🍋=In the Bathroom=🍋

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Warning: Smut

Reaper POV

I was sitting at the meeting table that Ink called everyone to have a meeting about balance with everything...When the meeting started I just stare at the destroyer of aus.

He makes my day much better as I watch him play on the Nintendo he brought. I grin as I throw a note to him. He opens it as his whole face turns yellow as he looks at me. I just wink at him as he leaves to the bathroom as I follow him afterwards probably a few minutes.

Error glares at me as he still has his blush "you can't just give me a letter like that without warning!?! What if someone saw it?!?!" He yells.

I chuckle as I go up to him wrapping my wings around him "hmmmm~ but babyyy I want ittttt" I smile as Error blushes more. "F-Fine-" he says stuttering.

I go into a bathroom stall as Error follows as we both go inside I lock the door. I look at Error grinning.

Error POV

I blush as I just stare at Reaper. He quickly takes off his robe as he goes to undress me as I gasp. Reaper chuckles as he looks at me up and down as our clothes are on the ground.

"Suck me off Error~" Reaper says grinning alot as he blushes. I blush as I get on my knees infront of him.

No one's POV

Error stares at Reaper's dick as he gulps as he takes it into his mouth. Reaper drools as he watches Error give him a blowjob. Error uses his tongues to lick and squeeze Reaper's dick. Reaper moans as he puts his hand behind Error's head as he makes him go down more.

Error gags a bit as he closes his eyes as he goes up and down sucking Reaper off.  Reaper groans as he grins and he thrusts his dick in Error's mouth as Error blushes as he relaxes his mouth. Error drools as his tongues are out as Reaper thrusts more until he came.

Error pulls off as Reaper puts his hand under Error's chin "Swallow it~" Reaper says grinning. Error swallows it as he stares at Reaper.

Reaper chuckles as he picks Error up and he sits on the toilet with Error on his lap. Error blushes as he just sits there as he looks away. Reaper presses both of their dicks together as he shivers. Reaper starts rubbing them together as they throb. Error gasps as he drools staring at it.

Reaper shivers as he keeps rubbing them as he looks at Error. Error just having lidded eyes as he breathes heavily as he has his hands on his face  covering his mouth

The bathroom doors open as Reaper and Error freeze up as Error uses his strings to lift up their clothes

Reaper POV

I hold my Error on my lap as we both stay still. Error has a scared look as I just stare at his body shivering. Error whispers to me "I told you we shouldn't have been doing this...". I stare at him as I grin as whoever is in the bathroom does their business on the toilet.

I just keep Error on my lap as I touch him making him glare at him. I just wink as I stroke my finger on his spine. Error shivers as he shakes.

"Fucking stop it Reaper-" he whispers. The person finished up and washes their hands and using the blowdryer. I grin as I thrust my dick into Error as he gasps "R-ReaPer-".

I giggle as Error struggles to not moan as the person leaves. As I hear the door shut I start thrusting upward as Error moans out as he drools.

No one's POV

Reaper thrusts roughly into Error breathing heavily "fuck you feel so good..." Error moans loudly as he lays his head on Reaper's shoulder. "More Reaper!~" Error says sweating alot

Reaper nods as he moves Error's hips up and down as he thrusts upward. Error moans throwing his head back as tears go down his face. Reaper just smiles as he drools.

"Fuck it-" Reaper pins Error to the wall as he thrust more as Reaper smacks Error's ass. Error gasps as he sobs more blushing. Reaper just thrusts more gripping hard on Error's hips as Error moans louder.

Reaper breathes "you're so beautiful " He puts Error's legs on his shoulders as he thrust in deeper. Error gasps as he cums drooling as he whimpers.

Reaper chuckles as he looks at Error "cute~ I always love this~" Reaper drools as he thrusted in before cumming as he breathes "hm.....~" Error blushes as his body shakes.

Reaper kisses Error's neck before biting it as Error gasps. Reaper pulls out as they both shiver. Error gets set down only to cling to Reaper. Reaper holds Error as he puts their clothes back on.

Error just falls asleep on Reaper. Reaper smiles as he picks up Error as he rubs Error's head gently. Reaper takes Error back to his void. Error snores softly as he is limp in Reaper's arms.

Reaper lays down on Error's bean bag as he snuggles Error making sure he is comfortable. Reaper falls asleep next to Error as they cuddle.

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