Stormy Night

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A long and elegant looking dining table set for two presents itself before us as we enter. There are two chairs at each end of the table that have been pulled out and ready to be seated in. One of the plates placed at the left end of the table contains what looks to be an assortment of raw organs and bits of flesh stewing in a pool of blood. Just the sight of it is enough to make me shiver. There's also a large wine glass filled with deep crimson wine next to bloody plate. The other plate placed at the far right end of the table is adorned in a colorful assortment of fruits and vegetables, including the strawberries I picked this morning. I'm almost certain that one is for me. Looking around, I notice a nervous maiden standing attentively in farthest corner of the room. The expression on her face seems as if she's forcing herself not to be frightened and feeling her extreme fear, I look away from her. Lady Dimitrescu goes to the left side with the organ filled plate and has a seat. I immediately go to chair on the right and have a seat myself. Looking at my plate, it strongly reminds of what I would've called a feast for rabbits since I was such an adamant carnivore before my mutation. Either I really am starving or I've become the rabbit now since my stomach growls in hungry anticipation looking at my plate. My wings bat against the back of the chair and I have to fold them behind me painfully tight in order to sit properly in my seat. Lady Dimitrescu notices my slight struggle and asks, "Comfortable"? No, but I don't want to be a bother. Choosing not to inconvenience her or the maiden I simply nod and answer, "Yes m'lady". Not wasting any more time, I start to eat, thankful that my dietary needs were met so that I would not worry about being ill later. "So", Lady Dimitrescu starts, picking up her wine glass gently, "What all did you see on your little adventure, besides strawberries"? I hesitate answering her, quickly trying to finish my large bite, then reply, "Well, I saw a cave that the strawberries were growing around and I nearly got attacked by a...". I hesitate, unsure of how to finish, "...giant....wolf...thing"?
"A Varcolac", Lady Dimitrescu clarifies. I'm baffled by her answer. THAT was a werewolf? Intially refusing to believe her, I scour my brain for what werewolves are supposed to look like. Then again, everything I've ever seen of werewolves have all been fictitious accounts from the minds of other people. I have never actually seen a werewolf in person so who am I to tel her she's wrong? Still, I'm not completely convinced. "It..had a chain on it, holding it back", I stammer, noticing if her answer changes. She pauses eating with a look of dumbfounded shock and asks, "You're certain"? I nod and she scoffs humorously. "Well I wonder how that slimy oaf mananged to get a chain on that beast", she chuckles as she takes a sip of wine. Slimy oaf? I look at her, confused by her statement and ask, "What oaf"? She rolls her eyes, shrugging off my question and simply sighs, "Don't worry about it". I continue to watch her, refusing not to worry about it and hoping she will answer, but I give up after only a minute, deciding it's best I don't cause her any more stress. Speaking of stress, I suddenly feel my heart beat faster and my stomach tie itself in knots. There's nothing that's causing me to feel this way, yet it continues to grow. What's going on? Despite this, I ignore my feelings and continue eating until I've finished. Then, I feel a sharp twinge up my thigh. It rattles me, and I discreetly check to see if anything is bothering that area. Of course, I find nothing and silently blame my overactive imagination. I ignore it and wait patiently for Lady Dimitrescu to finish. Another sharp twinge occurs causing me to instinctively place my hand between my legs in hopes to ease it, yet it seems to make it worse. Why is this happening? It's becoming increasingly difficult to sit still and comfortably in this chair when all of the sudden, the sky outside becomes a dark gray as night quickly approaches, the room grows darker almost instantly, and an thunderous BOOM is heard clearly from outside. A few pitter patters of rain droplets beat on the windows and castle walls steadily, gradually growing into an almost deafening downpour as Lady Dimitrescu finishes her meal. My heart drops in my chest as I realize all too clearly what is happening to me. You see, everyone has certain type of weather they love and hate. For instance, some people love hot weather and some people love cold weather, some people HATE rain and thunderstorms, while other people love them. I can say personally, that I adore rainy, stormy weather. There's just something indescribable about the way the dark cloudiness and the calming sound of the downpour around me, mixed with booms of thunder shaking my core makes me feel as a whole. As nice as it is to stay inside, feeling much safer and warmer, and just listen to the rain like most people, I enjoy getting closer to the rain, running outside, tearing my shirt off, and feeling the waterdrops beat against my skin. Maybe I'm one of those people who enjoys rain a bit too much and at times, I certainly agree, especially right now. As pressure in my loins increases, I'd give just about anything to leave this room right now. My eyes travel to the courtyard door just to the right of me and stare longingly out the windows. Mm I wish I could feel the water sliding on my skin..grr, if I could just be out there for a moment. "It's really coming down out there", Lady Dimitrescu says, noticing my directed attention. I nod to answer her, too afraid to speak for fear of one of the many racing thoughts in my head slipping out of my mouth. I feel myself teetering in my seat to try to relieve the pressure. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. BA-BOOM, the thunder roars outside again, as if calling me out there. As Lady Dimitrescu takes another sip of wine, I cave in and desperately ask, "May I please be excused"!?! Lady Dimitrescu turns her attention to me once again, confused by my dramatic tone. She looks me up and down, noticing my now painfully clear, very uncomfortable state. She slowly answers, "Yes, I suppose you may"-
I don't even give her a chance to finish before I'm out of my seat and outside in the courtyard. The cool rain drenches me instantly, making me gasp in sweet shock and relief. FINALLY.  Feeling the intense satisfaction of the rain pouring over me as I walk slowly through the courtyard, I run my hands over my slick body and breathe shakily from the mix of powerful arousal and delight. My moment is interrupted as my fingers travel across my choker. I can't have this on me right now, I need to feel the rain ALL over me. I take it off quickly and unbutton my shirt, taking it off for a more full bodied experience with the rain. I shudder as I feel the cool water run down my back and across my body and arms, through my hair and pouring down my face. I breath hard and deep as I let the rain rush over me. The rush of arousal, and sexual pleasure I'm getting feels as wonderful as every moment I spend with Lady Dimitrescu. My brain rushes through the moments of her painful kisses on my neck and thighs, her soft sweat slicked skin against mine, and the taste of her skin as the rain drenches me. "Aahhh, Alcina", I whisper as rain drips off of my lips. This is so much to take in and yet I still crave more. Feeling no control over myself, my hands travel down to my pants, starting to undo them. Suddenly, my senses are rattled back into me when I hear the dining room doors open. "Valyrie?", I hear someone say faintly. Oh no, no not now! I panic and run across the other side of the courtyard, holding my shirt to my chest, and racing into the first doors that I see. They close heavily behind me and still feeling startled, I rush quickly up the stairs to the second floor. I quickly enter another room to see if I can hide and realize I'm in Lady Dimitrescu's chambers. For her chambers, I notice there's not a whole lot in the room apart from a couple dressers, another set of clothes on a large dress form mannequin, and a large golden vanity set next to one of the three large windows. I immediately find myself staring longingly out the window, watching the raindrops bead against the window pane in endless fascination, and listening to the music of the storm pounding against the castle walls. I feel myself melting in a sense, dropping my shirt on the ground, and forgetting about my fear and once again being overwhelmed with burning arousal. I float over and sit on the sill of the window with my face practically pressed up against the glass, mesmerized by this practical part of nature. I'm ridiculously tempted to open the window, just for a moment, just for a slight touch, and just for another second of satisfaction. It'll only be for a moment, just give in. Allowing my temptation to take over, I lift the latch and gently push the window open. The sound of the rain gets a bit louder as it drips into the room. I stick my hand outside and become more aroused as the water pours into and around my hand and wrist. I pull it back inside, soaking wet and gently run my fingers across my face. My moment of bliss is ruined by the startling noise of a door being closed. I turn around quickly, but see nothing or no one watching me. I listen closely again for any other foreign sounds but hear nothing as well. Taking a deep breath to ease my rattled nerves, I focus all of my attention back to the storm outside. Not wanting to get it too wet inside the room, I only put my hand outside, allowing the water to beat against and fill my hand so that I may transfer it to the more jealous parts of my skin. My dripping wet fingers, dance across my cheek, down my neck, and along my chest, electrifying my senses and with an extremely pleasing sensation as water trickles along my skin. With water still pouring off me from just moments ago, I allow my senses to become completely overpowered as I push myself back into the intense moment, compromising only slightly what I had just experienced only seconds earlier. I rub the water off my face and down my neck as I continue to relish in my love for rain for a while. Closing my eyes and stroking my wet body, I still feel the pressure steadily increasing in my loins. I reach my hand out to feel the water once more when I hear a voice sexily purr, "I take it you really enjoy the rain". The thought of another person watching me in this vulnerable moment is enough to scare me; to hear another voice makes me nearly jump out of my skin. Very panicked and embarrassed, I quickly turn to look to the doorway and see Lady Dimitrescu standing there with a grin on her face. How long has she been standing there, just how much has she seen? She closes the door behind her, slowly waltzes over, and sits next to me on the window sill. I gulp hard, and watch her as she takes her gloves off and gracefully sticks one of her hands outside, letting the rain dance over her fingertips. I tremble with nervous energy, unsure of just what she might do next. Though sitting close together, I feel myself move closer to her cautiously. My eyes keep darting from her face to her hand outside and I feel increasing tension swallowing us both. She raises her eyebrow playfully, pulling her hand back inside, and gently strokes my face with wet fingertips. I close my eyes and inhale deeply, feeling overwhelmed with her magical touch mixed with the cool water against my goosebumped skin. Her fingers travel down the side of my neck and press gently into the top of my chest. I shudder and gasp excitedly, stifling a begging whine. "Easy draga mea, we're just getting started", she chuckles sensing how quickly she's brought me to an intense stage. She repeats the process several times, each time causing me to tremble harder as she touches me. Arousal pounds painfully in my thighs making me whimper beg silently for more. Quickly, she grabs me, turning me so that my back is facing her and pulls me into her lap, straddling me across her thigh. I feel her chest pressed against my wings and her warm breath on my neck. The thunder booms outside once more, startling me, and the rain pounds harder outside, spilling slightly into the room. She breathes shakily in my ear as her fingers travel along my torso up to my bra. Instinctively, I grab her hands and she pauses. "Shall I continue?", she purrs. God yes, I want more, I NEED MORE!  I try to answer her, but I'm too aroused to even speak. My heartbeat is pounding in my neck, tightening my throat and all I can manage are more pitiful, pleading whines. I feel her tongue stroke the throbbing pulse in my neck and she whispers, "Beg me, let me hear you". I shake in ectasy and finally moan, "Please, please continue, please"! Being granted permission, her fingers slide under the cups of my bra with ease, making the clip pop open, and allowing it to fall off of my shoulders. "Good girl", she croons as she squeezes my breasts gently and kisses my neck. I groan in agonizing pleasure and feel myself start to bounce lightly and grind on her thigh through my pants to relieve the intense energy wracking my sensitivities. Her kisses on my neck get rougher and harder until I eventually feel her teeth bore through my flesh, warranting a sharp yelp. "AH-AHH!", I cry as I feel her suck hard on my neck. I reach behind me, feeling her soft hair in my fingers as I hold her to me. Blood trickles down my chest as it races through me along my rapid heartbeat. Suddenly, she pulls away and licks my neck firmly a couple times as it bleeds. Panting and whimpering, I watch as she sticks her hand out into the rain again, pulls it back inside and slides her soaked fingers down my waist and into my pants. I tense up and flex hard feeling her cool touch press against my sensitivities. Her other hand, still on my breast, pushes me backwards, making me lean back and making my wings pressing firmly against her chest. "Relax", she instructs as I feel her stroke me teasingly. I'm not sure about her, but it's quite difficult for me to relax when someone's hand is in my pants! She presses and pokes around my bean, each time making me groan loudly in painful anticipation. "It's quite sensitive, isn't it?", she chuckles in my ear with a teasing smile. I whimper as I continue to flex around her fingertips. She moves her hand around me, making me shake and plead for her. "Ahhh, just touch me, please, please I need it!", I whine. My wish is granted instantly. I yelp sharply feeling her press Ahhhh fuuuck, that feels good! She leans into me and I feel her skin brush against mine. Her pale skin is very soft and warm to the touch. I jerk my hips and rub myself against her fingers, pleading for relief. Gawww, I need this, I need her!!! She coos softly in my ear with a slight chuckle and says, "Does that feel good my pet, does that make you feel sooo good"? I'm too into this to even speak, all I can mutter is "Uh, uhn, uh-huh". Ah fuck I'm so close, she's edging me with just her words and I'm about ready to burst! She licks my neck roughly and growls, making me moan out in passionate ectasy. The feeling of the rain, her touch and her kiss, the sound of the thunder and my guttural groans all mixed in one all powerful sexual energy taking over both of us in this moment. Ahh gawwwd, I'm not sure how much more of this I can take! She slips a finger between me, forcing an instant relief of the throbbing pressure in my loins. She kisses my neck passionately once more and I cry out in orgasmic bliss, lost in a moment of pure agonizing ectasy.The thunder booms loudly outside, but not loud enough to muffle my groans as Lady Dimitrescu finishes me. She holds me tightly to her and pets me as I fade back gently from my extreme high, the remants of my pleasure soaked through my pants. Her fingers snake their way out of my pants and up to her lips as she licks her finger tips clean of my love juices. We stay there and hear the storm outside begin to calm with us. She runs her fingers through my hair and whispers in my ear, "Such a good, sweet, little pet". Mmmm, I am good...I delight in her words and feel warm as she holds me. Eventually, her hold on me completely loosens and I slide off her lap, back onto the window sill, looking back out the window, fascinated once more with the rain. Lady Dimitrescu stands up and starts for the door. "Wha, where-", I begin to fret as she leaves. I thought maybe she would watch the rain with me. She looks back, realizing my sudden distress and gently calms, "It's a bit late Valyrie, I'm off to bed, but you can stay here and enjoy the rain unless, you would like to accompany me"? I glance back outside the window, feeling torn. Without an answer, she exits the room and I hear her footsteps slowly trail off as if she's waiting and tempting me to join her. I glance pitifully at the ground. It is pretty late, and I shouldn't refuse a lady's offer. *CRACK, BOOM!* the thunder roars outside. I jump, feeling very frightened by the sudden noise. I instantly make my choice, close the window, quickly dress, and race out of the room. I meet Lady Dimitrescu halfway down the stairs and she grins, delighted that I've chosen her over Mother Nature. I follow her quickly back through the courtyard, into the main castle, and all the way to her bed chambers. We undress for the night and feeling exhausted from all the excitement and events of today, I crawl under the warm covers and instantly drift into sleep, listening carefully to the gentle music of the stormy night.

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