Chapter Two; Part Seven: Excalibur of Souls

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@ All Rights Reserved for the titles and stories within;

“The Elementary of a Soul” and “The Soul Stories” and “Excalibur of Souls” and “The Excalibur the Sword of Souls”

By Chris S. Clevenger

Edited Last: 3-9-13

--- Chapter Two; Part Seven: Excalibur of Souls ---

Anna had not been impressed by the ‘bobbies’ at all. To her they looked like keystone police officers and that just pissed her off to no end. And to top it off they had wanted to arrest her on the spot but the nurses all backed her story and the doctors as well.

“Look all I did was protect myself and my friends, who are not awake,” She nearly growled this at them and eyed the female, who looked as if she’d rather run and hide from her.

“I understand Ms,” the male said and before anything could be said a nurse poked her head out of the room, with a rather shocked look on her face and looked right at Anna.

“Your friend is awake, Anna.” She said as if they had been friends all there lives and not just meet an hour ago like they had.

“Thank you Nurse, Michelle.” Anna said with a grin at the bobbies. “Can I go now or is there more to ask, me?” she asked as she looked hard at them, hoping to give them the idea she was done talking with them.

One reason the police where upset, had to be, she still had her gun and badge out, and made no attempted to hand it too them. She was not going without a gun, with someone looking to kidnap her and her friends.

Not happening!

With no answer from the police officers Anna turned and walked into the room, she was in time to see a wet Maylin looking like she was about to toss some daggers at Meg, who for her part was grinning ear to ear, like she was a cat who just got into the milk.

“Morning girls, hope your ready to get the hell out of this place?” Anna asked as she walked over to the closet to grab their things.

“What, why?” Maylin asked as she watched Anna, but not before mouthing the words. ‘I’ll get you’ to Meg meaning that payback was coming and she would have her revenge.

‘Bring it Ms. Ninja.’ the injured ME mouthed back at her friend as she raised her hand and did a ‘come on’ gesture. But she was in no condition to dance her Asian friend would bring on her, but they played like this all the time.

“Well, for starters someone tried to kidnap the two of you, and maybe me too, but I guess with the ass kicking I gave them it did not go so well, for them.” Anna said with a smirk.

“I see,” Maylin said

Meg’s playful eyes shifted from Maylin to Anna as she manically began stuffing their belongings into a to go bag. The thought made a red brow raise and full lips twist in silent amusement.

“And lets not get me started with these ‘Bobbies’ their not worth a damn!” Anna seemed like she could go on for hours on this topic if the girls let her.

And both Maylin and Meg knew by Anna's tone she was not joking and she would lock them both in a room and guard the door if she had too alone.

“Anna baby, Sweetheart, Maylin is right it is not foreseeable for you to go all Rambo for us. We are big girls we can help.” Meg said trying to get Anna to look at her.

“Yes, I know,” Anna looked right at Meg.

And what Meg seen in them eyes nearly made her passed out. Meg seen a storm in Anna’s eyes.

“We’re fine, please calm down,” Meg pat her bed and Anna took a deep breath and sat down where Meg asked.

Now both Meg and Maylin had seen Anna beat a college punk and his friends back when they had been in college together, she beat them all badly. And it had all been over Meg. They had picked on her, and had called her a ‘dike’ and all sorts of words, well that was when they had teeth. Anna had seen too it that they would need new teeth and would never say anything to them again.

So hearing Anna’s tone Maylin looked from Anna to Meg and frown.

“Meg talk too her , she needs to know she is not at fault for this.” Maylin said so both girls can hear it, Anna sighed at hearing it.

“I know, it‘s not,” Anna said before Meg could say anything.

“Do you?”

“Yes, I do,”

“I don’t think you do,”

“Maylin, please, all I want to do is keep you two safe,”

“I know Anna, you’re a sweetheart that way, but you know me and Meg are both adults,”

“I know,” Anna looked down at her hands and felt for the first time that Meg was rubbing her back softly. “I just want to keep you safe, I could never live with myself if you two got… more hurt then you are and I could stop it.” she said.

Both Meg and Maylin looked at Anna who just sat there looking very near panic and barely holding herself together. And to anyone else Anna would look calm and cool even. But too the girls this Anna was screaming and crying. For they knew her all too well. With just Anna sitting on the bed and allowing Meg to touch her, there had too be something very wrong.

But as the girls where about to ask Anna more about it she stood up and went back too packing their stuff.

“You two can be upset with me all you want, but I love you both and I am not resting till where safely out of this… pit and back in the states.” Anna said without looking at them.

And with that there was nothing they could do or say to stop Anna now. Though Meg was too busy thinking about how Anna said she loved her to care about anything else.


An hour later, the nurse began pulling at the blankets on Megan, adjusting this and that, but the Medical Examiner let out a hiss of pain, as the sheet caught on her new cast and pulled her injured leg just enough to cause pain.

"Can I be a big baby and cry now?" She asked as a wetness filled her eyes. Gone was the playing and the jest, all that remained was a concentrated will not to wail on the poor nurse.

Anna reached over and took Meg’s hand into her own. “You’ll be fine,” she said as she watched her friend and then looked at the nurse. “Will you get her some pain meds?” she asked.

“Yes, ms,” the nurse bobbed her head and rushed to get them.

“Damn girl, you got some sway with the staff here,” Maylin teased.

“Guess, but maybe they are a bit scared of me,” Anna said without looking Maylin’s way.


Michelle poked her head into the room and smiled brightly at them, well maybe Anna, Maylin thought as she watched.

“I have your paper work all done up for your release,” Michelle said.

“Thank you, Nurse Michelle, we’re grateful for your help in speeding this up.” Anna said as she let go of Meg’s hand and stood up too greet the nurse.

Meg looked from Anna’s lovely backside to Maylin and raised an eyebrow at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2013 ⏰

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