The history behind the map and Harry's trial

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-Lizzie's POV-

It was the day of Harry's Trial. I was in the kitchen drinking some tea since i'm not a big fan of coffee really. In walked Remus. 

Lizzie: Harry is about to ask about the map you know that moony.

Remus: yes I know I saw the look he gave you during dinner last night. He will have a lot of questions. 

Lizzie: He is going to even ask about our life with his parents. I already told (y/n) somethings about those years. 

Remus: and you dating Severus and Lucius?

Lizzie: yes I told them that as well. (y/n) is using my old bed room at hogwarts for her own room. I should know Salazar tells me that when he goes there with Luna.

Remus: How are they anyways?

Lizzie: Oh they are fine. They are at Hogwarts right now visiting Luna's friends and family. They already had a batch of hatchlings already. They are staying at Hogwarts to raise them there, but as long as they are happy that is all that I care about. 

I was about to say more when Molly came into the kitchen to start making breakfast. I fixed my morning dress robes a bit since they were a bit wrinkled. In walked Arthur. He looked to me and pointed to my outfit. 

Arthur: you aren't wearing that are you?

Lizzie: Like hell I am. I was just having some tea and talking to Remus.

Arthur: well better get dressed then we will be leaving after breakfast. 

I nodded and set my cup down. I then went to my room. I then began to get changed into my outfit of today. 

I made sure my dress pockets where connected to my hips and so was my wand holder

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I made sure my dress pockets where connected to my hips and so was my wand holder. I placed my hair in a bun and placed on some light makeup. I got up from my chair and headed out of my room. When I got down everyone was there. 

Sirius: Of course you have to be all dolled up for everything Snake. 

Lizzie: I have every right to knock you out cold like I did my brother during first year. 

That shut him up quickly. I sat next to Harry.  Harry looked to me shocked. 

Harry: you made my father go unconscious?

LIzzie: first year, but that wasn't the only time. During our first dinner at Hogwarts during first year I hit him in the back of the head with a plate at Hogwarts for saying very nasty words about me behind my back when I was leaving the Gryffindor table after talking to your mother. 

Sirius: Straight out cold he went, but he never learned his lessons did he Snake. 

Lizzie: No and neither did you. If you keep it up you will end up with him. 

Sirius nods his head and went back to eating. I got up when Arthur said it was time to go. Harry got up after me and we headed for the ministry. Lets just say Arthur going through muggle transportation was hilarious. I did get stares, but I'm in Victorian clothing so of course I will get stares. We got to the ministry just fine. When we got to the elevators though we were told Harry's Hearing was moved to right now. As we were walking we stopped and looked down a hall way. There was Lucius talking to Fudge. Oh my he looks amazing in his outfit. I didn't know I was staring until I was tapped at my shoulder. I looked and Harry had a face of like he ate something he didn't like. I looked back to where Lucius was and Fudge was gone. 

Arthur: Elizabeth we are here for your nephew not stare at a judge.

I shook my head and looked back at the two as they were pulling me away. I waved to Lucius and he waved back. When we got to the door we got down to business. 

Arthur: this is it. Sadly we won't be able to go in with you. 

Harry: I think that is a good thing or else Aunt Lizzie will be making googoo eyes at a malfoy.

Lizzie: HEY!

Arthur: nothing against you Lizzie, but anyways good luck now as the saying goes you muggles say. 

Lizzie: innocent until proven guilty. You got this Harry. 

-time skip-

I was waiting next to Arthur when I saw Dumbledore walk into the room. After a while Albus walked out. I looked to another door and saw Lucius. 

Arthur: just go after him I'll tell Harry you will meet us back at headquarters. 

I nodded my head and ran after Lucius to his office. I knocked on his door and was told to come in. I open the door and leaned against the door frame. 

Lizzie: Didn't anyone ever tell you that you look hot in your uniform. 

He looked at the door and smirked. 

Lucius: Here to talk about your Nephew Miss. Potter?

I closed the door after I walked in. After it was shut Lucius got up and I ran into his arms. 

Lizzie: I'm scared Lucius.

Lucius: I know Love, but it will all be over soon just wait. Just remember after this war you, Severus and I will be together and having our own lil children running around our own manor. 

 Lizzie: you know Sev doesn't like that type of life. 

Lucius: He will get used to it. 

I laughed to it. Lucius and I sat on the couch in his office talking for a bit. Harry charges were dropped which was good. We will also be getting a person from the ministry working at Hogwarts so I have to be careful. When I got back to Sirius' House Harry was waiting for me in the family room.

Lizzie: Is this about the map or me with Lucius?

Harry: both. 

I sat on the couch and looked at Harry and told him to ask away. He did and began to ask a lot of questions. Like you know Malfoy's dad is a death eater. Who were the people who created the map. Are you going to marry Malfoy's dad. Will I have to be related to him and so many questions. 

Lizzie: Okay Harry calm down. Sit down this will be a long story. First we will talk about the map. The info about Malfoy can wait. Now the map was created during my fourth year of Hogwarts. So as you can tell by the name Sirius keeps calling me I am Snake. Sirius is padfoot, James was Prongs, Remus is moony, and that Petigrew was Warmtail. I created that map to help us find out were the teaches and everyone  was in the school so we didn't get in trouble when we were helping Remus with his transformations on full moons. There was not just one map. There is another one. Which is still with me. Now why did I create two. Well to keep an eye on my idiot of a brother plus so I can sneak out to get to them with out being caught myself. Now no I will not be teaching you how to create one not even for my pranksters in training who is listening to the conversation outside this room.

I heard groaning and in walk the twins. I laughed at this and got up. I walked to the twins and began to lead them out of the room.

Harry: wait what about my other questions?

Lizzie: Later I have to help the twins out with their ideas. I will see you later Harry.

I then walked out of the room with the twins to make more experiments. I can tell this year is going to be difficult year. Let just see where it goes starting from now. 

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