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Your lip twisted up as you read your sister's message

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Your lip twisted up as you read your sister's message.

'Can't make it, sorry' was what it read, she did this everytime you asked her to come over.

It was always 'can't come today maybe next time!' or 'Y/n, you know I'm a busy person! I can't always be there!'.

Your parents weren't any better but I'd rather not talk about them.

The reason you invited her over ever year on Halloween is because you didn't want to stay home by yourself, yes it was childish, but you didn't want to be the next meal for a vampire or a werewolf because you were out and about.

Every year on Halloween vampires and werewolves would come out of hiding because it was an opportunity to feed on humans since they were everywhere.

Their excuse was 'Oh it's just a costume!' and people always believed it.

They would wait until late at night to go though so the human wouldn't scream for help since there was no one around that late at night.

You smacked your teeth and went to lock all your doors and windows, followed by taking out your stakes and silver knives.

You left some in the living room and some in the kitchen.

There was a knock on your door followed by excited voices.

You stalked your way to the door and grabbed the candy bucket from the table beside it.

You pulled open the door to reveal a few small kids, one with a ghost face costume, one as a pumpkin, and one as spiderman.

"Trick or Treat!"They all beamed with huge smiles.

You dipped a hand in the bucket and gave each of them a good amount before closing the door.

After placing your bucket down you went back to your kitchen to start cleaning up.

After placing your bucket down you went back to your kitchen to start cleaning up

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