Chapter 24

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When Namjoon got back home it was already late, too late for dinner even if his stomach was starting to hurt from the lack of food he had been eating today.
It's not like he didn't eat anything today, Jin made breakfast and lunch for both of them and he really enjoyed it, but still he could use some food to eat right now.
And of course he eat Seokjin out too but that's another story.

Namjoon carefully made his way to the kitchen, he couldn't see properly because of the lack of light. All the lights were closed and everyone was sleeping or that he thought.

"Had fun?"
After hearing a voice next to him Namjoon was about to spill the milk he just poured himself over the cereals
"Ohh yeah i could say so, I just had some things to do for work"
"Does work involve the hickey on you're neck? Or is it a thing that everyone has a hickey on their neck right now?"

"Okay you caught me ok, I was with Jin- wait what did you say about hickeys?"
"Taehyung and Jungkook have it too, I thought I should have one too! You know it's not nice to be left out like that" she teased him

Namjoon was about to talk but stopped mid way after seeing Jungkook enter the kitchen
It was around 2 am and he was dressed in a pink pajama with bunnies

"Ohh hyung you got home! I missed you, why are both of you looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong, am I in trouble?" Jungkook asked looking at his mom
"Care to explain the hickey on you're neck Jungkook?"
"What hickey?"
"Don't act dumb Jungkook" His mom said and started unbuttoning the buttons of his pajama revealing a huge purple bruise at the base of his collar bones that was starting to heal

"What's this then?! since when do you have a hickey!" Namjoon said
"Namjoon it's okay I'll take care of Jungkook, you go to sleep and rest. I left medicine on you're bedside for the pain"
Mrs. Jeon said winking at Namjoon while he limped walking the stairs

"Now that we are alone, you can tell me who give you this hickey you don't have to be embarrassed"
"Mom it's not a hickey! I just burned myself with the flat iron while straightening my hair"
"Jungkook you don't straighten you're hair because it's already damaged, that's why you cut it in the first place. So you better don't lie to me"

"Fine it is a hickey, happy?"
"I'll would have been more happy if you would've not hide it from me, anyway I'd like to know who's the lucky girl that give you a hickey, I want to meet her"

Jungkook froze after hearing the word girl, of course his mother thought it was a girl. At least she didn't know it was Taehyung the one who did it

"We were playing truth or dare at school and someone dared a girl to give me a hickey, I'm not together with her" he lied
"Then what about Taehyung? Why does he have one on his neck too?"

Jungkook stayed silent while thinking of an excuse
"Did someone give him a hickey while playing truth or dare too?"his mother said teasing him
"You'll find it wired if I tell you mom"
"It's just that after the game Jimin thought it will be better to give Tae a hickey too so I won't be alone and started bitting his neck"

"Okay just don't hide anything from me okay? I'm you're mom you don't have to be embarrassed to talk things to me, now go to sleep tomorrow's Friday and you have school"
Jungkook sighed while going back to his room

Jungkook and Taehyung woke up relatively early considering the fact that they stayed up almost all night talking. Jungkook told him that there mom asked about his hickey and the lie that he told her
Taehyung was more chill about it because one, he is over eighteen and two, is not the first time he shows up with a hickey on his neck at home

After they got dressed for school and eat their breakfast, Taehyung joined his mom on the couch to get his treatment
His mom handed him a pill that he very much hates the taste but he needs to take it nonetheless
"Gulp it down with a lot of water and after that I'll give you the shot"
Taehyung nodded while getting the water bottle from his mom hand after mumbling a thanks

Taehyung stared at his mom while she placed the already prepared shot beside her on the table
"Mom... can we skip it?"
"Skip what Taehyung? the shot? of course not!" she looked confused at him
"Please mom" he said pouting

His mother sighed before getting up and walking out of the room, she eventually came back with a bunch of papers
"Are this my results?"
"Yeah I need to see how many vitamins are you lacking"
"Mom I know what you're doing, I won't get more shots!"

"Calm down Taehyung, you won't get more shots but you need this one"
"But mom-"
"No, you have to take this one. I'm very serious right now"

Without saying a word Taehyung sighed while he lifted his t shirt sleeve up revealing his shoulder, on his shoulder was a little bruise forming from the shot that he took the other day
"I'll give you an ointment to put on that, you bruise really easily Taehyung"

She didn't even get a chance to touch Taehyung when he suddenly flinched
"Just a pinch Tae, I know you can do it"

He can, he can do it, he actually managed to get all of his shots until now and yesterday he eat 3 full meals without throwing anything up, the last time he ate 3 meals a day was 2 years ago.
So right now he give the needle in his mom hand one last look before turning his head the other way. He can do it, he has to, only a few more days and it'll be all over. He kept saying to himself that while he felt the slight pinch of the needle that then turned into a stinging sensation.

•updated 20230901 (finally new update)
•words 1084
•I had this in my drafts for like a month I just didn't had the time to finish it

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