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Y/n was shocked after seeing V-aecenzo and V-aecenzo was pleased with y/n's face but soon his happiness disappeared when he saw a smirk on y/n's face.

He raised his eyebrow while smirk on y/n's face changed into a Loud laugh which shocked V-aecenzo even more.
But the he smirked and said.

"You think you can hold me from killing you by this creepy laugh"

"You monster, you are the one with creepy laugh ......I laugh like a cute baby huh" y/n said while being dramatic.

"Are you out of your mind babygirl. You are going to die".
He said being irritated.

"Wait wait! Won't you ask me my last wish before you kill me ?" She asked hoping to get some time.

" Well I don't want to but now I think I can tell fast what's your last wish?"
V-aecenzo said.

" I just want to pray God for mercy before I die"
Y/n said.

" I will only give you 5 minutes and then even your god can't save you"
He said while laughing loud.

Y/n bent down on her knees with head low and suddenly she screamed

"God why? Why?  Why can't I have a normal life like other kids and people" she fake cried and continued.

"First you took away my parents becuase of a devil like him" she point towards V-aecenzo while on the other side V-aecenzo had a proud smirk on his face which disgusted y/n.

"Then you gave me a fake family which just used me physically and destroyed me physically and mentally both.
Even when I ran away from them you made me wander in streets but then you gave me a angel Mr Kim

And I thought you  finally put some happiness in my bag of luck but now you took away Mr Kim too.

Why ?

Even after knowing this devil who possessed Mr Kim I helped Mr Kim.
I could have ran away but I helped him in his difficult situation why?

Because I thought one day he will help me too in my financial situations or when I will need him but see .....that Kim Taehyung.

That ungrateful brat...."

Y/n was acting like her whole acting career depends on this drama.

But now she have to play a masterstroke before her 5 minutes ends.

She looked up towards V-aecenzo and said.
" That ungrateful brat will never help me ......but I wish he could know how to kill you.

I wih he would know that if he attack you witha sharp object while the devil is inside a body of a cruel human like this man who adopted me.
He was such a mean and merciless man who beat his wife everyday and fullfill his needs with sluts.
He even tried to rape me but I was lucky to escape.

He was Not like that kim fucking taehyung who can't do anything to children and girls .

But what's the use of this know .
I wish I could tell him earlier but you know what? "
Y/n suddenly asked V-aecenzo.

V-aecenzo was surprised but even then he said "you can tell me cause only 10 seconds are remaining of your life .....make a good use of it"

V-aecenzo understood what y/n was going to do now.

Y/n stood up and walked towards V-aecenzo while opening her hairs which were tied by a sharp pin.

She increased her pace and attacked V-aecenzo's neck with taht sharp pin
And .............

Will she be able to kill V-aecenzo or V-aecenzo will kill her ?

V-AECENZO Where stories live. Discover now