Open Book

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I feel terrible. Guilt, anxiety, and worry churns my stomach as I scramble over the gates around the castle. I pause for a moment, take a deep breath and reflect on my thoughts over the still sleeping world. Looking back, I feel like shit for leaving Alcina without even saying goodbye, but I feel it too for making Donna worry about whether I would return home safely. Either way, I can't fix anything without causing damage. The early morning is cool and dim, and I can see the sun starting to peek out from behind the mountains. Determined to make it home before sunrise, I spend no more time dawdling and feeling guilty, and take off in a quick sprint down the pathway. Racing through the trees and hoping this path takes me back the center of the village, I keep my eyes up and forward, not slowing down for anyone or anything. My feet are moving too fast for my eyes to register where I'm rushing and I end up tripping over a sharp pointed rock sticking up out of the ground, tumble forward in the air and land hard on the ground, sliding a bit. SERIOUSLY, DID I GET MORE KLUTZY WITH MY MUTATION???  Wincing and groaning in pain, I push myself shakily off the ground, brush myself off, and look back towards the sun, seeing it move steadily upwards into the sky. The sun rises a lot quicker than I thought. Alright Val, no more mishaps, you have got to get home NOW. Fueled by pure nerves, I force myself to recover quickly, I take a quick look around and recognize a familiar carriage just in front of me. The gate is close by....THERE! Spotting the Beneviento gate, I rush and leap over it with ease. The sunlight starts to kiss the top of the trees. Almost there, I just need to keep running and I'll make it. Adrenaline floods my brain giving me the unbridled energy to blast through the trees, across the bridge, over the gates and to the doorstep. The sun races to me, nearly shining through the peek in the window, but I conquer it by only seconds, closing the door behind me as the house slowly starts to fill with its light. I lean back against the door and slide down, slowly collapsing to the floor. My head feels like it's about to pop, my heart is hammering against my ribcage and my throat and lungs feels ragged from my rapid breathing. I look down at my filthy clothes and rub more dirt off my sweat covered face. I'm a mess, but at least I'm still alive. I'm still upset about everything, but my mind has simply paused its grinding turmoil to recover first. Trying to steady myself, I sigh heavily, forcing my breathing to calm and rub my tired eyes. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?!", a shrill voice shouts at me. I scream and scramble backwards in blind panic, putting my hands up to defend myself. So much for trying to calm down. I look around frantically just to see Angie standing aggressively across from me. "FUCK, YOU'RE SO MEAN, WHY WOULD YOU YELL AT ME!?!?!", I cry feeling angry and startled. Angie rolls her eyes and continues to screech, "You just dissapear for a WHOLE DAY AND NIGHT and YOU expect me NOT TO YELL AT YOU...I'll ask you again, WHERE. WERE. YOU"??? Suddenly, there's the sound of footsteps hurriedly rushing downstairs and scurrying into the main hall. Angie and I turn towards them and see Donna, her long hair down and wearing her robe, timidly standing at the far doorway. Seeing me, she looks shocked with a sense of relief. "You came back", she says softly. I nod and breathlessly reply, "I told you I would". A slight smile stretches across her face, then disappears as fast as it appeared. "You were gone an awfully long time...are you alright?", she asks seeming concerned, her eyes scanning me. Physically, yes...mentally, ABSOLUTELY NOT, but I don't want her to worry. I nod again and sigh, "Yeah...yeah I'm ok". Donna still stares at me as if she knows there's more going on, but both of our thoughts are rudely interrupted. "Great, NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION", Angie barks. I glare at her angrily and cross my arms. "You yelled at me, I'm not talking to you", I growl. Angie continues to bicker at me, but I tune her out and watch Donna nervously play with her hair. I'm glad she isn't upset with me, I couldn't care less if Angie is angry with me. When Angie is finally gives up trying to squeeze out an answer, Donna finally asks, "Would you like to tell me about your adventure"? I pause for a moment. You should tell her, just don't tell her everything. Trying to sound happy, I smile, "Yes, yes I would". She nods and replies, "Okay, let me get dressed and make some tea for that ok"? I nod happily and she rushes back upstairs. Feeling relieved, I stand up and walk around the estate with Angie grumpily following me. I stroll into a pleasant looking room with a couch, a table, and a few chairs. I make myself comfortable and have a seat in one of the empty chairs. Angie shuffles up next to my knee and glares at me with burning fury. I look away from her and shake my head, remaining silent. She huffs, and shuffles away towards the chair just across from me. A few moments of silence pass before I hear Donna's footsteps travelling back downstairs and into the kitchen. I listen to the slight clinks of cups and jars as she gathers everything, then her footsteps wandering. "Val?", she calls out. "I'm in here", I answer. She travels towards my voice and appears in the open doorway with a tea tray. She's dressed normally in her simple black dress with her hair up in a bun. She enters, sets the tea tray down carefully on the table, and sits in the chair across from me. Angie hops up and sits across Donna's lap as she reaches for the kettle and starts to pour each of us a cup. "Alright now...start from the beginning, as soon as you made it to the village", Donna gleams as she hands me a cup. I accept it, take a sip, then begin to tell her all about yesterday's adventure. How I climbed the the gate, admired the spectacle and fell off the top of the gate trying to climb down, meeting the Duke, being chased and captured by a girl named Daniela after running into a tree and fearing I was going to be killed and eaten. Donna perks up hearing me mention Daniela and apologizes, "Oh I'm so sorry...I forgot to tell nieces hunt in the Spring and Summer". I reassure her, telling her that I'm okay, then pause. She said her nieces. "Nieces?", I ask searching for clarification. Donna nods and answers, "Yes, Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela are Alcina's daughters and since Alcina is my sister, that makes them my nieces". They're sisters..ohh nooo.. Trying not to look surprised I just nod and continue telling my story. How Daniela took me to the castle and I met two other girls, and Bela might have noticed that I was a mutant and finally how I met Alcina and that she also noticed my mutation. I start to smile just thinking about her, but catch myself realizing Donna is watching me. I then skip everything that happened beyond that and just tell her that Alcina had me spend the night at the castle but I couldn't get much sleep and decided to return home as early as possible the next morning. Donna furrows her brow in confusion as my story ends abruptly and I can sense that she knows I'm not telling her everything. A moment of silence passes as she continues to look at me, waiting to see if I'll crack. Angie's staring at me too, but I'm less worried about her. She sets her cup down and says, "Well, you must be tired since you didn't get very much sleep last night". I set my cup down as well and come to think of it, I do feel rather sleepy. Nodding in agreement, she instructs, "You should rest, take a short nap if you need to". She sets Angie down, stands up and gathers up the tea tray. I yawn and my eyelids start to feel heavy. Maybe I should have a nap. Carrying the tea tray, Donna leaves the room and Angie hops up in her now empty chair and sits, still glaring at me angrily. Unconcerned, I lay back comfortably in the chair and start to drift off, Angie's angry stare being the last thing I see before I close my eyes and feel my mind drift into darkness. My mind wanders along for a bit as I sleep and it starts to replay those treasuring moments with Alcina. Feeling her hands and kisses all over my body, hearing her voice calling me beautiful and sweet good girl. It's been a long time since another girl has called me beautiful, it made me feel special. She made me feel good, so so so good; better than I had ever felt before in my life. I haven't slept with another person in years and NEVER have I allowed to be so vulnerable so quickly. We had just met for Christ's sake! I felt safe with her..I felt loved. It travels into the details of that night. The sound of her voice purring in my ears, her firm and painful kisses etching themselves into my neck and wrists, her touch electrifying my skin as she stroked me, and her soft and warm tounge moving between my sensitivities, making me moan and tremble with ectasy. Ahh, what it would be just to feel-
My dream is interrupted rudely by someone shaking me. My eyes snap open and I see Donna frozen in place, standing just in front of me. Angie is on top of my lap, gripping my shirt and still skaking me hard enough to make my teeth rattle. She may be just a doll, but she's awfully strong. "STOP IT, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!?!", I scream at her in rage. Angie shoves me back against the chair. I glance back at Donna and notice that she's staring at me looking shocked and her face is beet red. "What's wrong?", I ask her furrowing my brow with worry. Angie gets right in face, forcing my attention to her and screeches, "YOU SLEPT WITH ALCINA"!!! My face gets hot with embarrassment and I immediately turn my attention back to Donna who's still frozen. She turns her head looking towards the ground and I yell, "I KNEW IT, I KNEW YOU WERE READING MY MIND, WAS IT REALLY WORTH IT THIS TIME"!?!? She shakes her head and softly stutters, "I-I-...I don't understand....she would never do that". What? My anger is replaced by confusion. "What, she would never do what, sleep with a girl?" I ask. Angie stifles a laugh. Donna shakes her head again and clarifies, "She would never sleep with someone she had just met....she's not someone who would let their guard down so easily, I just don't understand". I pause then tell her, "Neither would I, but it still happened".
"Was she drinking?", Angie sneers. It takes everything in me not to hurl her across the room. "NO, well...I actually don't know, but she didn't seem drunk!", I snap defensively. I will NOT have it in my mind that she only slept with me because she had been drinking. Donna shakes her hand and says, "No, no Angie, she wasn't drunk". A long moment of pure silence passes over us as Donna tries to think of a why last night happened the way it did. "She said I was beautiful", I mutter softly, regretting the words as I hear them out of my mouth. Donna turns back to me, hearing what I said and still looking shocked. "SHE DID??", Angie scoffs. Having what little confidence I had flattened, I nearly punch Angie, but stop myself short. "WOULD IT KILL YOU TO BE NICE TO ME AT LEAST ONCE TODAY??", I shout in frustration. Angie hmphs and I growl, feeling hurt by her comment. " you love her?", Donna asks almost silently as if it's a bad thing to say. I'm not sure how to answer her. I certainly feel safe and special around Alcina, but I'm not sure what Donna might mean when she asks if I love her. Thinking carefully and trying pitifully to gather all of my rapidly scrambling thoughts, I finally answer, "Donna,..... I-I barely know her". Donna moves very close to me and looks closely into my eyes. She searches them for a while, then whispers, "I don't think it matters". *KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK* We both startle at the sound of a knock on the door, look towards the direction of the knocking, then look back at each other. "Just wait here", Donna whispers as she puts on her veil and goes to answer the door. I do as she says, waiting with Angie and listening closely. We both stay dead silent (a miracle for Angie since she's awake right now) hearing every foot step Donna makes as she travels through the estate and the sharp creaks of the house as she answers the door slowly and timidly, making the old hinges squeak as the door opens. For a second there's silence, then it is quickly broken by Donna's soft voice. "Oh..hello Cassandra", Donna greets.

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