🍋Switch between the bride🍋

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⚠️Warning ⚠️ this contains angst, forced marriage between Reaper and Geno and Reaper wanting to be with Error, smut, and switching of brides

Very Long chapter!

Reaper x Error

Reaper POV

I put on my tie as I stare at myself in the mirror as my best man Error just cleaning my suit to get the fuzz off.

"Hey don't be nervous Reaper" Error says smiling at me making me blush as I nod looking away. 'Why couldn't I have got to marry Error....' I thought as I'm left alone in the room...

Error POV

As I walk around the church we are in, I think to myself as my thoughts go straight to Reaper as I blush and shake my head. 'Stop he is going to marry Geno. I will not ruin his special day' I huff as I sit down beside Nightmare who is wearing a black suit with a purple bow tie.

No one's POV

"Jeez what's wrong with you Glitch ass?" Nightmare says sipping the wine he stole as Cross be sitting beside him as Nightmare's tentacles be wrapped around Cross's waist.

Error just sighs putting his face in his hands. "You know the thing that I told you right welp I can't get rid of the feeling.." Nightmare hums in understanding as he looks at Cross as his tentacle poked his cheek.

Error gets up and leaves to find Geno who is having a problem keeping the vial on his head. "Hey Gen-" Error looks at Geno who is having a fit.

Geno looks at Error "oh! Hey little brother" he chuckles as Geno walks over to him. "What's up?" Error sweats as he scratches his neck looking away.

"Well...Geno you know what I told you about um Reaper..." Error says looking away more as Geno thinks. "Yeah....I don't really want to marry him..." Error looks at Geno shocked "what! then why are you marrying him!?!"

Geno sweats "w-well I was suppose to by many people because I can touch him without dying..." Error grits his teeth "but I can do that too!" Geno nods "I know...but they want me but hm..."

The two stare at eachother for a while before Geno says "what if we....switch places!" Error blushes "I can't- because what if Reaper likes you! And what's to get married to you!" He glitches out a bit as he shakes.

Geno hugs Error "hey- Error....it's okay...we can.." He gasps "WE CAN CHANGE OUR CODES!" Error jumps as he looks at Geno "no we can't!" Geno looks at the ground.

Error sighs "I know....you don't wanna marry him for the sake of me but....you have to!" Geno growls as he looks away at the mirror that shows the whole white suit off with his vial in the back so he can see.

Error just hugs Geno smiling sadly at him "it will be okay Geno. I'll get over him eventually.." Error sweats. Geno huffs as he looks at Error "I want you to marry him no ifs or butts!" Geno says. Error blushes "but Geno-" Geno simply shuts Error up by taking off his own suit as he tells Error to switch outfits. Error sweats as he looks away as he takes off his suit.

After Geno and Error switched suits

Geno smiles "now that's more like it Error!" Error blushes looking at the ground. Geno giggles as he goes and opens up codes as he switches their looks.

Error just being a nervous wreck as he thinks they going to get caught. He shakes as he sits down. Geno looks at Error as he comforts him

Reaper's POV

I was just staring at my suit as I just look miserable in it. 'God Reaper get Error out of ya head....but he would look so beautiful-' I sigh as I bang my skull against the wall blushing.

I sigh as I fix myself before heading out to the wedding. I put on my best smile as I greet people. 'Just keep this up Reaper...' I thought sadly

I stand there where I was suppose to as I look around for Error since he is my best man...he doesn't seem to be anywhere....

Skip to the wedding session

No one's POV

Everyone was standing as the bride shows up. Error sweats as he keeps his cool as he starts walking to Reaper who has a big forced smile to Error looking like Geno.

Geno just be with the other men standing as he smiles. Error just looks at Reaper blushing as they get into position. They start saying their vows to eachother.

The priest smiles and says "you may now kiss the husband" Reaper forces a smile more as he grabs Error and kisses him imaging it is actually Error even though it already is. Error blushes and kisses back closing his eyes.

Everyone claps for the new wedding couple as whistles going off sometimes. Geno smiles as gives a thumbs up to Error as the plan went successfully.

Error and Reaper head out as they both head to the car that they rented to take them to their party place that they also borrowed for everyone to dance and hang out.

Error and Reaper get in as they have privacy from the driver or people looking at the car. They both stay quiet as Error finally looks at Reaper "um....Reaper..?" Reaper hums and looks at Error.

Error sweats as he glitches a bit which...Geno doesn't do it like how he does his glitching. "Ah....Geno are you alright honey?" Reaper looks worried as he holds Error.

Error breaks down crying as he returns to his own looks "I'm sorry you didn't marry Geno!" He moves away crying.

Reaper POV

Wait.....Error!?! I stare at him blushing alot as I try to say something. "Error... look at me.." Error sniffs as he looks at Reaper.

"I'm so damn happy right now" Reaper gives a real smile as he tears up "I wanted to marry you...but I couldn't but now we are!" Error gives a shocked look as he slowly smiles as Error jumps and hugs me tightly. I giggle at him as I kiss his cheek holding him.

Error blushes as he looks at me as I grin "So~ how about we have some fun ay?~" I say blushing alot. Error just explodes in blush "o-oh- okay you dirty pervert..." He looks away from me as I giggle.

I unzip my pants as I slid them down as I do the same to Error's pants. I grin as I set the pants aside as I rub my hands against his legs. Error quivers as he covers his face with one hand.

No one's POV

Reaper pulls down his underwear as well as Error's. Reaper grins more as he jacks off Error as Error moans as he shivers. Reaper pumps Error's dick a couple of times before positioning himself to Error. Error blushes and moans loudly as Reaper pushes in.

Reaper drools as he starts thrusting upward as Error gasps as he moans as his tears pour out. Reaper just thrusts faster as Error blushes as he bounces on Reaper's dick harder. Reaper shivers as he slams Error's body down roughly as Error whimpers "Reaper-" Reaper shushes him "shhhh it's okay baby boy I'm here~"

Error nods as Reaper thrusts harder and man handles him which makes Error blush more. Error cums after awhile as Reaper follows after.

Reaper be sweating as his suit top is ruffled up as well as Error's top as the vial on his head is crooked now. Reaper smiles as he kisses Error passionately as Error dazed as he is kisses back. They clean up the best they can as they cuddle in the back listening to the radio as the car drives them to their party....

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