Chapter 26

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Sehun unbuckled his belt and was about to pull Jungkook's pants down when the bathroom door flew open
Jungkook saw through his tears that Taehyung sat there shocked looking at them with a bunch of keys in his hand
He let out a breath of air that he didn't know he was holding before he started sobbing, Taehyung was here, everything was good be okay

It didn't last long before Taehyung was on the floor on top of Sehun. He punched his face again and again and again, it didn't matter if anyone would enter the bathroom and see them.
Taehyung didn't care if he was gonna get detention or even worse get expelled because he was gonna kill Sehun for this, he will punch him till he takes his last breath.
Killing him, that's what he deserved for even trying to do such a thing to Jungkook.

"Tae hey! that's enough, you're killing him just let it go!"
"How can you say that right now huh?" Taehyung looked up at Jungkook confused. Why was the younger trying to protect Sehun after all that happened?
  "Come on Tae, let him go okay? I'm fine, please just let him go"
It didn't take long before Taehyung snapped out of it, snapped out of that adrenaline and realized what he just did. He beat the fucking shit out of Sehun.

"Oh no no no, I-I think he's not breathing anymore, a-and I can barely fell his pulse" Taehyung spoke while his voice cracked, his eyes filling with tears
"It's okay I'll call an ambulance and they'll take care of him"
"But what if he dies? That'll mean I'm gonna be the one who killed him"
"He won't die" Jungkook said while pulling out his phone from his jeans pocket and dialing the ambulance number.


The paramedics arrived at the school and all the teachers and students gathered to see what was happening inside the bathroom.
They did CPR on him and gave him some oxigen until his breathing finally become normal again. After that they hooked him up to a lot of IV's and moved him to the ambulance. The paramedics talked with the teacher and assured everyone that beside a broken nose, some internal bleeding and a minor concussion he was fine.

"The police will be here soon, they'll ask everyone who was present in the bathroom some questions" Seokjin said to them
"Police? but he's fine I-I'm not answering any questions"
"You have to Jungkook, you and Taehyung are the only one who were in the bathroom with him. And from what I'm seeing both of you are covered in blood"
After sadly looking at them Seokjin walked away and greeted the police officer's that entered the school.

"It's fine, we'll just tell them the truth and everything's going to be fine"
"No Taehyung, we can't tell them the truth"
"Why not? Why are you protecting him after all that happened, don't you want him to get punished for what he did??? If we don't tell them the truth they'll blame us"
"I can't fucking tell them that I almost got rapped in the bathroom!!!"

Jungkook was about to speak again when the officer called only his name. "Wait, why am I going alone?"
"It's just the protocol, we'll ask questions separately, now you can enter the classroom please"
With that being said Jungkook sighed while giving Taehyung a look that basically said ' you better not tell them anything'.

It was just three people besides Jungkook in that classroom, Seokjin because he was the director of the school and two other police officers.
"So we'll start first with something easy, tell us you're name, age, and what grade are you in" One of the two officers, a woman asked
Jungkook was nervous but he still managed to answer. "Jeon Jungkook, seventeen years old and I'm a senior in high school"

"Awesome! Now I want you to tell me, how is school, how do you fell about studying, do you feel safe or threatened by anyone here?"
"It's okay, and I feel fine I guess"

After Jungkook answered all the questions, they called Taehyung in. To Jungkook surprise Taehyung got out faster then him. He walked closer and sat down beside him.

"I don't want you to be scared or nervous or even embarrassed about this Jungkook. And most importantly I don't want you to be mad at me for this baby. But they want to talk to you again and I can come with you if you want, okay?"
"Did you tell them about it?" Jungkook asked while his eyes filled with tears but he refused to let any of them escape
"I did baby, and they'll take care of it. I just want you to be okay"

With that being said they walked to the classroom holding hands and sat down on the chairs. The officers gave Jungkook a comforting smile while they begin talking.
"I won't ask a lot of questions, because I can see that you are already felling uncomfortable. I just want you to answer me with  a simple yes or no then you can elaborate"
"So I have only three important questions, and I want you to tell the truth. Did he manage to do anything to you, do anything sexual with you, besides the touching?

"No, just the marks on my hands and neck"
"Okay, thank you for answering. Did you in any circumstances wanted this and then changed your mind, the intercourse I mean?"
"No, never"
After answering the question Jungkook felt Taehyung squeezing his hand in assurance.
"And the last question that I want to ask you. Did you try to fight back but were incapable because of the following reasons: tied up, use of illegal substances, injured, threatened?"
"Are you one hundred percent sure?"

"Okay then that's all, now what you have to do is get changed into this and talk after." The officer handed him a new pair of underwear. "And please put the one you're wearing in this bag, it's just the protocol, even if nothing happened we have to do this"

  Jungkook took the items and walked to the bathroom, he knew this was the protocol but still, it was embarrassing. Not long after he walked back to the classroom and handed the bag to the police officers.
"Because you're still a minor I'll have to schedule a meeting with you and you're parents and see if they want to press charges"
"Okay" Jungkook answered feeling tired from all this, he just wanted to go home and sleep it off.

"And we'll drive you to the hospital,your friend can come too." After hearing the words Taehyung was struggling hard not to correct her and say boyfriend.
"Why do I have to go to the hospital?"
"To talk to a psychologist about this and get some blood drawn to make sure you weren't drugged or anything"
"But I already said I wasn't"
"Yes but still you have to come, all the people that have been or was about to be sexually assaulted have to do this"

Jungkook was panicking a bit but then he give up, they'll find out about it, they'll find out Sehun drugged him and that he lied about it. But maybe that way was better, he won't protect Sehun because he deserves all of this, even if the idea of a blood test is making his nervous a bit.

< updated 20240512
< words 1304
< sorry for not updating this fic, I don't use Wattpad anymore so I had to reinstall it :(
< I don't know when the next update will be because I already have an ongoing fic on ao3 that I'm writing, but I promise that this will not remain unfinished ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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