Foxy and Mangle: Part 2

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...Mangle buried her face in the fur of Foxy's chest and said "I love you..." Foxy blushed more and smiled. "I love you too..." He said as he hugged back...


Foxy and Mangle came into the main room, holding each other's hands. "There are the lovebirds! Er-Foxes!" Toy Chica said. Foxy rolled his eyes and went to sit with everyone else. Mangle rested her head on his shoulder. "Why do we always come to this table anyway" Bonnie asked. Everyone looked at each other and just shrugged. "Guess it's just natural." Toy Freddy said, and everyone went back to their conversations. Marionette walked up to everyone. Everyone was instantly quiet. "So I was going through some recent files, and saw that we will be have some new animatronics on Saturday. Make them feel welcomed, and Toy Chica, learn to hold your jumpy self back." Marionette finished. Everyone slightly laughed, except for Toy Chica. "Why were you going through files?" Freddy asked. "That's none of your business." Marionette said calmly and walked off.

Foxy and Mangle we're in Kids Cove, sleeping. They didn't need it like humans, but it was good for their systems, so they didn't overheat. Foxy opened his eyes. He wasn't in the pizzeria. He was behind a purple curtain with stars. "What the..." He peeked his head out and saw Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie on a stage. They were fixed and powered off. He then looked elsewhere and saw another stage with the toys. He turned back into the curtains and saw Mangle. "Where am I?" Foxy stepped out of the tiny space. There were two small hallways with an office at the end. He ignored it and felt a sudden urge to go backstage. Once inside, he found another door. He opened it and to his surprise, there were stairs. He carefully crept down them. When he got to the bottom, he was shocked. "F-Fredbear...SpringBonnie?" They both jumped at him. He screamed as he woke. Mangle startled and woke up as well. "Foxy, are you ok!?" She asked frantically. He looked at her for a moment then hugged her. "I'm fine...just had a bad dream I guess..." He replied.


Foxy was walking around, deep in thought. 'Was it a vision? Was it just a dream? It felt so...real...' He thought. He sighed and sat against a wall. He let his mind wander, and once again he was back at...

Fredbears Family Diner...

"Hello Foxy!" A little girl said. "Ahoy lass! What brings ye to this ol' fox?" Foxy said. "Tell us a story!" The girl said "Yarr me tales be very entertaining to ye lads and lassies! Very well." Foxy began to tell his tales to the children. He felt some tears going down his face. He just sighed. 'I told them I'd let go...but I can't...' Mangle approached him and sat besides him. She noticed the tears on his face and hugged him tight. "It's ok Foxy...I'm here for you..." She said and kissed his cheek. "I just want the Golden Days back...but I need to learn to performing days are over..." Foxy said. They both say there for a while, until they fell asleep.

To be Continued...


So I totally just got a great idea for the next chapter which is obviously coming out today. (I'm too good at posting my chapters lol) I hope you enjoyed this one (which was kind of lazy) and I hope you'll enjoy the next chapters! I'll Catch Y'all On The Flip Side!

Foxy x Mangle: In The Name Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now