❤🍋✨Stalker Love✨🍋❤

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Also this is a very long chapter so enjoy it ^^

Stalker Reaper x Stalker Error

Reaper POV

I was eating my sandwich as i watched Error sleep in his house as i blush and grin while watching. "Hehhehe....so cute~" i blush more as i take pictures of him as i smile. i look at my phone to check the time as i sigh. "dang it...i have to go sweetheart but dont worry~ I'll be watching you after i do my job~" he giggles as he teleports away as he pulls out his list to get started with his job.

I started to reap the souls as I quickly try to hurry up with it to get back to Error. I giggle as i reap a dude running from me as his head was cut clean off and rolled on the ground. I finish up my job after a couple of hours as i head back to Error's house to see if he was sleeping still or just in his house.

I hum as I look through his bedroom window to not see him there. "He must be watching his show hehhe~" i smile as i teleport to the living room window and i hide to not be seen but he wasnt there.... "....where is my darling...its his week off... WHAT COULD HE BE DOING" I yell as my face has a shadow.

I breath heavily as sweat runs down my face as i shake violently. "What if he is with someone....they could be....no....no I WONT ALLOW YOU TO BE TAKING FROM ME DARLING!~" I laugh crazily as my eyes turn into hearts.

Error POV

I woke up after a while as I stretch as my bones pop a bit then I get out of bed. I quickly put on my usual outfit as I head to get my camera to take pictures....Error giggles as he heads into a room that he hides with a bookshelf....

The room had many photos of Reaper on every corner of the walls as Error grins "oh love~ you make me feel so good when I see you but don't worry....I'll be getting more photos to my collection.." He walks passed a table that has Reaper dolls on it that Error made.

No one's POV

Error hums as he picks up a cloak of Reaper's as he sniffs it blushing more. "Oh Reaper...." Error hugs the cloak tightly as he breathes heavily as his eyes stare at the cloak. He stayed like that for a while before an alarm on his phone went off meaning Reaper was doing his job.

Error smiles as he puts the cloak away and holds the camera shutting off his phone alarm as he goes and teleports to where Reaper is as he stalks him slowly. Error takes many pictures as he teleports them to his secret room as he sighs looking at Reaper who finished his job as Error follows him........

To his own house...? Error blushes as he listens to Reaper going insane. Error bites his lip-? as he looks at Reaper who had disappeared to look for him... Error goes inside his house as he sits on the couch as he thinks over what to do now that Reaper likes...no LOVES him back.

Error smiles "I'll wait for my love to come get me even though he might force me to sleep I'll forgive him!~" he giggles. Error blushes as he lays on the couch and turns on the TV to watch his favorite show as he eats his chocolate.

Meanwhile Reaper on the other hand...

Reaper breathes heavily as he smashed everything in his room as his eyes shaked so much.  "I....I searched every fucking place he would be at...but he is not there..." Reaper grits his teeth "....If I found him dead....." Reaper laughs insanely as his eyes turn into little dots "ILL FUCKING KILL EVERYONE!~ DARLING WOULD THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY~?" Reaper chuckles as he calms his laughing as he teleports to Error's house.

Reaper's eyes widen as he sees Error in the living room "...oh darling there you are...you- you scared me so much..." Reaper watches Error as he sees he has blush on his face "who the hell...." He growls as he scratches the house wall as Reaper breathes deeply.

Reaper x Error Story/Oneshots??Where stories live. Discover now