Reckless Raid

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After logging back on to ALO and listening to Leafa’s rejected cries, Kirito, Yui, and Leafa make their way to Arun’s center. Jaymes and Strea will join them later or are already ahead of them. Together they walk to the base of the World Tree, a long trek through the central city of Arun. One thing Kirito notices is that the races, despite appearances elsewhere, are friendly to each other here. Maybe because this is neutral territory or these players don’t really care much about which race gets to the top first, they’re just here for the experience ALO can provide.

Leafa points ahead to an arched gate. “Once you pass through that gate, you’re at the world’s heart, the central district of Arun.” Kirito nods and the pair continues walking. As they pass underneath it, Yui makes a sudden, audible squeak.

“Hey, Yui. What’s wrong?”

“...Mommy. Mommy is here.”

Kirito gasps. “You sure?”

“I’m certain. This player ID belongs to Mommy. The coordinates are right above us!” So it’s true, Asuna is here. Kirito glances up and clenches his teeth. His wings flutter and, against Leafa’s shouts, takes flight, ascending at full speed for the canopy of the World Tree. He flies so fast, concentrated on Asuna’s plight that he forgets about the barrier until he’s face first against it. “Guah!”

“Kirito!” Kirito ignores Leafa and continues to fight the barrier until Leafa holds him back. “Stop it, Kirito! It’s impossible! You can’t get any higher from here!”

Being so close yet so far away, Kirito cannot hide the desperation in his voice. “I must go! I have to go.”

Yui lingers by the barrier, calling out to Asuna. “Mommy, it’s me. Mommy! I’m right here!”

Still not thinking clearly, Kirito flies back up and assaults the barrier. “What is this?”

“I tried to use Warning Mode to contact her, but…” Kirito faces, then back to the invisible barrier. How can he get past it? He wonders if… Something in the sky over the barrier catches Kirito’s eye. It glimmers in the sunlight before falling into his hands. It is a grey rectangle with a black strip at the top. “A card? Leafa, do you know what this is?”

“No, I’ve never seen an item like that.”

Kirito taps it, but no actions occur. “No window, huh?”

Yui flies to the card and analyzes it. “This… This is a System Admin access code.”

“Then can we use it to access the GM controls?”

“No. You need the appropriate console to access it from within the game. Even I can’t bring up the system menu.”

“I see… However, something like this wouldn’t just fall from the sky for no reason. This is probably…”

“Yes! Mommy heard us and dropped it.”

Kirito bows his head, silently thanking Asuna and calming down. Fine...if he can’t get to the top from the outside of the World Tree, he’ll have to seek other options...the only other one. “Leafa, tell me something. Where is the gate that leads inside the World Tree?”

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