An Urgent Visit

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One month later.
It's the first day of June. Spring is nearly over and the summer season is starting to begin. The sun rises early in the morning, shining brightly as it makes it way into the sky and filling the castle with a sharp, beaming light that pierces through each window. Maybe it's just my body's schedule syncing up with the season, but I found myself waking up each day far before anyone else in the castle, dressing, and taking the elevator up to the rooftops to stretch my wings. I realize it's much better to fly when no one is watching my every move and when the morning breeze is flowing through my feathers. Heisenberg was right, flying is a very freeing experience. Once I've had my fill of early morning adrenaline, I perch myself near the highest rooftop of the castle, just nearly scraping the clouds and look far and out onto the village below. Sometimes, I'll see people tending to their livestock, harvesting crops, or hunters kissing their loved ones goodbye and travelling into the woods. Other times, I see fishermen travelling to the reservoir in giddy behavior or children playing as their mothers watch them with a smile and careful eye. I'm not sure why, but their lives seem interesting to me. I feel as if I care for each villager I spot and feel a pang of anxiety when I notice one missing. I shouldn't care so much, it's not like I know them, besides they would probably think I was a monster. I sit on my perch and watch them until the sun has risen high above the clouds and travel back down into the safety of the castle. Today was turning out to be another seemingly normal day. A normal day means that I will have plenty of free time to relax and read more of the book that I had discovered. As I make my way up the stairs to the balcony, I hear the cacophony of thousands of flies buzzing into the main hall. The flies each group off and take the shape of Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela. Judging from the weather, I'll bet they're off to go hunting. Daniela quickly notices me and with a bright, blood-stained smile cheers, "Good morning Val"! Cassandra and Bela turn to look at me as well and Cassandra scowls at me. I wave and smile back. "Are you getting ready to go?", I ask. Daniela nods eagerly and Cassandra rolls her eyes. Bela watches the entryway knowing that Lady Dimitrescu will see them off shortly. "Do you wanna come with us?", Daniela asks. I pause and stew on the question. This isn't the first time she's asked me this and I have strongly considered agreeing, yet I'm frightened of the possibility of dealing with a corpse or watching someone die. After giving it some thought, I shake my head and sigh, "No, that's alright, I'd only slow you down..have fun"! Daniela pouts slightly, seeming a bit disappointed, and Cassandra smirks. Sure enough, Lady Dimitrescu makes her way up the stairs to the main hall to bid the girls farewell on their adventure as I continue up to the balcony, through the annex, and into the library. I had wanted to read more into my book and have been careful to hide it where I could find it later without it being discovered or disturbed. Just putting it back on the shelf would have probably been easiest, but I wanted to be sure I didn't lose it and decided to conceal it under the cushion of the chair at the far left corner of the room. Closing the library door behind me, I creep over to my spot and lift the chair cushion up. My heart drops like a stone when I see that nothing is there. Where is it, where else could I have possibly left it? I look back at all the shelves, scanning each book and looking for the memorable pale, worn turquoise cover and spine. No such luck. I search all over the room and it's nowhere to be found. Panicking slightly, I start to wonder if someone, such as a maiden cleaning the library, had discovered it on accident and perhaps taken it elsewhere to investigate it as I had. Maybe it wasn't a maiden...maybe it was Lady Dimitrescu. After all, it is her book and she might have wanted to read it after eventually finding the book in the spot I'd hidden it. Or maybe, she had noticed you always going to the library and decided to find out why....anyhow, I might want to check her chambers first. I head out of the library, searching along the way as I head down the stairs, through the halls, through the courtyard, and finally into a far part of the castle. I travel up the stairs, a part of me secretly hoping that I don't find Lady Dimitrescu in her chambers and find the book instead. *RIIIIIING*! I startle slightly, hearing the sound of a phone ringing violently. Puzzled, I wonder who could be calling her. I know that Lady Dimitrescu will sometimes call Mother Miranda, but I've never heard the phone ring, signaling that someone is calling her. If she's in her chambers, she'll answer the phone and won't let it keep ringing. *RIIIIIING*! That's the second ring, I'm thinking it's safe to assume, she's not in her chambers. I speedily enter her room and race to answer the phone, no longer concerned about finding the book. Picking it up just as it rings the third time, I answer quickly with, "Hello"?
"Oh thank god it's you Val, I need you, it's Donna".
My heart flutters hearing Donna's voice, but her tone sounds scared and it fills me with worry.
"Donna, are you, is everything alright"?
"No, no it's not...something is very wrong".
"What's going on, what's wrong"?
Suddenly, I hear Lady Dimitrescu's footsteps quickly approaching and glance towards the doorway to see her leaning over to enter the room.
"Can you come over right's an emergency".
Still watching Lady Dimitrescu and becoming more concerned for Donna's saftey, I answer immediately with, "Yeah, yeah just stay there, I'm on my way". Without even saying goodbye, I hang up immediately and go to the window to open it. Lady Dimitrescu stands angrily in front of the doorway and growls, "Who was that"?
"What does she want"?
"She needs me to come over, it's an emergency, she's very scared, and I'm going to go make sure she's okay".
Lady Dimitrescu glares at me with burning flames in her eyes and quickly approaches me as I climb out of the window and onto the balcony outisde. I quickly survey the terrain and see the fog filled mountains and waterfall prominently from my view, giving me a direction to fly. "No you're not, you don't have my permission to leave", she snarls. I freeze and turn around to face her. Her expression is stern and her eyes are still burning. I'm sure she's already upset with me because I answered her phone and my leaving would give her even more reason to lose her temper with me. She had told me that the next time I tried to leave the grounds without her knowledge and permission, I would pay for my crime in more than blood. Starting to feel powerless, I'm reminded of the fearful tone in Donna's voice. She sounded truly scared, and if she's in danger, I won't be able to live with myself if just allowed her to be hurt because of a rule. Some rules have to be broken. I stand my ground out on the balcony and state, "With all due respect m'lady, I WILL be leaving to ensure the saftey of Donna whether I have your permission or not". The fire in Lady Dimitrescu's eyes grows hotter and more intense as her stern expression turns to a look of shock and disbelief at my boldness. She takes another threatening step forward and with a hateful smirk hisses, "You do understand the cosequences of disobeying me and what WILL happen"!?! Her tone is very serious, and I understand not to take her threats lightly, but with Donna in trouble, I really don't have a choice here. This is something I HAVE to do, whether I get punished for it or not. Still standing my ground with more courage than I've ever had, I answer, "Yes I do, and I'm prepared to face those consequences when I return". Her face remains shocked and furious as I start to flap my wings and ascend. I continue to watch her a few moments more as I hover above the balcony. The look on her face tells me she has so much more to say to me, but she seems too angry to find the words. "I'll be back in a while", I inform as I turn and start to quickly fly off towards the waterfall.
God, please don't let her be hurt, please let me get there in time. I progressively get more worried and fearful for Donna's saftey as I soar through the fog and make my way closer to her house. What could be wrong, why is she so afraid? I have many questions and concerns, yet every answer and reason my mind comes up with just makes more more anxious. The fog gets thicker and worse and I near the familar area, but I barely pay attention to my surroundings and keep my eyes directly forward, only concerned with making it to the house. Jeez, I can't even see two feet ahead of I going the right way? In an instant, the fog clears almost immediately and I'm speeding towards the second floor of the Beneviento estate. SHIT! Moving much too quickly to slow myself in time, despite my clumsy efforts, I *SMACK* right against side of the house, flop onto the small roof covering the porch, and roll off it onto the ground. Though I realize once again I wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings, I feel like this time it wasn't completely my fault. Nevertheless, there are much bigger things to worry about right now. I hurriedly push myself off the ground, race up to the front door, and rush inside without bothering to knock first. "Donna?", I call out anxiously. Everything seems still, silent, and very, very calm. Too calm. My heart is pounding in my chest as I rush through rooms searching frantically for Donna or even Angie.
More silence..
Why are they not answering!?! Maybe they're upstairs? As I start carefully up the stairs I hear a door open upstairs. Startled and feeling adrenaline pump through my veins, gearing me to fight, I duck along the stairs and put my hands up defensively, watching the door. Please be Donna or Angie, please be Donna or Angie. An older looking man pokes his head out of the door cautiously, looking around, then casually walks out onto the balcony. He's dressed similarly to the villagers. My blood runs cold and my heart drops like a stone in my chest. Who is this man? What is he doing here? Seeing him, remembering Donna's pleas, and still wondering why she has not answered my calling out downstairs, I begin to assume the worst. Did he....has he....oh god no.. My fists clench and I feel ready to attack this unknown perpetrator for only what I can think he has done to Donna. He slowly walks downstairs and I lunge upwards towards him, grabbing him by his throat and slamming him into the floor. He gasps for air as the wind is knocked out of him and yelps in panic. With burning hatred I put my fist up threateningly, as if preparing to put my fist through his face. He puts his hands up defensively and flinches. "WHO ARE YOU, WHERE'S DONNA!?!", I bark into his face. He starts to stutter and pitifully answer before I hear a woman cry, "VAL STOP, DON'T HURT HIM"! I recognize the voice and turn to see Donna standing in the open doorway upstairs with Angie standing at her ankles. She's safe..she's safe. Donna looks at me with a panicked expression as I continue to hold the strange man to the floor and keep my fist up. I relax only slightly, then ask, "Are you ok, do you know him"?
"Yes, and yes I do, that's Josef".
I pause. I don't remember Donna ever mentioning a Josef in the time that I lived at the estate. It just would seem like something I would remember. Struggling to keep my scrambles thoughts in order I continue to press her with, "How do you know him"?
"He's the gardener.. please let him go"!
" come I didn't know about him"!?
Donna's expression drops slightly as if surprised that I didn't know about her gardener, or had forgotten she told me about him. Her brow furrows as she tries to remember when she might have mentioned him to me previously, then she cowers slightly with another worried. "I...might have... forgotten to mention him to you..", she stammers. I relax completely, loosening my grip and dropping my fist. Josef coughs drawing my attention back to him and making my face turn beet red when I realize I'm still on top of him. I scramble off of him, feeling very embarrassed and startled, stand up, and help him off of the floor. "I'm..I'm sorry..", I sputter. Looking back at Donna, I start to wonder, if I didn't know about him, did he know about me? Pointing to Josef, I ask, "Does he know about me"? I quickly look back to him and ask, "Do you know who I am"? He shakes his head nervously and steps back slightly, still feeling quite intimidated by me attacking him. Donna cowers more and her face grows red with embarrassment. "I'm sorry...I guess I didn't think about it", she apologizes softly. I sigh out loud and nearly fall over, feeling relieved for Donna's saftey and realizing this man is harmless. Now I need to prove to him that I won't hurt him. After a minute of gathering myself together, I reach out my hand to Josef for a proper introduction. "Hi, I'm Valyrie Amitto, I'm a close friend of Donna's..I'm sorry once again for attacking you", I say. Josef finally relaxes and takes my hand in a strong and sturdy handshake. "Josef Simon", he introduces, "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Amitto". Donna, seeing our friendly exchange relaxes as well and cautiously asks, "Are you upset with me"? I scoff, trying not to laugh and still feeling stress leave my body. How could I possibly be upset with Donna? Shaking my head, I answer with a sigh, "I'm just glad you're ok...speaking of which, what's the emergency, what's going on"?
"There's a lot of people outside on the waterfall!", Angie quickly answers. My heart drops once again, but I'm slightly confused. A group of people just standing at the waterfall..that doesn't make any sense...could she maybe just be seeing things? Angie, seeing my mixed reaction, hurriedly shuffles over to me, takes my hand, and leads me into Donna's bedroom, over to the window. Josef and Donna follow me inside. Angie hops onto the window sill and points up to the waterfall. Still feeling confused, I quickly look to try to see what Donna could have seen. Donna moves close behind me, looking out the window as well. At first, the fog is too thick to see anything but the waterfall itself, but as I search, I do in fact see a small group of about seven to ten people standing close together by the edge of the waterfall. They are dressed almost all in black in a foreign style, similar to mine before my accident and being accustomed to the villager's style of clothing. They seem sort of out of place, and they all seem to be very somber and are holding a small pamplet. Are they tourists, why do seem upset? Looking closer, I start to recognize their mournful faces and realize what they're doing. Those people were my friends...they're having a funeral for me. My heart drops slightly and I shake my head slightly in disbelief. "What is it, what are they doing?", Donna asks nervously. I can't believe they came here, just to have my funeral. I almost didn't recognize them since they seem older, as if my death aged them. Look there's Matt..Holly....Ben..and Jackson...Jackson..the ghost hunter.
Seeing Jackson, I panic, grab Angie, give her to Donna and loudly whisper, "Get down, get away from the window"! Donna immediately ducks down against the wall beside me and I continue to watch the group outside. "What's happening?", Donna asks again, sounding more panicked. Almost too immersed respond and worried that Jackson will look this way, I just shush her and wait for a moment. Who else is there? The fog is thick and hiding some of the people's faces, making it difficult to identify them. Still reeling with disbelief, I finally answer Donna with, "They're having a funeral". She pauses, looking a bit confused and Angie chirps, "Did someone die"? I almost laugh out loud at Angie's question, but there's so much going on in my brain right now, it's difficult to have any reaction. Instead, I nod slowly and say, "Yeah..I did...those people were my friends". All goes silent in the room once more as I continue to stare out the window. The fog clears only slightly, but it gives me just enough to make out two more people standing quite close together and looking down over the edge. It's a man and a woman and once I see them, it feels like I've been stabbed right in stomach. It's Kate and Leo.....why...why of all people are they here??? Instantly, a sharp burning pain slices through the back of my head and I'm crippled with searing pain. My brain spirals through angry, violent images of innocent love, hugs and kisses, passion, Christmas decorations, heartbreak, addiction, rage, fighting, and grief. The high pitched sounds of laughing, moaning, screaming, music, and crying all rings together loudly in my eardrums in a mind breaking torrent of anguish. Kate was my everything and I loved her more than anything in the world. We had been dating for about two years. I would have done absolutely anything without question for her, hell I would died for her if I had to. I was foolish, I was so dumb for thinking that she loved me at all. It was close to Christmas, I was spending time with friends, but Kate stay home. 'She wasn't feeling well' she could I have known...I should have known. I came home early because foolish me was worried and wanted to make her feel better. I walked in the house, and I heard them. I found her on top of a man named Leo, a man she had been seeing for several months behind my back. She was mad at me...she was sooo angry I had discovered her dirty, dirty secret. I was so distraught I couldn't do anything. I just ran out of the house. I went to a bar later that night and got so drunk I nearly died. I wish I had died. Jackson found me passed out on the sidewalk and took me to his house. She called me the next morning...told me it was over, said that maybe one day I'd grow up like she had and that she truly loved Leo. I hated her...I still hate her...she didn't care about me when I was alive, why does she suddenly care now that I'm dead?
I crumple to the floor, sobbing and holding the back of my head as the ringing and flashbacks finally stop. Donna and Angie, move close and comfort me as I continue to sob for several moments, staining the floor with my tears. "I can't....I can't look out there anymore", I cry, wiping my face on my sleeves. Donna hugs me tightly while Angie hops back onto the window sill and pulls the curtain shut, making the room darker. We sit there as I keep crying until Josef finally says, "Maybe, we should all have some tea..tea always makes me feel better".
"Oh, that's a good idea, let's go downstairs Val and have some tea!", Angie squeaks. Josef and Angie already start to leave as Donna helps my pitiful self off the ground and walks with me, still comforting and reminding that she's here and she cares strongly for me. Walking with her, I already start to feel a little better. Who needs people like Kate when I have Donna? 
I spend the rest of the day with Donna, Angie, and Josef as we drink tea and have pleasant conversations. I tell Donna stories about the girls, flying for the first time, and meeting Heisenberg as she and Angie tell Josef stories about when I lived at the estate. Time passes by much faster than I wished it to and I notice the sun starting to sink and the house growing darker. "It's getting late, I should get back to the castle", I inform as I stand up from my chair. Donna stands up almost immediately as well and starts to follow me. I know she doesn't want me to go and to be honest, I wish I didn't have to. Looking at her sad expression, I hug her tightly and say, "Thank you for everything, I promise to visit again, hopefully sometime soon". Donna holds me in tight embrace and whispers in my ear, "I care about you so much Val, please remember that". Her grip loosens and I nearly cry and hold her tighter. We keep hugging for a long moment, before we each both relase and I have to go. I tell Josef it was a pleasure to meet him and finally leave the estate. I look back towards the waterfall and see no one there, feeling a sort of weight lift off my chest. That's that, I'll never have to see those people again. I sigh heavily and smile slightly, no longer feeling any stress or sadness and take off into the evening sky.
I fly right back to the balcony of Lady Dimitrescu's chambers, surprised that the window was left open after I had left. Cautiously, I step back inside and close the latch behind me. As I'm closing the window, the door opens, and Lady Dimitrescu enters. "There you are, is she alright?", she asks with a look of slight concern on her face. Her expression puzzles me, since I assumed she would be angry when I had returned. Dismissing it, I nod and answer her, "Yes m'lady, there was a group of foreigners having a funeral by the Beneviento waterfall and it making her very anxious". Lady Dimitrescu pauses and I watch the concern grow stronger on her face with confusion. She nods slightly and paces the room a couple times before questioning, "Are you certain they were foreigners"? I look up at her, now feeling a sense of dread growing in the pit of my stomach. "Yes, I'm sure", I reply carefully, "Why"?
"CASSANDRA!", Lady Dimitrescu shouts. In an instant, thousands of flies start to fill the room, coming up from under the door and grouping into Cassandra's human form. She looks up at her mother and is holding something in her hand. "Show her what you found", Lady Dimitrescu instructs gesturing towards me. Cassandra walks over to me, looking down and hands me a pamplet. It's a bit bloody, and it reads, 'In Loving Memory of Valyrie Amitto; April 2nd 1951- January 1st 1975' with a big picture of my smiling face at the bottom. Oh shit...Looking back at Cassandra, I swallow hard and ask, "Where did you get this"? She answers me immediately with, "We caught two villagers earlier today and they both had one". My heart nearly stops. Two, they caught two of my friends...which two? I nod, trying hard not to be too concerned and casually question, "Two, you say"? Cassandra nods with a blood caked smile and replies, "A man and a woman".
"Where are they"?
"We ate the man, the girl is locked in the cellar, mother wants you to identify her". My eyes snap shut and I quietly exhale in pain hearing that the man has already been consumed by the girls. I'm probably cruel and a sick person for having this thought pop into my head, but I hope it was Leo...but if that's the case, that would make the girl....I hand the pamplet back to Cassandra and dismiss her with a nod. Looking back to Lady Dimitrescu, she orders me to follow her as we make our way back through the castle and down into the cellar. My mind is racing, hoping it isn't who I think it is the whole way there. I hope it's just a sick thought and not some kind of vision I had. Walking down the dark, stone steps, I immediately start to hear a woman crying painfully. The sound hurts me physically to hear it and it grows louder as we get closer. I stay close to Lady Dimitrescu as she leads me and stops in front of a cell. I look over and see a woman balled up in the far right corner of the cell sobbing and bleeding from a wound to her leg. Her clothes are torn and dirty and her dark hair is a mess. Hearing us, she looks up slowly and I recognize her face. My stomach ties in painful knots and my heart drops to my feet. Her twisted expression turns to pure shock as I can see that she recognizes me as well. Struggling to feel any emotion as I stare into her tear-filled eyes, I simply mutter in a breaking voice, "Hi Kate".

Valyrie: A Resident Evil: VILLAGE OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now