🖤~Grim Reaper's Bride~🖤 2

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Reaper POV

I was laying beside my sleeping lover as they been asleep for 3 hours and I'm getting more worried...

"Error....you awake yet...?" I stare at his face saying the same words over and over..

No one's POV

Error was just laying there  as his breathing is normal and trying to make sure to act asleep 'God damn it leave already..' Error thinks as Reaper kisses Error's cheek

"Dear...please wake up soon...hm. ah! What if I make you a chocolate cake baby!" Reaper smiles. Error thinks 'maybe I'll stay for the cake... I mean he has no intention to harm me..'

Reaper just kisses Error's hands before getting up and leaves locking the door and goes to make cake. Error opens his eyes and looks around slowly and then sits up 'Okay now let's check out the room...'

Error sits up and stands up only to find that his leg is chained to the bed he is on 'WHAT THE HELL!' He yells in his head. Error tries to break it but he fails to. Error sighs as he opens the bedside drawer and looks through it.

"Nothing..." He sighs as he just walks around a bit of how far can get around the chain. Error just thinks what to do as Reaper downstairs be making a cake the best he can for his sweetheart.

Error just looks at the door before he tries to go to it but falls down with a big thud as he sweats and quickly gets close to the bed like he fell out. Reaper jumps from the kitchen and then quickly runs to the room where Error is as he has a worried look.

"ERROR BABY ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" He opens the door unlocking it before seeing Error on the ground as Reaper gasps "oh baby... are you okay..?" He goes to Error and holds Error in his own arms.

Error rubs his head like he woke up "ow.." Reaper looks at Error worried about him. Error looks at Reaper before pushing himself off of Reaper "GET AWAY!"

Reaper jumps as he looks scared "w-wait Error please-" Error glares at Reaper as Reaper just grabs Error roughly as Error winces. "..." Reaper stares at Error before laughing "oh darling I forgot that you must be confused!"

Reaper gives Error's head a kiss before getting the chain off of Error's leg as he sits Error in his lap. Reaper "I kidnapped you because...you are so cute" he smiles as Error blushes as he looks away to hide his blush which Reaper doesn't see.

Reaper picks up Error as he heads out and to the kitchen as Error just clings to Reaper to not fall as Reaper blushes and smiles. Reaper sits Error down on the counter top as Reaper hugs him laying on him as Error being pinned to the counter by Reaper.

Reaper bites Error's arms gently to mark him as Error blushes as he tries to get out as Reaper chuckles as he snuggles Error as he gets off before going to the oven but keeping Error there with bones.

Error tries to get out but everytime he wiggles the bones get tighter as Error blushes as Reaper hums checking on the cake as he keeps an eyes on Error who is wiggling more and getting more and more stuck.

Reaper chuckles "oh darling....♡" he shuts the oven door as he goes to Error before seeing Error's face. Reaper's eyes go wide as his face heats up at the sight.

Error be blushing and drooling alot as he breathes heavily with half lidded eyes. Reaper's nonexistent nose starts bleeding "oh God.....Darling stop it with that face.." He whimpers as he tries to look away from Error.

Error just stares at Reaper as he moves more as he gasps as the bones go tighter as Reaper quickly gets rid of the bones and goes back to the cake blushing alot as Error just breathes normally as he looks at Reaper as he calms down.

Reaper just not looking at Error as he pulls out the cake with magic as he sets it on the stove top to cool as Error gets off the counter and slowly walks out of the kitchen to the living room.

Reaper looks back where Error was "...." He quickly runs out of the kitchen with an insane look before seeing Error is just on the couch watching TV and curled up with a pillow. Reaper sighs and calms down as he goes and lays behind Error.

They both blush deeply as Reaper breathes down Error's neck as Error shivers. Reaper hums as he wraps his arms around Error's waist and pulls him closer to him. Error blushes as Reaper runs his hands on his lover.

Error just lays there as Reaper makes Error look at him as Reaper chuckles as Reaper kisses Error closing his eyes. Error blushes as he kisses Reaper back keeping his eyes open as he sees Reaper running his hands up Error's shirt and rubs Error's ribs.

Error blushes more as Reaper pulls away his mouth and lays his face into Error's neck as he doesn't move his hands but just having his hands on Error's ribs.

Error just lays there as Reaper snuggles him "I love you my darling" Reaper smiles as Error blushes as he looks at Reaper.


"Yes my darling...?"


"I love you too"

Reaper x Error Story/Oneshots??Where stories live. Discover now