Harry got into trouble

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-(Y/n) POV-

I was sitting in my room reading a book that Aunt Lizzie let me borrow. I was about to get to the next chapter when there was a knock at the door. I closed my book after I placed a book mark in my spot. I got up from the bed and opened the door. There standing in the doorway was Aunt Lizzie.

(y/n): What's up Aunt Lizzie?

Lizzie: Harry got into trouble. He did the patronus infront of your Cousin. He is already at you Uncle Sirius' place pack your bags. we can come back for your school stuff. 

I nodded my head and began to pack for the place. When I was done I walked to Aunt Lizzie's room. Her door was open so I walked into the room. There was Aunt Lizzie packing a suitcase. Atleast she isn't packing the hoopskirts. She was fixing her hair a bit and buttoning the last part of her jacket. 

Aunt Lizzie turned to me

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Aunt Lizzie turned to me. after she closed her suitcase. 

Lizzie: You ready dear?

(y/n): yes Aunt Lizzie. Wait How are we going to Sirius' house? We don't know where it is. 

Lizzie: Actually I do. We will Apperate there. Just hold on tight and take a nice deap breath. 

Aunt Lizzie picked up her suitcase as I picked up mine. She linked her arm with mine and we how she called it apperated to a park. I looked around confuse. We got out of the park and she pulled out a staff from out of no where and tapped it onto the gound a couple of times. The bulding began to move appart and another one appeared inbetween the two houses. Aunt Lizzie began to walk to it. She opened up the front door and there was Harry being hugged by Mrs. Weasley. 

Lizzie: We aren't missing anything are we?

Mrs. Weasley looked up when she heard that. Harry turned and saw us. He came over to tell us what happened, but Aunt Lizzie stopped him. 

Lizzie: you can tell me later Harry you two go get comfortable. 

She pointed up the stairs. We followed her orders. When we got up there Hermione ran to Harry and hugged him. She looked next to him and went to me and hugged me close. When she pulled back I looked around.

Harry: what is this place. 

Hermione: A hide-out.

(y/n): Hide out for what?

Ron: For the order.

Harry: you could of said this in your letters.

(y/n): Harry they probably couldn't since it might of been a secret and Someone must of told them not to.

Hermione: She is right Harry Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you.

I then heard something happen behind us I turn. There behind us was Fred and Goerge. They told us we can listen to the meeting. So we all gathered around the top of the stairs as Fred lowered down an ear that was conected to the ear Fred had in his hand. There was talking going on and we were hearing it.

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