🖤~Grim Reaper's Bride~🖤

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Warning contains foul language, murders, Stockholm syndrome, and kidnapping

Yandere Reaper x Error

Error POV

I was just in my void and checking the balance which was so off due to someone in the multiverse killing off monsters even aus sometimes!

I sigh as I lay back in my beanbag. "I'm gonna find this person and restore this balance that we need" I say getting up and opening portal to search.

Reaper POV

I was just stabbing and slicing my weapon at the people who talked to Error or trying to stop him from having his own fun as I have blood all over me. "That's what you get~" I laugh as decapitated a person grinning. I just leave the body there as I reap its soul as I go to different au and I do the same.

Error POV

I groan as the balance was shifted again as I got a letter from Ink to stop it because he was "busy" whatever...

I get up and go to the au thats being messed with as I step in only to be met with blood and bodies everywhere. I gag at the smell as I cover my nose and mouth as I shut on of my eyes as my face pales a bit. 'What the fuck!?!?!' I say in my head as I look around.

I see a black robe skeleton with a scythe as they are covered in blood head to toe as my eyes widen at the sight as I quickly hid from their sight as they keep killing people in the au.

I take my hand down from my face as I breath heavily as they leave the spot where I am at. I just poke my head out as I look around the corner only to hear a hello behind me as I turn around as the bloodly skeleton is staring at me with hearts in their eyes...

"R-Reaper!?! What the fuck are you doing to the balance its all fucked up!?!?!" I yell at him which he just laughs as he grabs me getting blood on me "oh Error~...I did this for you!!" He smiles as I look shocked at him.

"...what..why?" I stare at him scared as Reaper chuckles as he gets louder and crazier as I back away from him sweating.

"Oh darling....it's cause I love you!" He smiles blushing as he teleports me to him as he hold me close as I sweat more glitching out a bit "Ever since I saw you....and I found out I can touch you without you dieing...." He shakes as his eyes stare at me "...I had....no...I needed you!" I stare at him as my glitches get worse as I try to get away because of my fear of touching...

"Why...don't go away...please I beg you to stay with me" Reaper gets on his knees as he holds my hands tightly as he breathes heavily. I sweat as glitches cover up my vision as I rip my hands away as I step back breathing heavily as glitches cover my body as my eyes shake.

Reaper POV

I stared at my darling Error as he glitches. My eyes shake at him as I just let him as I take note of this quickly as I watch my poor Error fall on his knees as he cries as my soul hurts....

"E-Error im...I'm so sorry please forgive me" my eyes tear up as I shake as Error calms a bit as he stares at me before getting up and runs into a portal away from me....I stare as a shadow appears on my face.

"ERROR YOU WILL BE MINE DARLING" I laugh maniacally as my eyes turn into hearts as the portal closes...I just hit my hand on the cement as I shake.

Error POV

I just quickly laid down on my beanbag shaking as I breath heavily 'Stupid.....why can't you touch anyone it's so simple....but so hard..." I tear up a bit as I wipe my eyes as I sit on it as my glitches calming down as I can see much better but blurred a bit. I breath out as I put on my glasses.. "I hate these stupid glasses.-" I sweat as I just look around as I eat my chocolate...

A few hours later

Reaper grins as the balance is more off as he searches for Error who is hiding in aus away from Reaper

"ERROR COME OUT I WONT HURT YOU!" Reaper says as he looks around in the au him and Error are in as he has a worries look on his face. Error breathes heavily as he keeps running as Reaper follows him floating as he calls out to him.

"ERROR PLEASE- I NEED YOU LOVE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" Reaper yells out while he repeats please many times as he tears up as Error stops running and hides in a house as he covers his mouth from the smell of blood that reek everywhere he went....

Reaper finally finds Error as he knocks him out as Error screamed before going limp. Reaper picks up the unconscious Error as he blushes "....I'll take good care of you baby..." He kisses Error's cheek as he teleports to a house away from anyone for miles as he puts Error in a chair and ties him up as he waits for him to wake up.....

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