A/N Part 2

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Hello everyone (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

My name is XxPinkDragonxX, but I also go by Phoenix, and I am the author of this story.

I have to say, after publishing and not thinking anything of it, I was quite surprised to see how much attention it had gotten.

To that, I have to say a huge Thank You. It brings me so much joy every time I see a notification telling me someone had liked my story.

If you read my last A/N, you would have seen that I actually started this story in 2018. When I started this story, I was the ripe age of 13 years old. Now, at the age of 17, I look back, and I wonder:

What the hell was I on?!

I'm kidding (~‾▿‾)~

My writing style has changed a lot since then, I've matured, researched, and found a style I am comfortable with. 

Maybe one day I will rewrite, and see where that leads me.

Even at 17 years old, Nexo Knights will forever hold a place in my heart. This show - this animated, completely wack show with no actual plot - urged me to write. It urged me to see things, to use my imagination, to dream of worlds in which I long to explore.

It urged me to build my own characters.

Phoebe, a made up character in this story, was my first OC. I remember visioning her for the first time; she strolled right into my mind, fully formed, her personality shining through a smile. She's my baby, and, though basic, will stay with me throughout my life. 

Phoebe, of course, has had a few changes over the years; as I go through different fandoms, I use her as a base to make my own, new characters. But Phoebe will remain Phoebe. 

Now, on to real life ─=≡Σ(╯°□°)╯

Recently, I have started sixth form/college, and, to be honest, as much work as it is, I like being there. It's very different from secondary school, but it's a good different (seriously, it's good to be treated like an adult for once lmao).

Because of this, I am very busy, and will be for a while. Mixed with a whole bunch of life things, my free time will be limited. In that free time, I like to do one of my favourite hobbies: reading.

Reading. I love it, personally, because it's something we all do, even subconsciously. Like reading the signs when you zoom by in a car, or random posters we find on a walk. It's a beautiful thing.

I love it because, when I read, I escape the real world. And when I escape the real world, I feel at home. I feel at home in those amazing fantasies - at Hogwarts, in Faerieland, on the Isle of Berk. Those places, and more, to me, are home.

One day, I hope to be a teacher - an English teacher - who helps students read, who helps others find meanings deep within texts that would have been missed before.

One day, I hope to work in a publishing company, to read and review books, to meet people and admire their writing styles, because everyone's is different. 

We'll just have to see what the future holds for us. 

Now, I wish to speak about something else.

My friends and I have decided to make a cosplay group (I'm assuming you know what cosplay is, with this day and age).

We are called Plastic Bucket Cosplay or PBC (I beg you not to judge).

If you are interested in My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia, Haikyuu, Harry Potter, the Webtoon series Lore Olympus, or anything like that, then I think you might like us.

We can be found on TikTok , with the username: plasticbucketcosplay

and we will be uploading to our YouTube account (Plastic Bucket Cosplay) around Halloween with a spooky MHA special, so please look out for that. 

Or don't, I don't control you ¯\_(⊙_ʖ⊙)_/¯

(The videos already on TikTok are tests, mere silly videos to see what we could do. Quality content will be uploaded soon)

I also have my own cosplay account on TikTok (although I haven't had a chance to upload anything except a cat video) going by the name: flora.phoenix

It would mean so much to us if we managed to get our dream started thanks to lovely people enjoying our somewhat cringe-worthy works.

But for now, I wish everyone all the best in their lives, and hope well for you all.

Remember, this isn't goodbye; just goodbye til next time. 

Thank you.


Phoenix (XxPinkDragonxX)



PS: I thought this song was very fitting for this; after listening to the lyrics, I was reminded how much it represents the journey through life.

~Chase your dreams~

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