Secrets and Lies

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I hope y'all are ready for a long chapter! Ok, so that may be a lie but these next few chapters definitely will be slightly to massively larger chapters than the rest.


Continuation... fell silent. "Someone is coming for us..." Foxy said. Everyone looked around at each other confused and scared.


Goldie and Puppet were in the office with Foxy, trying to get him to tell them what he was talking about. "Foxy, who is coming for us? And how do you know?" Puppet asked. Foxy was silent as he stared of into space. "FOXY!" Goldie yelled. Foxy snapped back to attention. "What do you want!? I'm still trying to process what the hell I've been seeing!!" Foxy yelled back. "Hey! You two need to relax! We're trying to get you to tell us what you've been seeing or dreaming. Who is coming for us and how do you know?" Puppet repeated. Foxy sighed and sat in the office chair. "I've been having dreams of the same purple bear for a couple of months now...he's always saying how he wants revenge, and will do anything to get it...Recently he said the previous dream I had will be the final dream before he comes and kills us all...He's mad at Goldie it seems and he sees me as a threat to his 'plans'..." Foxy air quoted the last part. "Purple bear?" Puppet asked. "Shadow Freddy..." Goldie said. Puppet and Foxy looked at each other confused. "He was an old guys never saw him because he didn't want to be seen by you...I guess he forgot to keep himself hidden one day and I found him. Not long after that, we became friends but after the bite...there was talk of the building being demolished and Shadow Freddy never made it out..." Goldie finished. "Is that where SpringBonnie is?" Foxy asked. Fredbear nodded and Foxy sighed. "Wait! If that Shadow guy is alive doesn't that mean that SpringBonnie is as well?" "Who knows...I'm not even sure if they did demolish the building." "Nevermind that...I think it's time Foxy knows..." Puppet said. "It's time that I know about what?..." Foxy asked slowly. "You have some dark entity within you that can take over your body or leave your body and be a physical form...or...he could take you over completely, sending you into a sudden wave of rage so bad, it's supernatural ability could take this building, and everyone inside, down...killing us all...This entity is nothing like we've seen before, and earlier was the first sign of it..." Goldie finished. Foxy was silent and deep in thought. "What or who is this entity? And how does it know when to come out and attack or whatever?" Foxy asked. "That's for you to find out...We don't have those answers..." Puppet replied. "So you guys basically lied to me my whole life...keeping this thing a secret, which could have killed us all at any moment...for what?" Foxy asked. He felt anger rising up in him. "We had to be-" Puppet was cut off. "You know what? Save it...I've got other things to worry about..." Foxy said and walked away.

With Foxy...

He was wondering around the building, anger fuming in him. Why would they keep something so dangerous away from him? It was his body, so why couldn't he have known sooner that he could almost kill everyone by accident? 'Is there something else they're not telling me?' He couldn't get his mind to stay focused on anything. He looked up and was back to the tiny restaurant that he dreamed about before. (FNaF 1.) "What the...this place again?" He looked around and was standing in the middle of the dining area. This time, the toys weren't there. He turned to the main stage and saw no one. "What's going on..." Foxy slowly crept around the place. He then remembered the basement and started for it. He went down the stairs with caution. Once at the bottom, he found a tall, distorted figure standing there with it's back turned. "H-hello?..." Foxy said nervously. The figure turned. It was Foxy but...more scary and beat up. He had extremely sharp teeth and a snout that was full of exposed metal. He had tears all through his body and had beady yellow eyes. "What the hell are you!?" Foxy yelled and backed up. "I'm you..." The figure said in a dark, sinister tone. "What are you talking about?" "I'm the 'entity' that Fredbear and Puppet we're telling you about...I'm not as dangerous as they say. But I can be..." "Do you have a name?" "Just call me...Nightmare Foxy..." "Well, if the boot fits..." Foxy almost muttered. "You and your friends are in danger. You need to find a way to let me be free in order to help...You guys stand no chance without me...I know all of his strengths, weaknesses, his mentality, and all of his fighting strategies. You need to hurry..." Nightmare Foxy said. "Wait how?!" Foxy tried to asked, but it was too late. He was back in his restaurant. "What the hell is going on..." Foxy said and continued walking. He heard Nightmare Foxys voice in his head. "Hurry up and find all of the pieces, before it's too late..." "Wait! What pieces!?" He yelled to the empty hall. He got no response. "I'm on my own for this one..." He said to himself.

To be Continued...


Well, this one is only a tiny bit longer. But these next few chapters are going to get intense! I might even make a second book! Anyways, what pieces do you think Nightmare Foxy is talking about? Cliffhanger! So! Thank you all so, so much! I hope you're liking this story! And as always! I'll Catch Y'all On The Flip Side!

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