Alfheim, Land of Fairies

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"Hey, you two are here early."

Kazuto shrugs as he and Joshua enter the bar owned by a friend, fellow SAO survivor, and front liner, Andrew Gilbert Mills, aka Agil. "Does anyone ever come here besides us?"

"Shut up. It's busy at night."

"Then maybe we should come at that time, see if you're 'running a business' properly as you should."

Kazuto smirks at Joshua's comment about Agil's preposterous prices back when he had a shop in SAO, but drops the smile as they sit up at the empty bar. "So what was that picture you sent?"

"It's a bit of a long story. Ever hear of this?" Agil slides a game case to the boys.

"A game?"

"It's an MMO for the Amusphere, a successor to the NerveGear."

Joshua nods as he takes the case. "Ah, I heard of it. Thought of purchasing one myself. The story is that it's a safer version of the NerveGear. No trapping or killing players in games now."

"Then another virtual MMO like SAO? ALF Heim Online?"

"It's pronounced Alfheim, supposedly. It means 'Land of the Fairies.'"

"Ah, yes, Alfheim is one of the Nine Realms in Norse mythology, the home of the fairies. Guess that's what the wings are for."

"Mostly social, then?"

"No, supposedly not," Agil responds as he sets two cups of coffee in front of the younger men. There's a heavy emphasis on player level. PKing is encouraged."

"Player skill?"

"No actual levels, as such. Using skills improves them. Combat depends on the player's athletic ability."



"Like an SAO with magic, but no sword skills. It's really popular. I've heard it's because you can fly."

"Hmm. Well, that explains the wings."

"It has something called a 'flight engine.' and once you're used to it, you can fly."

"How do you control it?"

"I don't know. But I hear it's pretty hard."

"It certainly would be hard to control wings when humans don't have any. Maybe you use the muscles on your back?"

"Are you sure about that? We never used our arms and legs for anything in SAO despite controlling a whole body."

"Yeah, you're right, but what could--" Agil coughs to regain the excited boys' attention, and Kazuto redirects the conversation to the main topic. "So what does this popular game have to do with Asuna?"

Agil places a printed photo of Asuna on the table. "What do you think?"

"Kazuto and I both agree it looks like Asuna, heck I'd say it is her."

"I thought you'd say that."

"Just tell me where is this?"

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