Things get more interesting.

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-(y/n) POV-

I was sitting outside on a bench next to Draco with the group when I saw my brother and his group walked by. I got up and told draco I will be back. I walk behind them and heard them speak. 

Harry: Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secret 50 years ago.

Hermione: It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be

Ron: we don't even know this Tom Riddle sounds like a dirty rotten snitch if you tell me. 

Harry: the monster killed a student 50 years ago.

(y/n): wait you guys think it is Hagrid? 

all three of them jumped when they heard me. They turned to me.

Ron: when did......

(y/n): Hagrid is our friend why don't you just ask him.

Ron: that is a cheerful visit. Hello Hagrid say did you let anything mad and Hairy into the school lately?

?????: big and Hairy you guys better not be talking about me now would ya.

All four of us turned and looked at Hagrid. We all said no. I saw Hagrid holding something. 

Harry: What do you got there Hagrid. 

He loft up the jug.

Hagrid: oh this is flesh eating slug repellent. Now according to professor sprout they still have a little bit of growing up to do once their acne goes away we will be able to chop them up and stew em and we can give it to the students in the hospital unpetrified. in the mean time you four better look out for yourselves alright. 

He then nods his head then left. Then Nevil Came running to us. Saying something that Harry had to follow him. I just shrugged my shoulders and headed back to Draco and the group. 

Draco: what was that about? 

(y/n): Harry thinking Hagrid did something, but I am trying to think it is someone else who is opening the chamber. 

Pansy: who cares what that Potter thinks I say that.....

(f/n): I wouldn't say that or....

Pansy: Or else what.....

I instantly got up and started to attack Parkinson. I didn't care what happens no one talks about my brother that way.

(Y/n): I am going to end you.

Crabe and Goyel had to pull me off of her. She ran straight to Draco and hugged his arm. 

Pansy: did you see that dracy she tried to hurt me. That stupid Potter tried to.

Draco: get off and never call me that stupid name ever again. No one calls me that. 

He then pushed her off. She started to fake cry and on how Draco didn't get on her side and ran off. Draco came to me and held me close. 

Draco: as much as I love seeing you knock a student out. I do not need you to get in trouble.

I nodded my head and hugged him back. When I let go I saw Hermione walking to me. 

Hermione: Hey want to help me study for a bit?

(Y/n): sure I'll talk to you guys later.

I then went to the library to study with Hermione. 

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