Chapter 11

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They went to the park and now they're sitting on a blanket watching the sunset
Jungkook bought ice cream for both of them a few minutes ago and now, they were eating it. Surprisingly Taehyung didn't think too much about the calories and he started eating his ice cream

"You said that this is not a date, but all I see here are couples enjoying the sunset together" he questioned Jungkook
"It's not a date! I just felt like going to the park and wait until the sun sets to watch it" Tae hummed

"It was either this or the Han River"
"Ohh, then I guess you made a good choice choosing the park and watching other couples kiss instead of watching people make out at the Han River"

He said that with flushed cheeks while looking at Jungkook's reaction
The Han River was the place that most people will go on dates or with their significant other

"So I was thinking, you're birthday is coming soon and I still don't know what to gift you"
"You don't have to Tae"
"Ohh, come on Kook there must be something that you want for you're eighteen birthday!"

Jungkook took some time to think about it but suddenly an idea appeared in his mind
He actually really wanted something, but since he wasn't an adult yet he couldn't get it done professionally

"I want to get a tattoo"
Taehyung chocked on his ice cream hearing that
"A tattoo?"
"Not really, I want to get like a full sleeve but I want to go slow and get just a small one first"

"I kind wanted a tattoo too but I heard it hurts-"
"It doesn't hurt a lot, it's like you're getting a shot but much more painless"
"How do you know?"

At that Jungkook got silent, he was so stupid for saying that to Taehyung
"I might actually have a small, really small tattoo"
"What? are you crazy, if Namjoon or mom find out-"
"They won't if you don't tell them"
"I won't tell them"

"What is it? the tattoo I mean"
"It's just some numbers"
"Can I see it?"
Jungkook slowly got up and guide Taehyung to the public bathroom, fortunately for them, the bathroom was empty

He slowly lifted his shirt and revealed the small numbers wrote on his rib cage, which was 613
"I-Is t-this... the day you're mom adopted me?"
"Yes, I wanted to always remember the day that you made my life better, made me fell like living was worth it"

"J-Jungkook" he said with tears in his eyes
"Shh Tae, don't cry"
Jungkook quickly wiped Tahyung face with his hand, and hold his head to look him in his eyes

"How didn't I notice it before? When did you get it? How?"
"I got it after buying your present last year, I thought that I'll let you see it for your birthday but I never got the chance to show it to you"

"Thank you Kook" he said that and let himself be hugged by Jungkook
"Did it hurt?"
Taehyung asked while slowly started tracing the numbers with his finger

"But I heard the rib cage hurts the most-"
"It was fine, I had Jimin with me the whole time"
"Jimin knew about this?"

"Yes, I had to since I'm not eighteen Jimin had to sign the papers for me, and I didn't want to go get a tattoo alone"
"I really like it, but now I feel that I have to get one for you too"

"We can go get matching ones!" he said getting excited
"And you can sign the papers for me since you're an adult"
"Fine! but you'll get it first, and you have to hold my hand" he nodded

Today was there lucky day since at the end of the park was a tattoo and piercing shop
They entered the shop and a girl greeted them

"Hi I'm Hoyeon, the tattoo artist for today, what can I help you both with?"
"We wanted to get matching tattoos"
"That's great! but I'll need to see an ID for that"

Taehyung pulled his ID card and explained to her that Jungkook is still underage and that he will sign for him to get permission for the tattoo
After that they talked about what tattoo they wanted and decided to went for TK, their initials and a small airplane since it reminded them how they used to fly to America with their mom to meet their dad

Jungkook was the first to sit on the chair while Hoyeon prepared everything and started cleaning his arm and placing the paper with the disign on his wrist
But before starting to do the tattoo she asked him

"Are you scared of needles? because I don't want you to pass out, so it's better if you tell me"
"I'm fine with them" he said and Taehyung looked at him with an eyebrow raised
"I'll still hold you're hand, just in case" he announced

It took like 5 minutes for the tattoo to be done, Jungkook didn't really feel anything because all he could think of was that Taehyung was holding his hand

When it was Taehyung turn, he got on the chair and he stretched his trembling arm for the tattoo artist
He was nervous, but jungkook did it and it didn't look like it hurt so he could do it too, beside Jungkook was there with him the whole time

When the needle first started touching his skin he got surprised but after that he calmed down and looked away from the tattoo gun and focused on jungkook face instead

His face was smooth and soft, his lips pink and cheeks warm and squishy, his big doe eyes were even bigger then normal and his raven hair was messy
Jungkook needed a haircut but Taehyung liked how long hair looked on him

"Done!" the tattoo artist announced while bandaging his wrist
"Wow it looks really beautiful, thanks!"
"You both are welcome!"

After that they left the tattoo shop promising that next time they go they'll get a matching piercing, and they walked home
It was late, nine twenty three pm and Namjoon had called them for 27 times
They were in trouble, but at least they were in trouble together

 After that they left the tattoo shop promising that next time they go they'll get a matching piercing, and they walked home  It was late, nine twenty three pm and Namjoon had called them for 27 times  They were in trouble, but at least they were ...

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•finally updated 230207
•words 1063

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