Chapter 2

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It was monday, Jungkook and Taehyung were walking together to school it was autumn but today It felt like it was winter. Jungkook watch as Taehyung keep stealing glances at him

" Are you okay? you're trembling "
"Yes I'm fine, I'm just a little bit cold" he said to Tae
"Ohh, if that was it why didn't you tell me? you can take my jacket if you want I'm not that cold "He said smiling at Jungkook with his boxy smile

"Here! let me help you put it on!"he said and turned to face Jungkook
Jungkook immediately freeze in his spot when he felt Taehyung hands closing the zipper of the jacket.
He was so nervous.

"Actually I wasn't really cold either"
"Seriously! Can't you see that you're hands are turning purple?!" he said looking at Jungkook worried
Jungkook s entire face turned red instantly.

"Jungkook if you dress like this you're going to catch a cold! I'm serious, you should dress with warmly clothes"
"Okay hyung"

After Taehyung gave his jacket to Jungkook the second he looked into his eyes he could feel his heart skip a beat. His eyes were so beautiful, but he couldn't think further when he felt his lips connected to Taehyung.
Taehyung just kissed Jungkook

When Jungkook wake up it was a sunday morning to be exact 8:45 am, and that's when he realized that everything was a dream, the kiss was a dream.
Taehyung kissing HIM was a dream!

A few moments later Jungkook heard Namjoon calling them for breakfast.
Namjoon wasn't like a parent to them, he was more likely like a best friend of them, family.
That is what he liked the most about Namjoon

He was trying to wake up Taehyung when he got lost in his mind, of course it was all a dream, Taehyung wouldn't ever kiss him .

Jungkook is his best friend, friend zoned , even if he wished he was more then that he knew Tae was straight.
He would never look at him the way Jungkook wants.

When Taehyung woke up today he wasn't in little space anymore but his head didn't stop hurting .
He couldn't tell Namjoon because he would make him get more medicine or even worse send him to get checked by a doctor.

After waiting for the food to be placed on the table Namjoon saw Jungkook coming from upstairs.
He was putting the food on the table when Jungkook entered the kitchen.

"Did you sleep well?"
"Yes hyung" he answered
After some time they started eating ,he looked at Taehyung to see that he didn't even touch the food on his plate when Jungkook already finished his.
"Jungkook you know you can always ask me for more food if you want, right?"

"Ah, I'm's just... it was embarrassing to ask you for more" Jungkook answered getting all shy
"No it's not! I told you if you're hungry you can always ask for more! I'm going to give you a big plate so you can fill you're tummy"

"Thanks hyung"
"You're welcome"
" Taehyung?" he looked up after being called meeting Namjoon s disappointed eyes

"Why aren't you eating ? Are you felling well?" he asked
"I...I'm ...I'm just not hungry" he said playing with the food on his plate
"You're not eating because you're sick! I knew it"jungkook said

"That's not true!!!" he said angry
"Taehyung watch you're tone! And if what Jungkook told us it's not true then why aren't you eating?" Namjoon scolded him

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