Family Reunion

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Editors note: The animatronics are all back to normal in this chapter (the old animatronics are withered again) and the bonus chapter doesn't have anything to do with the story. I just thought it was fun. Anyways, Enjoy!


They were all at their default table again, talking. "Where were you this whole time?" Bonnie asked. (His voice box got repaired in a previous chapter.) "I'm not sure...All I remember is, being locked up in a dark room...I lost track of time. Then about a week ago they stuffed me in a crate, and now here I am." Goldie said. "Was SpringBonnie with you?" Foxy asked. Goldie shook his head. All of the older animatronics let out a low sigh. "Who's SpringBonnie?" Toy Bonnie asked. Everyone just stared at him. "Have you not been listening?" Toy Chica said. "Not really..." Toy Freddy smacked the back of his head. "Well, to celebrate Fredbe- Goldie coming back, I think we should do what we do best." Freddy said. "Party!!" Everyone replied in unison.


Toy Bonnie and (old) Freddy were on stage, making music for the party. All of the guys seemed to be in tuxedos, and all of the girls seemed to be wearing a dress. (It's a FanFic so back off) Foxy was looking around for Mangle, then decided to go ask Bonnie if he had seen her. Bonnie was talking with Goldie and Toy Freddy. "Hey, have you guys seen Mangle around?" Foxy asked. "No, not yet. But why don't you hang out with us until she shows up?" Bonnie offered. Foxy sighed. "Why not?"

They were all laughing away. Foxy was from time to time, looking around for Mangle, but still didn't find her. The party had already been going on for almost an hour.

With Mangle...

She and Toy Chica were talking in Kids Cove. "I'm so nervous..." Mangle said. "You look Great Mangle! Don't worry about it. Plus, Foxy loves you for who you are, remember that." Toy Chica said. Mangle smiled and hugged Toy Chica. "Thank you..." "That's what I'm here for..." Toy Chica replied.

Back with Foxy...

He was getting a bit worried now. "It's alright Foxy, I'm sure she'll be here soon." Bonnie said. "I know but...I'm just really worried is all...what if something happened to her, and I wasn't there to stop it?" Foxy said and looked down. "We could go on and on about 'if' questions all day, but Foxy you gotta realize that in here; we're safe." Goldie replied. Foxy sighed and turned. When he did, he blushed immediately. "Told ya she's fine..." Bonnie said. "She's beautiful..." Foxy half whispered to himself. Mangle approached him. When she got to him, Foxy kissed her. "You look so beautiful..." Mangle giggled. "You don't look too bad yourself." She replied. Mangle had the fur on the top of her head done, as if it were hair, and she wore a bright candy red dress. She had a light blush across her face, and so did Foxy. "Hey lovebirds, remember we're here for Goldie." Bonnie said, and Toy Freddy held in a laugh although he didn't know why he found that funny. "You just ruined their moment!" Goldie said. Bonnie shrugged. "Whatever, there'll be many more moments." Foxy replied. Mangle hugged him. Freddy's voice came through a microphone; "Goldie, can you please make your way to the stage!" "That's all you bud!" Foxy said. Goldie chuckled and went to the stage. "We are so so glad to have you back old friend, and we hope that we can have more good laughs and conversations with you. You've always brought us joy and acted like an older brother to us, and we're so happy to have you back!" Freddy finished. Everyone clapped, and a few people cheered, as Goldie left the stage. "What am I? A celebrity?" Goldie asked. "What you don't like being back?" Bonnie replied. "Now I didn't say that. But I didn't need that much attention." Goldie said. "You'll learn to appreciate it...just like the old days..." Foxy said...

To be Continued...


Ok, well this chapter definitely is not as good as the others, but hey! At least I made a chapter, right? Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. And as always; I'll Catch Y'all On The Flip Side!

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