Hagrid's HUt and visiting an old friend.

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Lizzie: knew you two would be here. 

All three of them jumped and turned around. Hagrid had his hand to his heart. 

Hagrid: blimy Lizzie ye gonna give me a heart attack one of these days with doing that. 

Lizzie: sorry Hagrid. 

Harry: what is Malfoy doing here?

Lizzie: helping we need all the help we can get dear. 

The kids sat at the table when Hagrid asked if we wanted tea. I had to take the pot from him and pour it my self. 

Harry: did you hear about Hermione and (y/n).

Hagrid: I did. 

Harry: Hagrid do you know who opened the chamber of secrets?

Hagrid was about to say something when there was a knock at the door. I told all three of the kids to get under the cloak. I sat at the table pretending to have a cup of tea. Hagrid opened the door and in walked Uncle Albus and fudge.

Fudge: bad buisness hagrid bad buisness. Three attack on muggle borns the ministry has to act. 

Hagrid: never I would never Professor DUmbledore you know I wouldn't do that. 

Dumbledore: I want it under stood cornelious that Hagrid has my full confident. 

Fudge: I'm sorry Albus, but Hagrids record are up against him we have to take him. 

That was when I dropped my cup. It shattered on the floor and I got up.

Lizzie: take him where not to azcaband prison.

 I turned to face them and grabed on to Hagrid's arm.

Fudge: I'm afraid we have no choice Miss. Potter

I was about to say something when the door opened and there was Lucius.

Lucius: already here Fudge. 

Lucius walked in. 

Hagrid: what are you doing here gt out of my house. 

Lucius: believe me I wouldn't dream of being.... you call this a house. 

Lizzie: Lucius better watch your tongue. If I was you. 

He turned to look at me his face softened a bit. Then went back to being serious. 

Lucius: no I was told by the school that the head master was here. 

Dumbledore: and what is it that you need. 

Lucius: the other governors and I believe it is best for you to step a side. 

He lifts up a piece of paper saying this is an order of suspension. Fudge was about to take it, but he handed it to Albus. 

Lucius: you will find all twelve signatures on it. I'm afraid we feel you lost your touch. If left there will be no muggle borns left at Hogwarts. I could only imagine the lost it will do to the school. 

Hagrid: you can't take Professor dumbledore away. the muggle borns will not stand a chance. mark my words there will be killing next. 

Dumbledore: Calm your self Hagrid. 

I got in front of Hagrid and he placed me in a hug. I can tell he was nervous. 

Dumbledore: if the Governors desire for my removal I will of course step aside. How ever you will always find help will be given at Hogwarts to those who ask. 

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