Chapter Two; Part Two: Excalibur of Souls

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@ All Rights Reserved for the titles and stories within;

“The Elementary of a Soul” and “The Soul Stories” and “Excalibur of Souls” and “The Excalibur the Sword of Souls”

By Chris S. Clevenger

Edited Last: 1-22-13

--- Chapter Two; Part Two: Excalibur of Souls ---

Unknown to the Anna and Meg another woman was exploring the cave system below the Camp before the quake had hit.

Maylin Lee, a friend of both Anna’s and Meg’s. She was here with them, just not with them. She had her own plans and ideas of where and how to go about this dig. So when she found a chance she had snuck off to do some exploring of her own. This is how she ended up in the caves before the quake. And now stuck.

Maylin moved her no messed up hair out of her brown eyes as she looked around. Tomb Raider Maylin was not. She could pass as a ninja and on good days her friends had nicknamed her as such. She was not upset with it, most Japanese people might be, but she wasn’t she enjoyed it. She was quite sneaky and loved Martial Arts.

She has been with Anna and Meg so long she thinks of them more as family then as friends. And yet oddly no one seemed to know just what Maylin did for a living, since her two very best friends were in law enforcement she was not in any rush to tell them she was a Robin-Hood like Hacker. One of the best!

Oh sure Anna might know, she was after very good at her job. But Hacking was not something Anna was all that worried about. And never brought it up to her. Maylin snapped out of her thoughts as she stumbled into a cave wall. She was in the dark since the quake and she dropped her flashlight and it broke.

These thoughts where starting to worry Maylin till she heard Anna’s voice, it was like hearing a voice of an angel to Maylin’s ears, at this moment if Anna had asked her to be hers, she would do so willingly and Maylin was not gay. She let out a cry of joy as she made her way to the voice of her best friend.

There was no one like Anna, in a time of need. To Maylin Anna was the ‘Pure White Knight’ and had always been that way for her since she has known her.

Before Maylin went deeper into them memories she called out to her friend. “Anna!” She yelled as she was getting very worried about becoming lost and not finding Anna.

There was also the nagging feeling that Maylin felt as she heard something in Anna’s voice. She had a hard time placing the sound at first, there had never been a time she hard heard that sound come from Anna’s voice…. Fear. This scared Maylin most of all.


As Anna was climbing down she shinned her flashlight around the cave and seen a glint off to the side of the cave room, like a flash of light shining off of glint of steel. She did not say anything about it to Meg as she dropped to the ground and knelt next to her friend too check her out.

“Oh Meg, your leg looks broken,” Anna said and was pretty sure about it. So her voice was soft and all thoughts the glint of steel vanish as she worried about her friend.

“You came,” Meg winced as she tried to speak.

“You know I’d walk though fire for you, Red!” Anna said without looking into Meg’s eyes as she said this. Out of fear that Meg would understand just how she felt at last.

“Down here to help me…” Meg was having a hard time speaking though the pain.

“Damn right woman, you would not believe the paper work I’d have to do if I lost you, so shut your mouth and let me do this.” Anna said and forced a worried smile at her friend.

“Ah, yes, can’t have you doing more paper work, now can I?” Meg asked and gave her own weak smile back at Anna as she felt a tug as Anna set her leg. This earns a grunt of pain. “Ya broken,” She mutter to herself as she gritted her teeth in more pain.


Near panic, Maylin bumped and smashed into wall after wall as she made her way to find Anna. The talking between Anna and Meg told her that they both where down in the caves with her. It also told her Meg was hurt. So fear was building in Maylin as she made her way looking for Anna and Meg.

“Anna, Meg!” Maylin said as rushed over to them, or so she had tried to do but ended up face first into the ground as she tripped over something on the way to them. “Ow!” She says as she holds her head.

“Maylin,” Anna turned her light in time to see Maylin all bruised and bloody sitting up and holding her head. “how did you get down here?” Anna asked as she moved over to her smaller Asian friend to check her out.

“I…” Pant, “was exploring….” Pant, “before the quake hit,” Maylin said as she tried to catch her breath. This did not stop the smile from spreading a crossed her cheeks as she hugged Anna.

Anna laughed and returned the hug with Maylin knowing that her friend must have been freaked out.

“Your fine, I’ve got you now, here let me look at you,” She said as she pulled back and did a quick job checking over Maylin’s wounds and noting nothing was bad off, just a few cuts, one that might need a stitch or two is all.

A sigh came from Maylin as she felt Anna check her out. “Thank you,” She whispered and felt a poke on her hip. She looked down to find what she tripped over.

“Oh my, look at this,” Maylin said as she dust off some kind of leather bound tome, of some sorts.

“Um, the floor is littered with them,” Meg said as she held up one herself. “Guess I made a discovery after all…. Yay me!” Meg giggled as she brought the scroll case back down to check it out more closely.

Anna was hardly listening as she picked up a what she though was a sword hilt and was about to say something to the other but was surprised as she was blinded by a flash of light and sharp pains throughout her body.

Maylin and Meg look up to see what made the light and their friend scream and then they feel the pain themselves as they felt as if they where being ripped apart from the insides as what they held in their hands disappear as well as they both fell.

After the light faded there was nothing but silence in the cave. The three friends lay out cold.


It was almost nine hours later, that rescuer worker found the three unconscious women in the “empty” cave just below the camp grounds.

--- Chapter Two; End of Part Two: Excalibur of Souls---

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