Chapter 10

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•this chapter has a TW, if you want to skip that part just look for the ⚠️

Namjoon arrived at the principal office, he greeted Seokjin and sat down on the chair next to Sehun father, Mr. Wonjong
He looked up at Jin waiting to be told what happened

"I'm sorry that I called both of you, but I don't allow such behavior in my high school"
"And I didn't expect a fight on the first day, but I want to talk to both of you about what's going to happen to them"

They both nodded and Seokjin started talking again
"I'm not suspending them but I want them to spend 2 hours after class studying for a week"

"So you're giving them detention?" Namjoon asked confused
"Yes! I think that's better then them being suspended"
"Thank you so much Seokjin! I'll talk to Kook and scold him and-"

He got interrupted by Mr. Wonjong
"You'll only scold him? They got into a fight at school and you'll just scold him!"
"Yeah, he will understand what he did was wrong and then apologize, what else do you want me to do Mr. Wonjong?"

"My son will be grounded for 3 months with no phone, friends or going out"
"He will stay inside and study everyday after school, not to mention that if he misbehave again I'll send him to his mother in America!"

"Okay both of you stop, it doesn't matter how you both punish or ground them"
"What matter is for them to not fight anymore and understand that what they did was wrong"

"Shewon can you please call Jungkook and Sehun in, I want to talk to them" Jin told his secretary
"They'll be here in a moment Mr. Seokjin"
"Thank you"

After they got in the office they started talking, Seokjin was scolding them while Sehun looked terrified at his father

"So the detention will start from tomorrow after school for a week"
"I can't have detention this week, I have practice for the basketball game that is this friday"

"You will go to detention, and forget about the game! You're not going!" his dad told him
"But dad I'm the captain-" he stopped talking when he felt his cheek stinging

Mr.Wonjong slapped him, it wasn't the first time that it happened tho, he was used to it by now

The other three looked at them in shock but remained silent, after a few minutes of talking they got up to leave

"Go to class with Tae, we'll talk about this after school since both of you already missed the first class" Namjoon told them and then walked to leave

After that they got into five more hours of classes which three of them was math
It was 2:30 pm when they got out of school, Taehyung appointment was at 3 pm, that meant that they still had time to go to the library that was literally 10 meters away from the Seoul High School

They sat down on one of the many tables that the library had and started doing their homework
Jimin joined them soon, and placed himself between the two at the table

"Kook you're supposed to do your homework, not stare at Tae"
" I finished it already!"
"Then read the book that the teacher told you, if you don't then Namjoon will scold you again!"

With a sighed he pulled out his book and started reading it, he hated reading books but he loved reading comics

They were on their way home when Namjoon called Taehyung and told him that he won't make it in time for the appointment because Seokjin had called him at work to complete some files

He told them that he could cancel the appointment and moving it for tomorrow, but Taehyung argued and told him he'll go to the appointment with Jungkook
Which Namjoon hardly agreed, but he caved in and said yes

"Since when do you want so bad to go to the doctor?"
"You could have escape for one more day!"
"Because were not going to the doctor Kook"

"But the blood test-"
"Forget it, I'm fine now. I don't need it anymore"

Jungkook didn't say anything to not upset him but he knew Taehyung still needed to get tested

They decided to go to the mall, in the first hour they ignored the calls from Yoongi and Namjoon and decided to go shopping but after awhile Jungkook got hungry
That's why now they were on there way to eat something at the small restaurant inside the mall


Jungkook ordered two sandwiches, one with chicken and the other with vegetables, fries, chicken nuggets and a chocolate milkshake
While Taehyung ordered a vegetable salad but with Jungkook pleading he ended up ordering a vanilla strawberry milkshake too

Taehyung was always carful and watched the calories that he's eating because while Jungkook can eat whatever he wants and still stay fit, he couldn't
He never had abs like Jungkook, he still had his baby fat

His stomach was flat but there wasn't any abs, so he restricted himself to look better, to look more like Jungkook

"Do you want some chicken nuggets?" Jungkook asked while munching on one himself
But Taehyung refused while slowly eating his salad
He didn't even touch his milkshake

"I won't take a no for an answer! Here, open up!"
Jungkook said pushing the nugget to Tae mouth which he finally cave in and opened it
He took a small bite and then he eat the whole thing, after that Jungkook started feeding him more nuggets and fries

"I need to go to the bathroom" Taehyung suddenly announced
He couldn't take it anymore, all he was thinking was the calories that he eat and needed to be out of his sistem

He looked himself in the restaurant bathroom and started throwing up the food that he eat a moment ago

⚠️end of TW

When Taehyung got out of the bathroom he looked pale and tired
"You okay?"
" Better than ever!" he lied to him
"Which place should we go next?"
"Do you wanna go to the park" Jungkook asked

"Is that a date?" Tae said while smirking at him
" Shut up!" Jungkook said embarrassed already getting red

•words 1049
•updated 20230126

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