Meeting the blonde Beauty!

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Percy's POV
I watch as the girl gets up and starts dancing. Holy woah. I think. She is amazing her body acts with one with the music. She is lost but found letting the music lead her to take dips swings and jumps. A smile and a little laugh often coming from her. "Who's the blonde beauty " . I thought. Anna Claire laughs as Gracie replies "that blonde Beaty could tear you to shreds but her name is Kaelynn Lee." She explains as I nod. "What I said that out loud" they chuckle and nod i blush before turning back. Watching as the new song makes her dance i different. (I hate you I love you I hate that I love you don't want to bug I can't put nobody else above you) I was so wrapped up in this girl in front of me I didn't notice that I too was being stared at by my friends. "What " I ask.  " your staring" Grover states. I look at him with a raised brow. " like you would go to hell for her" Gracie finishes. I blush a little looking away.

Kaelynn's POV
This song that's on is one of my favorites to dance to so much emotion in "I hate you I love you" and I put that into my dance. I twirl duping some land in a ballerina pose as I move my feet in a graceful move meant and the stop as the song stops. " hey there gorgeous" I hear. Ugh I think .Elliot son of Hermès and quite the creep.  I look at him and nod my head in respect for his presence even though I really don't want to.I turn to walk when he grabs my wrist and turns me pushing me into him. I try to free myself he just squeezes harder against me hands trailing down when I head but him. As I say the one thing that comes to mind " you ass!" He looks at me. " why are you so obsessed with me." I shout. " it's no okay me and you never gonna happen and if you ever touch me or any other girl like that I will personally send you to the underworld" I speak as he nods I punch him one more good time as he falls down I walk past him head to the big house. I hear a groan after a second. I just keep walking with a smirk. I finally made it to where I wanted to be. " hey there"
Luke said as I jumped on his back. Holding me up as if I was light as a feather. "Hey my Lukie " I say hugging his back. He just Hugs me legs a little tighter as we walk to where Chiron is taking to Gracie and Anna Claire and two others I don't know of. Chiron turns to us with a smile "hello Mrs. Lee  and Mr.luke " he says. Luke looks over a shoulder sending his signature smirk as he bows and I pretend curtesy on his back. Causing him to snicker. "This is Percy Jackson"he states. I look over at the boy (using boy from movie ) "hey I'm Kaelynn Lee"I smile. He smiles back.

— "guess who's back back again." And it's me hey how you been glad to come back this story is my main focus had a lot of idea come with this one so please prepare. Anyway missed you guys. Thanks for reading hopes you enjoyed. And remember stay funny stay happy stay safe and stay smily.


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