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You leaned on bakugou's arm as he cooked

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You leaned on bakugou's arm as he cooked.

"Bakugou! I'm hungry."You spoke groaning and holding your stomach with your hand.

You had just put your kitten to sleep and now it was time to annoy your boyfriend who was now cooking lunch for the both of you.

"Y/n, I just started cooking.."He said turning the pan of fried vegetables on low heat so the grease wouldn't get on you.

*bro Idk if fried vegetables are a thing don't bully me! 🙄*

He turned to you with a annoyed look but it softened once he saw your face.

Your lips were dropped to a pout and your eyebrows were furrowed in a angry pout.

"You're adorable."He said pinching your cheeks, your eyes closing from pain as you tried to swat his hands away.

"Stop it! That hurts!"You exclaimed, your cheeks starting to hurt from his harsh pinches.

"Nope."He said popping the 'p'.

You opened your eyes to meet his gaze, he was smirking with his canine tooth poking out.

You huffed and swatted his hands away from your face.

He chuckled deeply before grasping your jaw and pulling you closer to his face, your noses touching.

He looked over your features a bit before he pulled you into a kiss, your hands landing on his chest out of shock.

His free arm lazily looped around your waist and brought you closer so he could stand up properly, forcing you to stand on your tippy toes.

Your eyes squeezed tightly as he gripped your waist tighter than normal.

The kiss soon got more heated, his tongue coaxing your own into a battle of dominance.

His hand that was previously on your jaw dropped down to your neck, his fingers wrapped roughly around it.

You moaned into the kiss when he softly squeezed.

Your hands tightly gripped his shirt as a sign that you needed air.

He pulled away, a string of drool connecting you.

He let you breath for a few moments before he kissed you again this time his hands gripping your thighs before he scooped you up and sat you on a nearby counter.

At this point he had completely forgotten about the food and so did you.

You both were breathing heavily from the lewd dance of tongues, your noses flaring.

His hands ran up and down your plush thighs as your hands held his face close to yours.

You wrapped your legs around his waist to bring him closer.

He removed his hands from your thighs and placed them on your hips.

He pulled you closer to the edge of the counter, your core pressed on his semi erection.

You let out a breathy moan when he grinded himself against you, him letting out a growl from the friction.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, your manicured hands tangling in his unruly locks.

You pulled harshly when he nibbled on your bottom lip, a whine escaping from your throat.

He let a groan erupt from his throat when you pulled his hair, his head flying back.

You latched yourself onto his neck and sucked on a random patch of skin, a shaky breath coming from said male as you continued marking up his neck.

He grabbed your hair and pulled it back just like you did to him.

He leaned in by your neck, only giving it little pepper kisses before those soft kisses turned into rough sucking.

After he marked you up to his liking he attacked your slightly swollen lips once again.

You both stay like this for a while, making out on your kitchen counter, until your lips were red a swollen.

He pulled himself away from your lips, his lust filled gaze meeting your own.

"There, now go sit down somewhere."He said out of nowhere like you weren't just about to fuck like birds in heat.

"I know you fucking lying.."You spoke, your brows furrowed.

He laughed at your angry look before turning back to the stove.

You hopped off the counter and walked beside him.

He looked over at you with a strained smile.

"Yes baby?"He asked pretending like nothing happened.

"I'm finna kick yo' ass."You spoke menacingly glaring at him.

He laughed and started to run around the small apartment with you following close behind him.

He laughed and started to run around the small apartment with you following close behind him

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