All to Herself

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"You called for me, m'lady?", I answer gently, trying to calm my rattled nerves, and looking up towards Lady Dimitrescu. She's standing by the fireplace holding a large wine glass delicately in her gloved fingers. The light from the fire shines softly on her face making it glow and bringing forth the burning yellow flames in her half-closed eyes. I unclench my jaw and fingers, feeling my rage melt away as she turns to look at me. God, she is so pretty. Her eyebrow raises and she sneers, "Well, you wouldn't be here if I didn't, would you"? There's a slight hostility in her tone and it makes me nervous, but I'm tempted to answer her with, 'If it wasn't considered pestering, I would'. Something tells me she really wouldn't appreciate that answer. It would be rather exciting though, wouldn't it?.....Maybe later, now isn't a good time. Now it has me wondering, would it be considered pestering? Surely, she might consider it that way, but would it really? Instead I answer her with a question, "Would it be considered pestering if I was"? She freezes and looks at me quizzically. The look in her eyes tells me that I should've just answered 'No m'lady', but she's not going to just let this slide. She waltzes over towards the table, sets the glass down, and turns back to me. She approaches me slowly, making my heart race faster in my chest with every step closer, then leans down slightly to look into my face with a flash of anger in her eyes. "Are you... mocking me?", she growls as if warning me not to push it. Should I? No, no, it's way too soon. I swallow hard and quickly apologize, "No m'lady, I'm sorry". Her eyes soften, yet her puzzled expression remains. She reaches and touches my cheek gently. The leather feels cool against my face and her touch forces me to relax. "You seem tense...and very angry, is something the matter?", she asks gently. Though just seeing Lady Dimitrescu helped to soothe me slightly, I'm still furious about the incident with Cecily. I'm still astonished at the fact that I didn't attack her for what she said and did. I wish she hadn't noticed because I don't want to spill my feelings to her. She knows you're upset, you should tell her . Looking into her eyes, I feel hesitant to tell Lady Dimitrescu about Cecily for fear that it may do her harm, yet she already caused me harm unprovoked, so maybe I really should just tell her what happened. Trying to hide my feelings, I take a deep breath, sigh, and tell her, "I met a couple maidens while looking around". Lady Dimitrescu's expression becomes confused and she cautiously asks, "Did they upset you"? Flashes of Cecily's mocking face and smirk pass through my mind and echos of her cruel hateful tone ring in my ears as I think about it. It's all enough to set me ablaze with fury once more. "One of them did", I snarl through clenched teeth. Sensing my heat and seeing my tightened expression, Lady Dimitrescu's face falls and she softly sighs, "Cecily". Hearing that, it feels as if I got a bucket of freezing cold water poured over my head. She does she know? My widened, struck expression is enough to make Lady Dimitrescu ask, "That's who upset you, am I correct"? I choke and gasp on confusion and shock for a moment before finally sputter, "Y-y-yes m'lady...ho-how did"-
"My daughters have told me that she's a bit of a terror to the other maidens, but alas, she's quite useful to me so I keep her around", Lady Dimitrescu explains. No wonder Gertrude cowered and looked so scared, Cecily's more than likely bullied her as well. Lady Dimitrescu stands back up, making me fret slightly feeling her touch leave my face, and she goes over to sit at the edge of her bed. She gestures to the chair at the end of the bed and instructs, "Have a seat". I do as she says and carefully seat myself attentively in her chair. I notice her eyes stick to me, hungrily following my body as I move and only looking back at my face once I've sat. She breathes in deeply and says, "What did she say to you"? To be honest, I was more upset by the fact that Cecily put her hands on me rather than what she had said. "She..", I start to explain, "She wanted to know why I was considered..'special'..then she insinuated that maybe it was because you liked the way my chest looked and she put her hands on me and grabbed this", I explain touching the crystal on my lace collar. Lady Dimitrescu's eyes widen with a look of shocked disbelief and she gasps, "She touched you"? I nod softly to answer her and I watch the fire return in her eyes. "How DARE she, I'll see to it that she is punished immediately!", she hisses with poison in her voice. My blood runs cold at the thought that I just caused Cecily a great deal of trouble. Serves her right for being such a bitch. Even if it serves her right, she'll know it was I who got her in trouble and chances are if she's anyone like I think she is, she'll give me even more grief. "BELA!", she calls out. A few moments of silence pass by before I hear a large swarm of flies buzzing growing louder and louder as they gather into the room and group together to form Bela standing attentively by the door. She quickly glances at me with surprise, then turns her attention back towards Lady Dimitrescu. "Yes mother?", she asks. Lady Dimitrescu reaches and grabs my hand gently in her fingers as she orders, "Find Cecily right away, take her down to the dungeons, and give her three lashings for harming Valyrie". Bela looks back to me, then answers Lady Dimitrescu with, "Yes mother", still looking at me as she turns and walks out of the room to obey her mother's order. Three lashings...yeah she's definitely going to come after me for that. I turn my attention back to Lady Dimitrescu whose holding my wrist, carefully examing my hand in her fingers. My hand looks TINY compared to hers and I feel even smaller in her presence. Thinking back to Bela, I wonder the reason why she might have called me to her. "What..what was it that you needed from me, m'lady?", I ask her. Her eyes move back up to mine and she looks as if she suddenly remembered something. "Oh..I just wanted to inform you that..I accept your apology and forgive you", she explains cooly. Oh, well that's good. I nod and thank her graciously, "Thank you m'lady". Her eyes dart back to my wrist and she holds it facing upwards, continuing to examine. Getting more nervous by the second, I casually suggest, "I suppose you want me to go now"? Hearing that she grabs my wrist tight and glares at me, "What makes you say that"? Panicking slightly and forcing myself not to wince from her grip, I quickly reply, "I-I don't know, I just thought-"
"Don't", she snarls cutting me off. My mouth snaps shut and I silently just let her continue. Her grip loosens only slightly and still holding my wrist, she pulls me towards her, making me stand up out of the chair, and her other hand moves to my neck, sliding her fingers down it slowly and teasingly, almost moving into the opening of my shirt. My heart pounds nervously, and I tense up feeling the cool leather of her gloves against my skin. Sensing this, she pauses. Then, her fingers brush over my chest and travel down my ribs, wrapping themselves around my torso. I squirm a little feeling her thumb press gently against my breast. "How do you do it?", she whispers again. I wish I could answer her, but I'm not quite sure what she's talking about. "I...I'm not sure", I stutter. She lets go of my wrist and places her fingertips on my stomach, playfully pulling at the button on my vest. "Well, surely you must have had a lover", she questions. Yeah, quite a few actually, what does that have to do with this? "Yes m'lady", I answer. "Well, then how do you do it?", she asks once again. It takes me a minute, but I realize that she's asking how I carry such a strong magnetism since she gets so tempted everytime I'm near her. Thinking back to past girlfriends, or even one night stands, they've usually told me I make them feel safe and comfortable to be around, that I hold this sort of soft and innocent charm, like that of a small puppy, that makes them just want to cuddle me. Others have said it's my curves and how I wear them in the way that I move gives off an intense, powerful sexual energy that infects the mind of anyone who lays eyes on me. I'm not sure how true the second one is, but after hearing the first one a few dozen times just worded slightly different each time, I started to believe it. Still, maybe I should ask Lady Dimitrescu what draws her to me. " is it that you think?", I question shakily, feeling my vest open and lay loosely over my shoulders. Looking hungrily at me, she responds, "I see something in you...something..familiar, something I need, and I feel it, but I'm not sure what it is". Her fingers travel back up my torso to gently open the vest further until it rolls off my shoulders, down and off my arms. My breathing quickens with nervous excitement. I catch her enticing eyes in mine and they seem to whisper, 'Strip'. She pulls gently on the opening of my shirt and the buttons open up effortlessly as if inviting her inside. In an instant, she lifts me off my feet and up into the air at her eye level as she stands up. Ohhh, wow! I swallow a yelp and inhale sharply feeling her gloved fingers slide under my shirt and across my bare torso. They find the clip of my bra and undo it with no trouble making it pop open and allow my breasts to spill out of it as it falls down my shoulders, off my arms and onto the floor. My lace collar starts to feel tight around my neck as tension increases and I hurriedly take it off. Watching me, Lady Dimitrescu takes the collar from me as soon as I have it off and sets it next to her glass on the table. Then, holding me by my waist, she pins me up against a wall, making me tremble with wild ectasy. Fuck, this is so hot, I want her to drive me through this wall!! Her fiery yellow eyes search my face and scan my trembling body up and down. I'm fighting hard to contain myself as she sniffs up my stomach, chest, and neck, breathing in my energy. "Do you see something in me as well?", she purrs. I'm so tongue-tied I can barely reply, but I manage with, "Yes m' fact...I think it's the same thing you see in me". She leans into my face and licks the wound on my cheek firmly, a smile stretching over her face as she tastes me. "So fresh, and sweet", she croons. Her eyes sparkle with her smile as her fingers slide over the left side of my chest. I feel the energy from her fingertips shock me and make my skin tingle with wild excitement. Her fingertips press into and massage me, making my eyes roll back in my head. I grunt shakily. She leans into me and kisses my neck. No longer fighting my urges, I start to undo my pants and let them fall off onto the ground taking my underwear with them. My pulse throbs against her lips and in between kisses, she sighs deeply, "My, my, someone's excited"..Gawww, how could I not be!?! Her touch feels so good! Still rubbing and squeezing my chest in one hand, her other brushes down my body, tracing my skin and giving me pleading goosebumps as her fingers travel down to my now bare groin. I gasp out feeling her thumb press into against my bean and her fingers slide along my most sensitive points of pleasure. "Oh, so wet already little pet?", she chides mockingly. My words are stolen from my throat as she rubs her fingers against me. "Moan for me, let me know how good I'm making you feel", she orders. I do exactly as she says loudly and proudly as she presses and rubs me firmly between her fingers. Ahhh fuck, this feels so good!!! She teasingly pushes her fingertips between me making me yelp and squirm. "Ahhh, mmmm, uunnhhh!!", I groan squeezing my fingertips into the wall. She chuckles, bites my neck, and sucks firmly as she rubs me. Aaahh, right there, that's it! Fuuck, I'm so close!! She slows her pace, keeping me trembling at an unbearable edge. I feel her teeth slide out of my flesh and hear her gasp with ectasy, "Haaaa, you taste better when you're begging". FUCK, her voice is so hot! I throb through her fingers as she slowly, strokes and rubs me. My skin feels electric and her magical touch pushing my sexual buttons is sending waves of overflowing pleasure throughout my body. My head rolls back as she licks up my neck with her blood-stained tounge. Haaaa fuuuck, ohhh don't cum don't cum don't cum! I'm writhing between her and the wall and futilely muffling erotic moans. Suddenly, she pulls her hand away and rests it on my lower waist again. I can feel her wet fingertips, soaked with my juices. At first, I wonder if she's planning to go for the kill, or if she's just giving me a chance to breathe. Her hand slides down ever so slightly and I feel her thumb against my bean. "MMPH!", I cry as she presses into it. She leans down into my chest and her teeth sink into my breast as she rubs me and after a sharp, painful yelp, I give her exactly what she wants. With few quick, vicious strokes from her fingers, I burst all over her hand, unable to control myself any longer. "UNNNHHH, AHH-MMMM UUUUUHHH!!!", I cry out in pure ectasy. I'm trembling, shaking, and pleading as I cum hard against her fingertips. Oh god I couldn't help it, but she's not done with me yet. I'm breathing hard and throbbing with every spurt and orgasmic jerk of my body. She keeps at sucking and stroking me until the pleasure turns to pain yet I'm still begging her for more. "Ahh Alcina, AHHH, PLEASE, MMMPHHH!!", I whine feeling her get more intense. Another gut-wrenching groan escapes my vocal chords as I'm drowned in ecstasy and pleasure. Suddenly, she stops, licking my breast roughly one more time, then looks up to inspect me. She chuckles sexily as I drip through her fingers and onto the floor. My neck, chest, and legs feel hot, sticky, and wet, I'm sweating, panting hard and my groin aches. She grins wide with blood stained lips and grabs my face. "Oh, so soon..well I'm not quite finished with you yet", she chuckles devilishly. Gaww fuck, that was a lot. I'm not given a moment to relax though. Still holding me, she pulls me off the wall and tosses me onto the bed. I quickly sit up and watch her eagerly. She starts to undress and I look away from her out of modesty, although I admit I couldn't help myself but to catch a tiny peek from time to time. I wait on the bed for her to finish and take the time to sort of recover from my intense orgasm. Finally, she chuckles and croons, "You may look at me now". I cautiously look up at her and with eyes as wide as dinner plates, I etch every inch of her beautiful body into my brain; every curve and every gorgeous stretch mark and age line burning into the special edges of mind. I feel myself start to prepare for her again just looking at her. She moves over the bed, sliding on it with ease and as she lays back, she gestures for me to move onto her. I obey her and gingerly straddle myself across her waist. Strongly tempted, I touch her lacy bra gently and move my hands across her chest. Wow, her skin is so soft. She rests her hands on my sides, gently brushing her fingers across them. "Closer", she orders lifting my hips slightly. I swallow hard and carefully move farther up her until my groin is right over her face. Ohhh mommy, here we go. "Are you my special girl?", she asks tracing her fingertips along my thighs. I anxiously nod and answer, "Yes m'lady". 
"Say it", she orders. I grip the covers hard, preparing for what's next and stammer, "I yours, I'm all yours". With that, she lowers my hips onto her and I feel her tounge spear into me. I moan out as her tounge swirls around me brushes firmly against my bean. She holds me close to her and shows absolutely no mercy. "Ahh AHH MMMM OH GOD, FUUCCCK!!!", I cry as she starts to suck me viciously. Oh shit I'm gonna cum, ahhhh I can't hold it, fuck I'm gonna cum so hard!! My knuckles are snow white from how hard I'm squeezing the covers and my body is trembling. She forces her tounge deeper into me and my senses are lost in pounding ecstasy. My orgasmic cries are muted and all I feel is bliss and sweet pain. Lady Dimitrescu purrs and moans into me, vibrating my core and amplifying my body rattling orgasm by ten fold. She pauses, giving us both a chance to catch our breath. "Mmmmmmph!!!", I growl still shaking. Gaawww, that felt so fucking good!! I grab my crotch, trying to ease myself. "Ah ah ah, you'll relax when we're finished", she scolds pulling my hand away from me. Hoooo shit, I'm not sure if I handle much more. After barely catching my breath, she dives into me once more, brushing and flicking her tounge quickly between me. Aww fuck, how is she making it feel so fucking good!?!  I'm whining, whimpering, groaning and pleading for her to finish me quickly once more. She licks me strongly and slowly in long strokes, making sure to please every inch of me. "Ohhh, ohh please, oh god-AH, PLEEEASEE!!", I beg, boring my fingers through the covers. She sucks firmly on my bean and squeezes me making me wince and cry out. I feel like I'm on fire, burning and melting in her mouth. Fuck I love her so much, but I think I love her tounge most. Ahhh fuck I'm cumming again!!! "MmmAH AH, ALCINA, AHHHAAAHH!!!!", I scream as I experience the most excruciating amount of pleasure my body has ever handled. I'm engulfed in hot, white, agonizing ectasy and I swear I hear angels singing. Am I breathing? I'm gasping for air and still groaning from the intense, beautiful, delicious pain in my loins. Lady Dimitrescu moves out from under me and I crumple, squeezing my legs together and still reeling in my orgasm. She licks her lips and fingers as she wipes her face clean of my love juices, then lays back grabbing me, holding my head against her breasts. Her fingers move slowly through my hair as she pets me while her other hand slides between my thighs and rests firmly on my groin, stroking it slowly, easing the brutal shock and tingling. I'm still breathing hard, trembling, and feeling the extreme effects of her even after a while. She holds me and soothes me, making sure that I feel loved and did good for her. "Shh, good girl Valyrie...very good, relax now", she purrs. I...I did good..I did very good. I feel my heartbeat and breathing steady, the throbbing fade into a dull ache, and my muscles relax as I melt in her arms. We lay there for a frozen moment, not caring how much time had passed or was passing and cherished each other's simple company. She kisses my neck gently as I start to drift off and whispers dangerously in my ear, "You are mine Valyrie, and I'll make sure you never forget it".

Valyrie: A Resident Evil: VILLAGE OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now