❤ Two lovers reunited ❤

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Reaper travels across the multiverse as he holds his lover's red scarf close to him as the tears pour down his face.
"Ğęņø....why did you leave...." Reaper cries as he hugs the scarf falling to his knees as the void he is in only filled with his crying.

<<Meanwhile with Error >>

Error is knitting a doll that looks like Reaper as he gets frustrated with himself. "ugh! Why can't this stupid skeleton leave my head!?" Error yells as he throws the doll in the big pile of half made dolls of Reaper that he didn't finish them. Error sighs as he lays in his beanbag as images of Reaper play in his mind as he turns bright yellow as he turns on Undernovla to get his mind off it.

<<Back with Reaper>>
Reaper heads to his au as he goes to Life also known as Reapertale Toriel. Reaper greets her with a sad smile as Life gasps "Reaper...you were crying again weren't you?" She gives him a sad look. Reaper looks away as he sweats a bit "...mhm.." Life sighs "you still thinking about Ğeñø weren't you...?"  Reaper nods as he sits down by Life killing off the grass and flowers where he sits as Life and Reaper talk about stuff before Reaper asks "Did....did you ever get his soul...?" He looks at Life who raises a brow at him "hm..I don't think I ever did get his soul as I think about it..." Reaper's eye lights up at her words "s-so...he is alive still?!?!" Life jumps at his words "well I suppose he could still be alive-" Reaper takes off as he searches for his lost lover quickly knowing he is out there

<<after hours of searching Reaper had found a void belonging to a certain God of Destruction>>

Reaper looks around the place seeing a big black beanbag as he raises a brow at it before seeing the half made little hims as he looks at then before hearing Error talking smack about asgore as Reaper slowly goes up to him...

"Geno...is that you?" Reaper says staring at the glitch infront of him as Error jumps a bit screaming before looking at Reaper a bit shocked as a bright yellow blush comes to his face a bit as he stares at Reaper who is staring back at him...

Error grits his teeth as he looks away from Reaper gaze as Reaper goes more closer to Error who is moving away. "....so what if it is.." Error blushes more as he keeps moving away as Reaper blushes as his eyes tear up at Error's words.

"It is...it is you!" Reaper smiles as he tackles Error into a hug as Error's face is a bright yellow as he has errors in his eyes as he tries to push Reaper away. Reaper smothers Error with kisses as he stares at Error smiling big to which Error has crashed due to it as Reaper sweats thinking he did something wrong.

Error reboots as he takes a bit before coming back and hides his face from Reaper blushing alot. Reaper just sits on the beanbag putting Error on his lap blushing "I missed you Geno..." He smiles as Error just looks away mumbling something as Reaper raises a brow "what was that honey?" Error looks at Reaper as he says "my name is Error now..." He looks away looking like he is going to cry.

Reaper x Error Story/Oneshots??Where stories live. Discover now