🎵King's Obsession🎵

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⚠️Contains⚠️ language, kidnapping, forceful scenarios, and killing.

Yandere (i like yanderes okay-) King Reaper x Peasant Error

Reaper POV

I was sitting on my throne as I'm trying to pick out a new butler or maid since I killed the last one~... I walk as the line of disgusting peasants.. I walk as I stop looking at some as I feel disappointed in the peasants that were brought in.

"God can't a king get a good fucking Peasant!?!?!" I yell out as I glare at my  workers who brought them here. "S-Sorry sir but this is all we have until we get a couple more in...you can wait until the new ones come-" a poor worker says scared.

"Tch...fine its not like any of this peasants are worthy here in my kingdom walls...get them out of here but keep the new ones coming..." I walk away to my room.

Error POV

I was working in my little garden trying to you know pass in this shitty life I'm in... Until a knights from the kingdom came and started to steal other people like me. I tried to run but I was caught in a moment. . .

I can't die like this please...I haven't done anything! I'm innocent I tell you!..

I get knocked out...everything turned black.

Reaper POV

I finally got told that new peasants came in so I went down and saw them all until I landed my eyes on him....

I felt my chest throbbed with my soul beating so fast as I grin. 'Oh...~ that feels amazing.... I want more. I WANT IT ALL!' I thought.

"You. Tell me your name " I point to the black boned skeleton~...he is so cute ~

Error POV

Wait he called on me?...shit. "uh the name is Error your majesty" I bow looking at the king..with the most big eyes trying to get spared by him.

The king seemed to blush when I did it. Fuck. I'm going to be picked hm...I'll use it to my advantage....

Reaper POV

Fuck fuck fuck....! He so damn cute! "Heh I'll keep ya come up here now." I grin as Error nods as he walks up to me. I grab him as I sit him on my lap as I examine him...very closely ~ I run my hands on Error's body as I just have a relaxed face on.

No one's POV

Error was shocked at this scene happening but kept a calm face on as Reaper touched him. He was very confused why the king was being like this to him.

Reaper looks at his workers "clean up Error and address him as the queen."

He glares as the workers nod and take Error to be cleaned. Error was even more shocked as he having so many questions why this was happening....

Reaper grins as he watches Error leave to go do his bath as he gets up and goes to his room as he stays there doing work.

Error POV

Why...why me...I thought I would be a worker..but IM A QUEEN NOW... even the workers are confused as the maids tried to reassure me and answer the questions I had but only some.

I had my bones cleaned that they sparkle...they were so pretty. I never seen them this clean. I get put in a suit that matches my bones and face as I awe at it.

The maids smiled as they gave me compliments about how I looked as I blushed alot as I cover my face looking away....they are so kind...I smile as I wave them bye as they leave.

I sit on the bed as I feel it as it's very soft....I get a knock on my door before the king comes in...I stand up quickly as I bow to him but he stops me. "Oh Error...you don't need to do that to me anymore because..." I stare at him as Reaper chuckles "you are my bride or well queen" Reaper smiles

No one's POV

Error gulps as he nods "okay your majesty.." Reaper sighs "call me Reaper from now on Error." Reaper smiles as he puts his hand on my cheek "the maids cleaned you up good hm... did they do anything wrong or upset you?" Error sweats as he sees in  Reaper's eyes of worry.

"Um they did good...Reaper...-" Error says sweating a bit. Reaper smiles "good I would get rid of them if they do something to upset you dear~" he chuckles as Error sweats more as he knows to lie to keep the maids alive.

Reaper "anyways how is the suit~ I had people make it fast for you even though I loved to see you walk out naked~ I won't allow anyone else except the maids.... see your body."

Reaper grins as Error sweats more as he gulps "uh it's nice but I don't like suits alot because I never worn them....-" Reaper nods understanding

Reaper sits on the bed and pulls Error onto his lap as Reaper hums. Error sweats as Reaper puts his head into Error's neck. Error just sits there being uncomfortable as Reaper just taking in Error's smell as he is relaxed.

There was a knock at the door which Reaper growled to as he yells to come in. Error gets set on the bed by Reaper as Error scoots away to lay on the pillows. A little fox monster comes in "Your Majesty...We came to ask what um...your queen would like for dinner?"

Reaper nods as he looks over to see Error comfortable as he lays on the pillows.

Error POV

I just lay there as I think what to have..Reaper being patient as possible waits for an answer. "Uh....what is some food that's good-?" I sweat. Reaper smiles as he sits closer to me as he rubs my legs... "Oh there is so much! You can have anything you desire " Reaper says smiling.

I just sweats more as i moved my legs from Reaper "uhh...I'll have chocolate cake...?" Reaper nods as he tells the maid to make chocolate cake for Error. The maid nods and bows before leaving them alone.

Reaper looks at me before gripping my legs tightly. I wince as I look at Reaper..."so..Error" Reaper gives a grin "why the hell are you moving your legs from me?".

I look away as I try to think "um.....I was feeling uncomfortable...." I say as I try to make myself cry as it works. Reaper gasps as he takes me into his arms looking at me "I'm so sorry....why are you crying..? Please don't cry anymore...." Reaper says with wide eyes as tears slide down my face.

No one's POV

Error just cries looking away from Reaper. Reaper shakes as he tries to calm down Error but fails to. Error just gets placed on the bed as he curls up going onto the other side where Reaper can't see his front. Reaper just stares as he feels like he will cry as Reaper apologizes so much.

Error just sniffs putting up the act still as Reaper has hugged him from behind. Reaper says "I'm sorry please...no more tears....I'll do better I swear!" He snuggled into Error's back shaking alot. Error grins as he is making Reaper play right into his hands as he goes back to his act.

Error turns around now facing Reaper "you will?..." He gives the most saddest face he can. Reaper nods quickly staring at Error as he squeezes Error.

"Okay....I trust you...Reaper"

"Thank goodness...now let's go get the cake darling!"

Error nods as they both go to eat the cake.

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