Chapter Nine

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"Doctors live in a world of constant progress and forward motion. Stand still for a second, and you'll be left behind. But as hard as we try to move forward, as tempting as it is to never look back, the past always comes back to bite us in the ass. And as history shows us again and again, those we forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Sometimes the past is something you just can't let go of. And sometimes the past is something we'll do anything to forget. And sometimes we learn something new about the past that changes everything about the past" 

"break my soul in two, looking for you but you're right here. if i can't relate to you anymore, then who am i related to? and if this is the long haul, how'd we get here so soon?"

Meredith was waiting in the tunnels when Lucy came in. "Hey", Lucy greeted. Meredith punched her in the arm. "Ow! Mer, what the hell?!" Lucy exclaimed.

"You left! You didn't answer anyone's texts or calls. We were all really worried about you. Alex is really worried about you"

"I know, I'm sorry. But in one or two months, everything's gonna be back to normal. I'm getting my job back. Nothing has to change. Ok?"


Jackson approached Beck in the hallway. "Beck", he called. She didn't stop walking. "Dr Jacobs", he said.

"Dr Avery"

"Look, ok, about last night..."

"Last night? Did I see you last night? I didn't see you last night. I don't know what you're talking about"

"So do you have a boyfriend...?"

"It's never gonna happen"

"Got it. Thanks"

Owen introduced Cristina, Beck and Jackson to Dr Altman. "Nice to meet you. I'm Beck Jacobs", Beck introduced herself. "Teddy Altman", Teddy replied. "Teddy Altman? I've never heard of you", Cristina said.

"Cristina Yang? I've never heard of you either. So I guess that makes us even"

Beck stifled a laugh. "Teddy and I, we served in Iraq together, and she's gonna be joining us for a little while", Owen explained. "I've gotta introduce you to the chief, and you have to meet Aurora later".

Derek went into an empty radiology room where he had been paged. Lucy was standing in the room. He looked at her, shocked. He marched over to her and hugged her. "Where the hell have you been?" he asked.

"I've been staying with mom"

"She told me she hadn't heard from you"

"I made her promise not to tell anyone. I wanted to be alone"

"So, you're back now?"

"Yeah. The chief let me take a leave of absence. And now I can have my job back"

"You should talk to Alex"

"I'm going to. I will"

"I'm glad you're back"


"Don't ever leave like that again, ok?"

"I'll try"

Lucy and Derek were at the nurses station in the clinic when Cristina and Meredith came in. "Where the hell have you been? You missed your IL-2 appointment?" Cristina asked. "Hi, Cristina, nice to see you, too", Lucy replied. Charles and Kate came over. "Well, well, well. Look who's back", Charles said.

"This guy? You told this asshole I was back?"

"Hi, I'm Kate. We didn't properly meet", Kate smiled, and Lucy shook her hand. "I didn't tell him. I don't even know him. It's my first day back", Meredith replied. "Dr Percy is on my service today", Derek interjected. "Dr Percy, Dr Smith, the patient needs a full dementia workup. The chart will give you the details". Derek walked away. "I wish Lucy would give me the details but I'm just the person who saved her life", Cristina said. "You know if you miss another IL-2 appointment...".

Runaway-Grey's Anatomy AU Book 6Where stories live. Discover now