The train ride

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-(y/n) POV-

We all got on the train. Ron forgot his rat again and Mrs. Weasley had to give to him. We began to look for a compartment and found one with a guy in it. Weird what is he doing on this train? Must be a new worker or something. We all sat down and Harry closed the door and began to speak about Sirius Black. 

Ron: wait you're telling me that Sirius Black is after you two. 

Harry: yes

Hermione: they will only catch him won't they?

I tuned them out and looked out the window. After a few minutes of them talking the train stopped. but we weren't at Hogwarts yet. I got up and looked at the door. I left them saying I am going to check on Draco. I ran down the hall of the train and found Draco. I got into his compartment and he hugged me. Pansy looked pissed seeing that. 

Draco: any clue what is going on?

(y/n): no the train just stopped. 

I was about to speak when something opened up the door. Draco pushed me behind him. The thing looked like a grim reaper of some sort. It looked straight at me and was about to do something when all of the sudden I felt something being pulled from inside me. I fell into Draco's arms before I passed out I saw a bright light of a doe and a bird.  After a few I came to and was sitting in Draco's arms. I sat up with his help. I looked to the door and there stood Aunt Lizzie. 

Draco: what was that professor?

Lizzie: that was a dementor. they protect Azcaban. They must of been looking for Sirius, but he wouldn't be on this train. 

She sat down next to me and handed me some chocolate. 

Lizzie: this should help. Eat it dear. I am going to check on Harry and the others Draco watch over her. 

Draco nods his head and she left. I began to eat the chocolate as Draco rubbed my back. 

(y/n): what happened?

Draco: we don't know you just fainted. 

Pansy: I heard Potter fainted as well. Haha serves him......

I punched Parkinson's in the face.

Parkinson: are you going to let her do that to me dracy?

(y/n): oh I am so going to......

Draco: I would go Parkinson before she kills you. 

Parkinson got up and left with her two friends. Draco pulled me onto his lap as he knew I was pissed. 

Draco: calm down you can kill her later. 

I just nodded my head. This year will not be easy just like the last two. We will have to see what this year has in store. 

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