🍋~He's Mine even if I hate him~🍋

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Warning: rough smut, hate love relationship, and hidden crushes.


School Au: Jock Reaper x Quiet kid Error

No one's POV

Error was walking to school already as he has a tired look on as he stayed up doing homework that didn't even make sense..

"Eugh...why do I need to go to school?" Error complaining as he accidentally walked into someone "...sorry-" he get lifted up by his shirt as he realized that he ran into Reaper. The biggest asshole in the school....he knew he wasn't gonna be let go for this.

Reaper glares at Error as he looks him up and down "tch...watch it "emo" kid" he throws Error in a bush with easy as he walks away. Error sighs but thanks he is off of being beaten as he gets out of the bush brushing himself off as he walks to school.

When Error gets to school

Error walks through the gate as there is alot of students most he knew but didn't personally know. He just heads to his locker only to be stop by Reaper.....again... "God can't get enough of seeing me that ya got a locker beside me Emo" Reaper grins saying as Error gives a blank face as he just gets his books and leaves ignoring Reaper. Reaper's eye twitches as he grabs his own book for class as he follows Error.

"Hey Emo come here now" Reaper says with a pissed off face as students just walk away as they don't wanna be apart of the bullying. Error sighs and looks at Reaper as the hallway is empty. Reaper walks over and slams Error up against a random locker.

"Ya know I like that fire in ya~ its cute where ya try to ignore me...." Reaper laughs "but it also pisses me off." He grabs Error's face roughly as Error winces a bit as his face remains unordered. "...can I go to class now...?" Error says hoping to be free-. Reaper scoffs as he keeps Error with him as he presses Error more to the locker.

The bell rings meaning.....whoever was in the hallways or bathroom would be late...Error sighs in his head as he just sweats a bit. Reaper picks up Error "alright fine what class ya got?" He gives a look at Error.

Error just sweats more "..uh...math.." Reaper grins "perfect~ we can sit together in that class.. even though I hate it and usually skip it...I'll go with ya now~" Error just sobs in his head as he don't wanna be by the jock.

Reaper just holding Error close as he walks with his arm around him as Error just walks sweating. When they get to the room Reaper pulls away his arm and heads in as Error just sits in the way back as Reaper just forces a kid to move. Reaper grins looking at Error as he sits down beside him.

Error just doesn't pay attention as he listens to the teacher. Reaper trying to get Error's attention as he fails as he gets irritated.

Error POV

God damn it leave me alone- I thought as Reaper trying to get my attention which was cute- NO NO NO DONT EVEN SAY THAT YOU IDIOT-

I mentally slap myself as I write down notes as Reaper in my sight a bit as he sitting crossing his arms not paying attention to the teacher... I just keep writing as one of my friends turns around as they wave to me to which I look at them and return the wave.

I hear a grunt beside me which I didn't care about it as I throw them a note crumpled up so I could get it to them.

Reaper POV

Stupid friend. . . How come he lets them have his attention. It's not fair. Tch..this class is boring as fuck! I just growl as I put my arm around Error's waist . I feel him jump as I grin. I run my hand up his shirt as I feel his bones as Error shivers.

I just keep touching him as I rub his ribs as I stroke them. Error blushes as he breaths heavily. I smile as I hold onto him. "Reaper stop it-" Error says looking at me.

I chuckle as I scoot my chair closer to him "mhm~ I won't allow you to get away" I smile as I hold Error. Error just blushes more as he looks away.

Error pushes my hands away as I growl at him as I place my hand on his. Error looks at me blushing as I stare at him.

No one's POV

Reaper holds Error's hands as he whispers in Error's ear "I want you to fucking follow me after this class. You got it?" Error sweats as he blushes more as he tries to say something. Reaper grins as he backs away leaning on his chair as Error hides his face as he breathes deeply

                   <<After Class>>

Error quickly jumps at the bell as Reaper grabs Error's hand as he looks at Error. Error sweats as Reaper drags him into the hallway as they walk to a closet

Reaper shoves Error in the closet as he walks in afterwards locking it. Error yelps as he lands on the ground as Error looks at Reaper.

Reaper pins Error to the ground as Error blushes. "The only thing I want to hear is my name and your fucking moans" Reaper says glaring at Error.

Error nods slowly as Reaper pulls down Error's pants and his pants as well. Reaper jerks off Error as Error gasps and whimpers. Reaper just teases Error's dick.

Error blushes as he covers his face as Reaper jacks off Error as he doesn't stop. Error moans as he shakes drooling. Reaper just grins as he watches Error.

"Aweee....is my error enjoying this?" Reaper chuckles as he speeds up as Error drools more as he jerks his hips forward moaning. Reaper pulls away his hand looking at Error "needy ain't cha~" he giggles.

Error covers his face looking away. Reaper grins as he presses his dick to Error's entrance drooling. Error goes wide eyed as he snaps back looking at Reaper.

And that's it cause my brain has no more ideas for this but ya get what's happening- xD

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