Chapter 1 - It Pays the Rent

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I don't believe in dead ends or no-win scenarios. I had made it through my almost thirty years with the perpetual view that there was always some way to make things better. Admittedly, in this particular instance, the manner of execution completely eluded me. I was certain that there had to be a way to break the leash my masters had on me. For three years now, I'd done their bidding. Most days they left me alone. At times I could avoid interruption for as long as a month or two. It was just enough time to convince myself it had all been a terrible dream. Then, the summons would come to wrench me back to reality.

When I wasn't working, I was busy with training. Most often it was a solo endeavor. At times Mikey would knock at my door and we would spar at the gym. In the beginning these sessions consisted mainly of me getting my ass kicked by the goon who'd been assigned as my mentor. The direct result was that I spent the better part of that first year bruised from head to toe. Chandra did not approve. After one particularly gruesome training session, she'd gone so far as to confront Marcus and demanded he call off his goon long enough for her to get her money's worth out of her toy. One thing she did appreciate was the improvement this rigorous training made in my physical condition. I was leaner and stronger than I'd ever been. It improved my performance in all sorts of physical activity.

Mikey had become something of a mentor to me in certain aspects of faery life. The two of us would never be friends, but we had a sort of mutual respect. I would be lying if I tried to deny that I had a certain affinity for Marcus's number one goon. Mikey could be a real bastard, but he was someone you wanted in your corner when a situation went sideways.

For the last year our sparring sessions had been more evenly matched. I had taken longer than I would ever prefer to admit in mastering control of the battle song. This was the toughest challenge because it couldn't be taught. Every faery had to find their own means of joining the chorus of the song. With this most important step accomplished, I was able to begin exploring my abilities and testing their limits. Now, I was devoting practice to the more subtle uses that could be applied with better developed control. So far, I wasn't so great at subtle.

I had just returned from one such sparring session and was about to hit the shower when the peace was interrupted by the doorbell I suddenly regretted having repaired. I tossed his duffel bag behind the sofa and started toward the door. It rang again, and again, and again. Someone was pressing the button frantically and I was suddenly convinced if I didn't open the door soon, it would end up in pieces and I would be looking at another repair bill. When I opened the door, I found a very nervous messenger practically dancing in place. He slapped an envelope into my hand, took out a smartphone and franticly keyed in some sort of code. He held the phone up and shook it in front of my face.

"You see this? Do you see this?" He shook the phone more fiercely and pointed with his free hand just in case the intended object of attention wasn't clear. "Less than ten seconds to spare! If you'd come to the door any slower I would have missed my deadline! Missed it!" He did not wait for a response. He simply shoved the phone into his coat pocket and started down the hall toward the elevator. "I can't imagine why he'd be hiring someone like you, but good luck with that attitude." With that, the extremely high-strung messenger stepped onto the elevator and descended.

All I could do was stand there, shaking my head. What was that all about? And what is this? I looked at the envelope I had accepted in the midst of the messenger's nervous tirade. It was a simple white envelope, the type one would expect to contain a business letter or billing statement. Upon opening, the contents appeared to be the former.

Mr. Genshen,

Certain matters have come to my attention that will require the application of your particular talents and expertise. As you are fully aware, it is well within my capacity to present this request in the form of a mandate rather than a paying contract. I am however, one who prides himself on maintaining a certain level of decorum and sensibility. After all, as you have expressed to our mutual associate on more than one occasion, you do have financial obligations. It works to my advantage that you are able to stay ahead of said debts and thus retain your availability to respond as I may require.

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