Puzzle Pieces: Part 4

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...He woke up with the cupcake next to him. 'Soon this will be over...only 2 more...' Foxy looked to Mangle. He couldn't go back to sleep yet. He didn't know what the next piece was, so he just stayed awake and waited for Mangle to wake up...


Foxy was in the office with Puppet. "How far have you gotten? We're running out of time." Puppet said. "I only need two more pieces. One piece tonight and one more tomorrow during a nap then it'll be done." Foxy replied.

"Please hurry. We need this guy..." Puppet said and walked out. Foxy sighed. "It's all a matter of time..." Foxy said to himself.

"This next one will be tricky...you'll be with my friends but I won't be there...They'll help you as much as possible but they can only do so much...The next item is a hook, like the one you have as your hand..." Nightmare Foxys voice faded.

Foxy examined his hook. "Where would I find it if you're not there?" He asked himself. Nightmare Foxy was the only other one with a hook. Foxy sighed and went to his friends, who were at their default table.

Foxy sat in between Mangle and Bonnie. "You guys are so cute together!" Toy Chica screeched from the other end of the table. She was talking about Bonnie and Comet.

"It all happened so fast...but I'm not complaining!" Bonnie said and kissed Comet. Foxy smiled at Bonnie. "Glad you're moving on from...well you know." Foxy said and looked to Chica.

Chica and Bonnie had dated but she kissed Freddy and Bonnie had witnessed it. Thankfully, Freddy didn't like Chica and pushed her off of him immediately. Bonnie quickly ended things between them and moved on.

'Poor Bonnie...I hope that he and Comet won't part...and if they do, I just hope that it's not serious...' Foxy thought. He looked to Mangle. She was talking to Freddy.

'Is Mangle slowly growing away from me? She seems to be caring less...' Foxy didn't say anything and just walked away. He did his best to hide the sadness as he did. Everyone noticed it though.

"What's wrong with him?" Toy Chica asked. "I-I don't know...he hasn't been like this...did I do something..." Mangle questioned herself.

Toy Chica hugged her. "I'm sure you did nothing wrong. Maybe he's had a rough day or he could be reliving things again." Toy Chica offered. Mangle didn't buy it. She had a bad feeling.

5 am...
Parts & Service...


oxy and his friends had gone to the storage room. It was Monday so the restaurant would open in an hour or so. Foxy sat in his corner, not speaking at all.

Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica we're all worried about him. Silver, Echo, and Comet kind of just sat there, not sure what to do. "You ok Foxy?..." Bonnie asked.

"I'm worried..." He replied. "About?" Foxy sighed. "It feels like Mangle is growing further away from me...she seems to be caring less and less...I don't know why I feel this way but...I can't lose her...she's all I have..." Foxy finished. "I'm going to sleep..." Foxy lied on the floor and shut his eyes. 'A hook...' He reminded himself.

Foxy seemed to have been falling then he hit the ground with a thud and 'oof'. 'What is with these dream entrances?' Foxy stood up and looked around. He was in a...bedroom? (FNaF 4)

He went to one of the doors and opened it. He screamed when he saw a massive beak with rows of sharp teeth. "Calm down! We're Nightmare Foxys friends!" "C-Chica!?" Foxy said shocked.

Nightmare Chica nodded her head. "Where are Freddy and Bonnie?" "Don't forget, Puppet, Mangle, Fredbear and Plushtrap!" "Who's Plushtrap?" Foxy asked. "Down here!" Foxy looked down and saw a small green rabbit.

"Which piece is it you're looking for?" Nightmare Bonnie said from behind him. Foxy jumped and turned. "Oh dear God...A hook..." Foxy replied.
The nightmare animatronics towered over Foxy.

Mangle appeared on the ceiling. Foxy screamed again and sighed. "You guys come out of nowhere!" "That's how it is I guess." Nightmare Fredbear said as he appeared next to him. "God damnit!" Foxy yelled.

"You're quite jumpy." Nightmarrione said from his other side. (Nightmare Puppet)

"Can you guys stop scaring me and help me like Nightmare Foxy said you would!?" Foxy asked. They all shrugged. "It's quite obvious where the piece is." Nightmare Fredbear said.  "Where is it?" Plushtrap hung from Foxys hook. "Oohhhh. Duh!" Foxy said. "Thanks guys." Foxy said and touched his hook.

He woke up with two hooks. One was his hand, and the other was lying on the floor next to him. 'Too easy...' Foxy thought.

To be Continued...


Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to get at least one more out! It wasn't rushed, I just didn't have enough ideas for it was all. Anyways I hope you all liked it! And as always! I'll Catch Y'all On The Flip Side!

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