New Friends, Old Foes

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Foxy was walking around, looking for something to do. He saw a couple of his friends in the main room talking, but he didn't feel like joining them and continued to walk around. He just went to Parts & Service and sat in his corner.

Mangle was talking to Freddy, Toy Chica, and Bonnie. A few minutes later they heard the door being unlocked and Freddy called out to everyone to get in their positions. Four or five men came in with three crates and put them in the storage room. Foxy looked up at the crate and read small lettering on each of them. "Echo, Comet, and Silver seem to be who are in these crates." Foxy said. "Open them!" Toy Chica said as she walked in with her friends. Foxy and Freddy began opening them.

A few minutes later...

They had taken the new animatronics out of the crates and stood them against the wall. "Are they on?" Toy Bonnie asked. "Let me check..." Foxy replied. He opened up panels on their backs and saw they were all off. 'I guess that makes sense...' He thought. He switched them all on, closed their panels, and backed up. They opened their eyes, one by one. Silver was a Grey fox. Echo was a much darker grey dog. And Comet was a white bunny with light blue accents. "Where are we?" Silver asked. Apparently he was the only guy out of the three. "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. But I'm pretty sure you guys aren't going to be here long. We've heard talk of a new restaurant." Toy Chica replied. "Who are you guys?" Comet asked. "I'm Freddy and this is Bonnie, Foxy, Chica, Toy..."

A few minutes later...

"Well it's nice to meet you all. And we are Silver, Echo, and I'm Comet!" Bonnie looked at Comet and blushed but quickly left the room. (Funny. He has no face.) "What's up with him?" Foxy asked. Freddy shrugged. "That's odd..." Chica said...

Fredbears Family Diner...

The place was old and rotting away. The place was probably on the verge of collapsing. Shadow Freddy opened his eyes and looked around. He has seen Shadow Bonnie and SpringBonnie both unconscious. He slowly put the pieces together and when he finally did, he was filled with rage. They had been left behind to wither away as time went on. "You'll pay and your stupid singing animal band..." (Funny. He is an animal.)

Back at Freddy's...

They were all at their default table, but this time with three new friends. The conversations seemed to be flying everywhere and not staying focused. Foxy and Mangle decided to go to Kids Cove. "Finally, some alone time!" Mangle said. "The new guys seem nice at least. But that just means more interaction." Foxy said. They both sat against a wall and Mangle lied her head on Foxy's shoulder. "You know your not alone, right?" Mangle asked softly. Foxy sighed. "Yeah...I know..." He didn't feel like what he said was the truth. Sometimes he did feel really alone and scared. His dreams had only been getting worse, but he decided to forget about them and continue with his life...He didn't know what he should do at this point...

To be Continued...


Hey! I finished another chapter/part of the story! Soon I'll be back to macking 4 parts a day because I know that I'll have nothing better to do. But yeah! I hope you enjoyed!(Eh? Eh?) And as always! I'll Catch Y'all On The Flip Side!

Foxy x Mangle: In The Name Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now