Part 5

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Kaka - Let's see here...

Kabu - Next on the list is Asuma Sarutobi

The coffin did it's thing and Asuma walked out of the light.

Asu - What the hell

Kaka - Asuma!

Asu - Kakashi? What are you doing here? Are you dead too??

Naru - Actually, you're alive

Asu - And who are you?

Naru - I don't look that different, dattebayo

Asu - Wait, Naruto?? What happened? Why does you two look older? Well, Kakashi didn't age much. AND WHY ARE THE SUSSY SNAKE PEOPLE HERE??

Orochi - I will send you back into that coffin if you don't take that back.

Kaka - Just come stand over here and we'll explain everything in a bit.

Asu - Ok then

As Asuma waited, he began to glare at Orochimaru. The snake man raised his eyebrow at this.

Orochi - Got a problem?

Asu - Oh, nothing at all. The man who killed my father is standing right beside me, that's all.

Orochi - It's not that big of a deal🙄

Asu - You literally killed my dad😐

Orochi - Uh huh, I sure did

Asu - Bro, that was my father

Orochi - He was my sensei first

Asu - That doesn't even make any sense

Naru - Hey! You two sit down and be quiet

Asu - But he-

Naru - SIT

Orochi and Asu - Yes sir

And they sat.
As they were sitting, Kabuto started reading a few more names.

Kabu - Let's see....Hizashi Hyuga, Inoichi Yamanaka, Shikaku Nara, Sakumo Hatake-

Kaka - Wait, you're bringing my old man back?

Naru - Yup

Kaka - You know when I died that one time-

Naru - STOP, you're bringing back painful memories

Kaka - Ok😑 when I "left" for that short period of time, I got the chance to talk to him, so you don't have to bring him back if you don't want to.

Naru - Well, I want to :)

The four men stepped out of the coffin and look just as confused as the other.

Shikaku - Bro?

Inoichi - Bro!

Shikaku - We're alive?

Inoichi - I thought that ten tails killed us?

Naru - Heyyy, it's me, Naruto. If you step over there next to Asuma, everything will be explained soon.

Inoichi - Huh

Shikaku - Ok then, Naruto, why do you look like you're in your 30's?

Naru - Cause I am in my 30's.

Inoichi - But-

Naru - Just go stand over there

Inoichi - Ok :3

While walking over with the others, Sakumo noticed Kakashi standing by Naruto.

Sakum - Kakashi?

Kaka - Hey dad

Sakum - So you made it make to the living world, glad to hear it :)

He patted his son's shoulder.

Naru - Oouuu, I wanna say the next onessss. *Clears throat* Zabuza and Haku.

The two stepped out of the coffin and took in their surroundings. Naruto just smiled at them.

Naru - Hello friends :D

Haku - Hello Naruto :)

Kaka - Hey look, somebody was able to recognize you.

Naru - Hush

Zabuza - Would one of you like to explain why we're alive

Kaka - Go stand over there where that little group of people is and we will explain soon enough.

Haku - Alright then

Naru - Alright, this is the first group of people.
*Clears throat again* Hello everyone! You all must be wondering why you are all alive again. It's been almost twenty years since the fourth great ninja war and the shinobi world is currently in a state of peace. I, Naruto Uzumaki,  am the 7th hokage. For those of you who don't know, Kakashi is the 6th. Many citizens are still somewhat wounded from what happened to loved ones during wars, so we decided to bring you all back for some time so everyone can properly say goodbye. I hope you are all ok with this?

Jira - First off, yes I'm fine with it. Second, Naruto why are you talking all high and sophisticated like?

Asu - He's definitely still a child at heart.

Sakum - I never got to meet you, but the fact that you're Minato and Kushina's son spells out chaos.

Naru - I- You know what, all of y'all go stand over there while I bring everybody else back

Heyyyy I didn't take 2 months to upload :D
Here's an apology treat for making you wait tho
\( ͡°з ͡°)/

And here's a treat for staying and reading this far
\° ͜ʖ ͡ -/

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