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Kazuto, Real World

“Sugu, are you there?”

“Don’t! Don’t open the door! Leave me alone...”

The door is already slightly ajar, but Kazuto heeds his sister’s words. She doesn’t want to see him, he can live with that, but...did he do anything wrong? Today, Joshua came over, they went to the hospital, then came back and unknowingly went online together. Jaymes and Kirito attempt the World Tree with Strea, only to fail and be saved by Leafa and Jaymes’ old friends Rain and Strea. Then only when Kirito stated why he and Jaymes had to go to the World Tree did she reveal her and flip out at the boys. As many times he tries to understand what led to her breakdown, nothing comes up.

“What’s wrong, Sugu? I mean, I was surprised, too. If you’re mad that I’m using the NerveGear again, I apologize. But I didn’t have a choice, and Joshua assured it was safe to use.”

“No… That’s not it. That isn’t…” Kazuto hears movement on the other side, but before he can question it, Sugu swings open her door. “I… I… I… I betrayed my own heart! I betrayed my love for you… I was about to forget it, to give it up. To fall in love with Kirito. No, I already had! But…”

“L-Love? But we’re…”

“I know! I already know! You and I aren’t really siblings!” That confession shocks Kazuto. He found the truth years ago, long before SAO. “I’ve known for the last two years. Wasn’t the reason you quit kendo and started avoiding me because you knew the whole time! Weren’t you avoiding me because I’m not your real sister? So… So why are you being nice to me now? I was so happy you came back from SAO. I was so happy you were being nice to me like when we were little. I thought you were finally giving me a chance. But if I had known this would happen, I wish you’d kept being a jerk. If you had, I never would have realized that I like you… Or been sad to learn about Asuna… Or tried to fall in love with Kirito instead!”

“...I’m sorry.”

“...Leave me alone.” Sugu turns away and closes her door, leaving Kirito to listen to her cries. He slides down the door and sits with his back against it, processing all Suguha just said to him.

Ever since he found out the truth when he was ten, he questioned whether he was really part of this family. Could he say who Suguha is, how he knew her? it was the feeling of being an outsider that led him to online gaming, an artificial world where no one generally knew anyone else.

But Kazuto’s two years in SAO taught him that there is no meaningful difference between the real and the virtual world. It’s pointless to question who anyone really is. All one can do is accept and believe in them, because whoever they are in your mind is their true identity.

When he returned and saw Suguha’s face, he was happy. He swore to make up for the distance that had grown over the previous years. So now…what can Kazuto do for Suguha? An idea forms in his head, so he informs Suguha of it. “Sugu. I’ll wait for you in Arun, on the north terrace.”


Philia, Arun, Alfheim Online.

Philia sighs as she spots Jaymes sitting on the roof of a nearby building to the restaurant Strea led them and Rain to. They’ve noticed his absence, but Strea noted he was nearby. Out of concern for her dear friend, Philia summons her wings and flies up to his location. She says nothing as she walks over and takes a seat beside him, watching the bustling street underneath.

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