"Cast Away"

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Foxy had sat in the Parts & Service room for half the night. He was in his dark corner, thinking about his past. He couldn't help but let the thoughts overwhelm his mind. He knew that there was no hope of going back on stage. He was useless. Trash. A heap of scraps. People came in every now and then to talk to him, but never a word had left Foxy's mouth.

With the others...

"How come Foxy is not talking to anyone and locking himself away?" Toy Chica asked. Freddy and Chica looked to Bonnie. "W-what?" He asked. "You're his best friend, you should know." Chica implied. "He h-hasn't t-t-talked t-to me either! I'm j-just as clueless a-as you a-all." Freddy sighed. Chica looked down at the table. "He shouldn't do this to himself. From what I heard about the bite, it's none of your guys' faults. So why would he be upset?" Toy Bonnie asked. "He did say something about missing his performances, but there's no way that's it!...is it?" Freddy was now questioning his own words, and let out a low frustrated growl. "I-it's not y-your f-fault F-f-freddy. H-he just h-has t-to g-g-get used to o-our new l-l-lives is a-all," Bonnie said, to try and comfort Freddy. "he's s-strong a-and will get t-t-through t-this." Bonnie finished. "I hope so..." Freddy said as he walked away. "Who's Foxy?" Mangle whispered to Toy Chica. "The fox you were checking out earlier." Toy Chica replied teasingly, and Mangle blushed. "Didn't have to go into too much detail..." Mangle muttered.

With Foxy...

He stared out a dirty old window that was in the storage room, staring at the stars. His mind began to wander, and soon he was back at...

Fredbears Family Diner...

Foxy was telling the kids about his crazy pirate adventures as he walked around the building with a trail of kids, adding more kids every minute or so. A few minutes later he wanted the kids to sing along to his most popular pirate song. They were all singing and laughing, it was perfect. Foxy had felt so much joy, knowing he was bringing the same feeling to the kids and his friends, who also sang along to Foxy's song. Nothing could ruin the moment until...Crunch!...Right then, Foxy's world came crumbling down. He blinked. He was back in the storage room, a tear was rolling down his cheek. He didn't mind and just kept staring out the window. 'I want it all back...I'm nothing without those kids... I'm...a Cast Away...' He thought. Bonnie walked in. "F-foxy...please t-talk...W-we miss y-y-you...I m-miss y-you..." "I don't know if I'll ever be able to accept this...that restaurant...those kids...they were why I still carried on...If I knew I could bring joy to others, I felt like I wasn't nothing...now...it's all gone...and there's no way we are going to possibly get back on stage...I'm useless, and empty..." Foxy finished. "You're n-not u-useless o-or n-n-nothing Foxy! Y-you're a g-good person a-and a-a great f-f-friend...please c-come out of t-t-this r-room...we n-need y-you..." Bonnie finished. Foxy finally looked away from the window, and to Bonnie for once. He stood up and hugged Bonnie. Bonnie hugged back and said, "Glad t-to have y-y-you b-back..." They both left the room.

Back with the others...

They were still at the same table, talking. Foxy and Bonnie emerged from a doorway. Chica attempted a smile, but with her broken jaw, it was hard to show any emotion. Foxy knew what she was trying, and returned a smile and sat with them, Bonnie did the same. Freddy put a hand on Foxy's shoulder. "Good to see you as well...you..." Freddy said, half attempting a joke. "Well...I'll never be truly the same but...it's time to leave the past and look ahead." Foxy said. Mangle returned and both she and Foxy met each other's gaze and blushed...

To be continued...


Hey, this chapter is a bit longer at least. I got three chapters done in one night and now it's 1 in the morning so I'm off to bed! If you guys want to see anything in particular, just comment it and I'll see if I can maybe dedicate a whole chapter to it! Anyways, Goodnight and I'll Catch Y'all On The Flip Side!

Foxy x Mangle: In The Name Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now