Chapter 5

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They entered Yoongi's cabinet and greeted him.
His medical cabinet was mostly simple, the walls were a warm color of beige and beside them was the table that the patients were sitting on, beside that were the medical equipment that was needed

There were some flowers in front of the window since Yoongi liked to give the flowers light, and some stickers and paintings on one of the walls to make the kids that enter that cabinet feel more comfortable

"Hi Joon" Yoongi said smiling and showing his gummy smile at him
Yoongi was Namjoon s friend, they knew each other because of Hoseok and Jimin, Yoongi boyfriends.

"Hi Hyung!"
"And what do we have here hmmm? Two cute babies!"
"Hyung I'm not little " taehyung said
"Technically you are since you're still 18!"

"What is Jiminie doing?" Taehyung changed the subject
"Jiminie is okay, he's just bit sick because of the flu shot"
"He got his shot done already?" Namjoon asked
"Yes, he got it done yesterday, but don't worry its just a small pinch"

"So who wants to go and get it done first?" he asked
Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other, none of them wanted to go first
"Don't wanna go first" Jungkook said

"Okay then, come on Tae hop on the table let's show Kookie that there is nothing to be scared of" he said gesturing to him to come closer

" Hyung, do i really have to get it?"
"Yes you do, don't tell me that you're scared over a small pinch"
"I don't really like the idea of needles entering in my skin" he admitted honestly

"Okay, then I'm going to do it gently, is that okay with you?" he nodded before getting on the bed
"Kookie stay here while I go stay with Tae" Namjoon told while setting him on one of the chairs beside the table

Namjoon got on the bed beside Taehyung, and rolled up his sleeve, thankfully he was wearing a t-shirt
"Here, hold my hand" he interviewed there fingers
"Don't be nervous, just relax, that way it will hurt less"

"Okay" he whispered, clearly nervous and breathed in and out to calm himself down
"Just squeeze my hand if it hurts, okay?" he nodded with tears in his eyes, still he didn't cry

He won't cry for a shot, he is not 15 years anymore
"Okay, turn you're head and close you're eyes" Yoongi told him
"Ready? I'm just going to count-"

"Nooo! it's going to hurt..." he looked down at his lap with glossy eyes
"Shhh" Namjoon shushed and hugged him to hold him in place, he hid Taehyung's face in his arms while massaging his fluffy brown hair

"" Yoongi said before pushing the needle in his arm after cleaning the spot
" hurts"

"And it's done" he said after pressing a cotton pad dipped in alcohol on the red spot on taehyung arm
"Already done?" Taehyung asked surprised

"Yes, you did good didn't even cry, I'm proud of you" Namjoon said smiling at him
"Did it hurt?"
"A little bit" he said massaging his hand where he got the shot

"Here take a lollipop for being brave and not crying!" Yoongi said
"Hyung! I'm not a kid anymore, I don't cry when I get shots now, but still thank you" taehyung said while taking a strawberry flavored lollipop
"You're welcome"

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