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You squealed as your new cat nuzzled your cheek with a meow of happiness

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You squealed as your new cat nuzzled your cheek with a meow of happiness.

"You're so cute!!"You said happily kissing its face.

Across the room your angy boyfriend was seething in his own jealousy. Yes, he was jealous of your kitten.

He had a shadow over his eyes with a scowl on his face.

You however, didn't notice this because you were too busy giving your cat all your love and affection, totally forgetting about him.

"Aww!! Your little face is so adorable!"You squealed once again as your cat purred as he rubbed his little head against your chest.

'Never seen a pervy cat before.' Bakugou thought as he slumped in his seat with a 'hmph' and a cute little pout.

You heard this but decided to ignore it because you wanted him to actually say something which he did.

"Stupid cat...taking all her fucking attention...that should be me.."He said quietly while his eyes were trained on you, who was still fan girling over your kitten.

Bakugou looked down at your cat with a mean glare when he saw the cat go into your shirt..well..his shirt.

"Why the hell is your cat so pervy.."He said finally meeting your gaze.

"He is not! He's just cold!"You spat puffing out your cheeks.

"Yeah sure.."He spoke rolling his eyes so far he could have seen his thoughts.

"Kat! Look at himm! Isn't he so cute!?"You beamed holding up your cat with a giant smile.

"Yep."He said dryly.

"Are you okay?"You asked, your face scrunching up a bit.

"I'm fine! Play with your cat or whatever!"He said turning away from you.

You were confused for a second before you got it.

"Are you perhaps..jealous..?"You asked placing your cat in his bed, in which he curled his small frame to be warmer.

"Jealous?!"Katsuki asked in disbelief.

You nodded while standing up.

"Hell no."He glared at you.

"Oh okay, come here yukio!"You said turning back to your cat.

Bakugou's face twisted before he pulled you onto his lap by your shirt collar since you were in arms length.

You giggled as he wrapped his arms securely around your stomach.

"Stupid cat.."He mumbled with his face in your neck, engulfing himself in your warmth, something he did often.

"You could have just said you wanted attention.."You spoke softly rubbing his hands.

"Shut up.."He said holding you tighter.

You cat soon came over and hopped up next to you, it rubbing against your arm.

You removed your hands from bakugous and grabbed the small creature and placed it in your lap, in which he tried to go under your shirt again.

You looked over your shoulder to see katsuki sleeping with a peaceful expression on his face.

"aw..he so precious.."You cooed petting your kitten's head while still looking over at katsuki.

He slightly moved in his sleep followed by a groan.

His eyes opened as his mouth dropped to a frown, his eyes squinting to adjust to the light.

"I'm uncomfortable as fuck, Can we sleep in your bed..?"He asked in a groggy voice.

You grinned before standing up, pulling him with you.

You pulled him along with you down the hallway, your feet tingling due to the cold hardwood.

You pushed open your door with one hand due to your other being occupied because you were still holding his hand.

He softly let go of your hand and plopped on your bed with a huff, still leaving some space for you though.

You felt a something rubbing against your leg, looking down you saw your ginger cat rubbing himself against your leg.

You giggled and scooped him up before padding over to your bed.

You placed your furry friend on the corner of the bed so you wouldn't squish him and layed down, bakugou instantly turning to you and wrapping his arms around you.

His arms were once again wrapped around your stomach, his head snuggled in your neck.

He slowly fell back into his sleep, you following along.

He slowly fell back into his sleep, you following along

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