the feathertips. She begins to undress herself and I immediately look away, hiding my blushed face and letting her have her modesty. Realizing the space, I swim over to the far end of the tub, making sure Lady Dimitrescu has plenty of room to get it. "Good girl", she croons as she steps in and relaxes into the tub. As soon as she's relaxed, I look back at her nude beauty, feeling myself blush harder and my stomach tie itself in nervous knots. The crimson waters flows and drips elegantly around her voluptuous curves making her pale skin shine a faint pink under the gentle light. She breathes deeply and sexily sighs, "Come closer, pet". Cautiously and trying to control my excitement, I swim only slightly closer to her, unsure of just how close she wants me and what her plans are. Moving much faster than me, she reaches and grabs my side, pulling me close to her and stradling me across her thigh. I panic slightly, still trying to fight my excited urges and fearing I will lose myself so quickly. She adjusts herself a bit, jostling me and causing my groin to rub up against her thigh. Oh, that felt good! A sharp whine escapes through my pursed lips. I want more, I want more! Giving into my body's needs, I slowly slide and thrust myself on her thigh, barely alleviating  the burning pressure that is rapidly expanding. She chuckles with delight and I watch her eyes widen hungrily as she looks up and down my body. Still holding my side in one hand, keeping me balanced on her thigh, she places her other hand on my breasts, rubbing and pressing into them with her fingertips sending body rattling shockwaves through my body. Gaww fuck me!! Still stroking me, she lightly presses up on my chin with her thumb making my head roll back and baring my throat to her. Harder, harder! I grind against her thigh more aggressively, but she pulls me even closer to her, sliding me up and spreading me wider, stradling and grinding on her hips. It's certainly uncomfortable at first, but my extreme arousal quickly makes me accustomed to this new position. Her fingers dance across my chest and up neck. "So open and eager", she purrs sexily rubbing her thumb across my lips teasingly. Mmm, just take me already, I'm all yours!! I moan and tilt my head slightly, baring the pulsing artery in my neck for her to claim. She chuckles and whispers, "Oh, if you insist". Without hesitating, she pulls me into her and I cry out in ectasy as her teeth sink into my neck. Hoo awww, it's so hot!!! My blood races in two different directions through my body and it makes my head swim in circles. I squirm and whimper as I feel her sucking harder on my neck. Feeling the pressure increase and pound in between my legs, I bounce lightly on her hips, pressing and rubbing my groin against her lower waist. "Mhm, you're so sweet for me, draga mea", she purrs as she licks my neck. I shakily moan out loud. Gaawww, I love it when she talks like that!  Her hands move to my wings again and she runs her fingers through and across my feathers. "AHhhh, mmmm!!!", I yelp ruffling my feathers in passionate excitement from her electric touch. Auugh, it feels too good, I'm not sure how much longer I can hold it!! Riding her hips lightly soon becomes more vicious and desperate as my body begs for some kind of relief. "Oh sweet, sweet Valyrie, how you tempt me so", Lady Dimitrescu croons. I moan gutturaly. The heat, ectasy, and pressure stealing nearly every bit of control I have over myself until I'm just barely hanging on and begging to be finished with. Mmm please, gaww fuck!!! One of Lady Dimitrescu's hands travels down my body and grips my hips tightly. "Tell me, am I pleasing you well?", she asks. GOD FUCK YES SHE IS!!! I try to speak, but the words are hung in my throat and my breath is stolen from such intense, pounding, raw, passion. "MMMAAAWW, MMHHMM!!", I gasp through groaning and panting. Holy fuck, I feel like I'm going to burst, I can't hold it in any longer!! She pulls my hips into hers and I feel her lips pressed on the side of my neck. "Show me", she whispers devilishly. Luckily for her, it doesn't take very long at all for me to prove how intensely she pleased me. "AHH, MMM, UNNHGAHHH!", I cry out as I cum instantly. Smothered by the intense heat and sudden relief of agonizing pleasure, I nearly faint, laying mysef gently against her chest. She breathes deeply once more and croons, "Good...good girl". We spend bit more time of wet, relaxing snuggling in the bath as I recover before I finally say, "God..I'm so hot". Lady Dimitrescu pets my head and agrees, "It is a bit warm in here, and I think you've been soaking in here for plenty long enough". Without another word, Lady Dimitrescu gets out of the bath. I watch her every movement eagerly, scanning her large, beautiful, dripping wet curves as she grabs an enourmous towel and begins to dry herself off. After drying herself almost completely, she finally wraps the towel around herself, the towel hugging her curves tightly and threatening to open and expose her. She then bends over and picks me up out of the tub carefully as if frightened that she could damage me. Is she afraid of hurting my wings? I immediately feel woozy as cool air hits my burning body and I nearly fall after Lady Dimitrescu puts me down. "Careful", she warns noticing my uneasiness. Then she quickly wraps a towel around me and picks me up once more, cradling me in her arms. My eyelids feel heavy and my head continues to swim from the confusing mix of hot and cold through my body. Don't sleep, don't fall asleep, please don't fall asleep. I try desperately to force myself awake as Lady Dimitrescu carries me, but alas, my strength has been stolen, and feeling safe in Lady Dimitrescu's arms, I finally succumb to my drowsiness falling asleep quickly and peacefully to the sound of her footsteps.

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