Chapter One; Part Two: Elementary of a Soul

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@ All Rights Reserved for the titles and stories within;

“The Elementary of a Soul” and “The Soul Stories” and “Excalibur of Souls” and “The Excalibur the Sword of Souls”

By Chris S. Clevenger

Edited Last: 1-22-13

--- Chapter One; Part Two: Elementary of a Soul---

A few hours later, Stacy stood within a penthouse room looking down at the file in her hands. The men had made sure she had no wants. Or needs. She was given this penthouse as if it was nothing. She had noted that they seemed to think this was some kind of insult to her that she was given such a cheap place.

But to her this place was nice and clean. Hell it was better then her home. But then again since she got a hold of the deeds and paper work from her benefactor she had been a bit better then paycheck to paycheck. Now she could own a few city blocks and still live nicely for years. That was if she wanted to flaunt the new windfall. She didn’t. So she planned on living within her old place… maybe a new car. But all and all not much would change.

Well aside of her being given a few SWAT team at her command and once she looked over there files she could see that each and every member of that team was former Delta force or something like that. So these men all knew what the hell they where doing with a gun. These where all men who where very well paid for what they did. Not that she needed to worry about the cash.

And to think this was all being paid for by the guys from the tea room just so she felt taken care of. And it was nice to feel pampered every now and then. But Stacy also knew that they did this to keep a closer eye on her movements. Not that she was worried.

She looks down at the file. “Who are you girls?” She asks herself as she read the file once more for the hundredth time…today. Sure she knew who they where, but why did it matter? Who where they in the grand scheme of things? And why now? What was so impotent about this Sword that the richest men in the world all where about to send hit men and killers to find it.

And just as she was deep in thought walking around the room reading and brainstorming she heard a ‘Buzz’ sound and stopped and looked around the room a moment. Seeing this was not her place and she was just here today. She was slightly confused as to what the sound was for or where it was coming from. And then as if a voice from the gods answered her mental questions.

“Ms Holt, this is the front desk.” A female said from the speaker phone.

“Oh… A speaker phone… how nice…” Stacy said as she looked at the phone.

“I guess it is Ms Holt, and I am sorry to interrupt you but you have a guest down here in the lobby.” The female said.

“I do” Stacy said with a frown. No one I know knows where I am. Hell my friends in the FBI don’t know where I am. she thought to herself as she was frowning at the phone.

“Ms Holt, what shall I do?” Asked the female in the lobby.

“Oh, yes sorry, male or female?” Stacy asked

“Male” The receptionist said.

“Send him up, and by the way what is your name?” Stacy asked

“Jade Smith” The female said a bit worried that she might have upset her.

“Ah nice to meet you Jade Smith, please reframe from calling me Ms Holt, that is my mother, call me Stacy, if you don’t mind, Jade.” Stacy said with a grin.

“Oh… ok Stacy, nice to meet you.” Jade said with a sigh.

“And Jade” Stacy said


“Is my guest cute?” Stacy asked with a giggle.

“Very” Jade said as she watches the man head off to the elevators.

“Umm it was fun Jade, but I should get ready for my guest, please call me before your off duty.” Stacy said

“Ok, I’ll do that.” Jade said

Stacy grinned to herself as she pulls out the Nine she had just in case something goes wrong. Then she looked into the mirror and smiled as she did a little priming and torched up her makeup just a bit. Just in case. She was after all single.

After a few minutes she hears a knock at the door.

“Coming” Stacy said as she walks to the door and opens it.

“Hello Agent Holt” A young good looking man in his early thirties said.

This man is clearly who every woman thinks of when she thinks about a dark skin good looking man. Stacy thought to herself as she took in his good looks and accent.

“I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage here.” She said with a sly grin as she stepped out of his way so he could enter.

“Oh sorry, where are my manners? I am, Carlos Watson and I am with Interpol.” Carlos said with a smile.

Now to say Stacy was shocked at the man would be a clear understatement of her feelings at this moment.

“Watson?” She says softly and takes a step back.

“Yes, my last name.” The dark skin Latin man says and takes a step forward to grab Stacy before she could fall. “Wow I never get this reaction from the woman I am trying to sweep off there feet. I should feel proud, yes?” He asked as he braces her up and keeps her from falling down.

“Yes” Stacy admitted as she looked into his eyes. Very deep and very sexy eyes.

Oh damn it’s been a very long time since a man held me even this close. She thought as she looked up at him breathing in his spicy scent.

“Carlos” She whispered.

“Yes Agent Holt” He said.

“Close the door and stop calling me Agent.” She purred as she back away giving him a clear invite into her place.

Carlos is not a dummy and knew right away she was offering him a bit of fun. “Oh god, how I would love to join you Stacy, but I must ask we speak about the job first and then I would love to teach you why they say once you go Latin you never go back.” He teased her.

Stacy pouted a moment and rolled her eyes. “Fine, come in” She said as she turned away from him and gave him a show of her swaying her hips as she walked back into the penthouse. Just so he know what she was offering him.

Carlos blinks and watched her hips. And oh god he knew.

--- Chapter One; End of Part Two: Elementary of a Soul ---

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