Chapter 18

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It was wednesday, just the day after they got their hair cut. For most people it was a normal day of school or work but for Taehyung it wasn't
Today was the day that he'll get his blood test results back, and that meant that everyone will know about his eating habits

He was most probably in this situation because of that, he wouldn't get sick easily if he would eat properly
"Are you done in there Tae?"
It was Jungkook, he said that because Taehyung was in the bathroom for almost 30 minutes

Taehyung told him that he'll take a quick shower before school
"Almost done! Sorry I lost track of time"
"Okay, just hurry up i gotta shower too"

Namjoon already left for work, he had morning classes and had to be there early, so that means that Taehyung and Jungkook will walk to school
"Ohh there's a coffee shop right on the other side of the road, do you want to go?"
"Do we have time, we can't miss another day of school" Tae asked

"Yes, it's currently 7:45 so we have fifteen minutes"
"Okay then let's go"
They entered the coffee shop and ordered the coffee they wanted
"Anything else beside the coffee?" the girl that worked there asked them

She had blond long hair and green eyes, and was secretly eyeing Taehyung
"Do you have donuts?" Jungkook asked
"Yeah we have a variety of them! Choose which one you want!"

"I'll get the chocolate one please"
"And you... Which one do you want? sorry remember you're name" she said to Taehyung
"I'm Taehyung" he said while smiling at her

"So...Taehyung what donuts would you like to get?"
"Sorry but I'll get only the coffee"
"No he'll get one too, just 2 coffees and 2 donuts with chocolate to go please" she nodded

They were eating while walking to school
"I can't believe she wrote her number on the bag!" Jungkook said while glancing at it
On the bag was wrote her number and "Let's meet each other again! I really liked you <3 PS. I'm free tonight if you wanna have some fun"

"Is she that desperate to get some dick that she'll give her number to all the boys that are taken!"
"Am I taken Jungkook?"
"S-Sorry I meant...I uhh"

Jungkook felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment
"Why are you so shy about, a few seconds earlier you were talking about her being desperate getting fucked and now you get shy just saying the word taken?"

"I just thought that we are... I mean that we are trying-"
"Omg kook I was just teasing you! Of course we're dating, I told you were trying"
"Come on give me a kiss"
"Taehyung were in public!"
"So what! I want to kiss my boyfriend"

After they shared a kiss Jungkook pulled off and looked down at the ground
"If you get embarrassed just from a kiss what would you do when I'll give you a blow job or maybe when we'll have sex-"

"Taehyung stop!!! There's people looking at us let's just go please"
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry if I said too much"
"No it's fine, but about sex-"
"What about it?" Taehyung interrupted Jungkook

"Did you do it before?"
"You mean if I did it with someone before?" he nodded
"Once. I did it once but I don't wanna talk about it"
"Was it bad?"
"Yeah you could say so" he shrugged

"Did you do it before Kook?"
"Do what?" Jungkook said smiling at him with innocent eyes
"You know what I'm talking about, stop teasing me!" Taehyung said while getting embarrassed

"No I didn't, I've never been in a relationship before so how can I do it"
"Wait how did you do it? I never knew you dated before?"
"I didn't dated anyone before, you're the first person I'm dating"
Taehyung said avoiding the question Jungkook just asked him, praying that Jungkook will change the subject which he did

"There's only 5 minutes left for this class so I want to know who would like to go and solve the last exercise?"
The math teacher waited for them to put their hand up and go and solve the exercise but was meet with silence
Not a single hand was raised

"Jungkook come up here and solve the exercise, please!"
He was talking to Taehyung when he suddenly heard the teacher call him
He got up and walked to pick up the marker from the teacher hand, and slowly started solving the problem
"If you have payed more attention to the lesson you wouldn't solve the problem so slow"

"You have to raise your grades up Jungkook, you're a smart kid but if you don't study and don't raise you're hand up when you know the answer you'll end up failing my class"
"I'm sorry" he said looking at his feet
This was definitely perfect, he was getting scolded by the teacher on front of everyone

"You can go back to you're seat, you solved the problem correct" he nodded
"And the homework for today will be from page 27 the exercises from 4 to 29, and I expect everyone to do their homework"

They got up leaving the room after the lesson ended, it was their last class today which meant that Namjoon was waiting for Taehyung outside to go and get his blood test results
Jungkook didn't go with them because he had 2 hours of detention, all because of Sehun

He entered the detention room and chose a seat at the back, after that he opened his book and started doing the homework that he had for tomorrow
There were at least 12 students with him in the class plus a professor that will watch over them
At least Sehun wasn't there-

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a hand gripping his shoulder
"Looks like I'll be sitting next to you Jeon!" Sehun said while sitting on the other chair next to Jungkook
"Why do you have to stay beside me? Get the fuck out of here!" Jungkook whispered to him

"Be more respectful to me Jeon, I'm older then you"
Jungkook sighed and turned to do his homework again, he'll do everything to just pass this 2 hours already, he'll even read a book

He continued studying while thinking back at Taehyung
Was he okay without him? Are the results good or bad? God how much he wished he was there beside his boyfriend right now

•words 1110
•updated 20230421
•this chapter got a bit longer than I planned I hope you guys don't mind that!💕

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