To Blacksmith and Warrior

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Joshua, some time later

“Kazuto!” Joshua leaps off his motorcycle and runs to Kazuto, the boy holding what looks to be Sugou against a car, a knife to the man’s throat. He sees the wounds on Kirito’s arm and upper torso, meaning Sugou must have attacked first then Kazuto got the upper hand to this point. Stepping forward, Joshua grabs Kazuto’s shoulder. “Don’t.”

“But… You know what he did. He deserves it!”

“Yes. he does. I understand you want to do it. Believe me, I want to let you… But Asuna is alive and safe. She is not Koharu, he is not Annihilator, and you are not me.” Kazuto slacks in his grip of the knife, letting it clatter against the ground. Joshua, however, switches his hold to Sugou, turning his face around. The man’s features express so much fear it makes Joshua feel sinfully good inside, especially the injured red right eye.

Kazuto stands up and takes deep breaths to calm himself down. “Thank you. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t come in time.”

“I think you wouldn’t have done it. Or I hope so. As for you, Sugou,” Joshua slams the man’s head against the car, knocking him out. Dropping the body, he wipes his hands and looks at Kazuto. “What?”

“...Nothing. Let’s go.” The pair walk through the mostly empty hospital. coming up to Asuna’s room. Joshua allows Kazuto to go first, watching him step into the room and pull back the curtain. Coming behind him, they glance at the awakened Asuna, the moonlight bringing a serene glow to her features. “...Asuna.”

Asuna turns, and for the first time, looks at Kazuto with her own eyes. “Kazuto.” Kazuto approaches and reaches out for her, bringing Asuna into a hug. She then notices his wounds. “Yeah. The final… The true final battle just finished. It’s over.”

“I’m sorry. I still can’t hear properly. But I can tell what you’re saying. It’s over, isn’t it? I finally… I finally got to meet you.” Asuna pulls back and smiles. “Hello. My name is Asuna Yuuki. I’m back, Kirito.”

Kazuto wipes his face. “I’m Kazuto Kirigaya. Welcome back, Asuna.” Kazuto leans forward and captures Asuna in a kiss, and for once, Joshua decides not to interrupt their moment. He can wait a moment longer, so he turns around and steps outside to the empty hallway. He slides down the wall and sighs.

He looks to his left, imagining the girl with the shoulder-length black hair, bright emerald eyes, and dark magenta tunic with dark green features on the neck and wrists, a black mini-skirt, as well as a chest plate protecting her upper body. Oh, and how could he forget the fish-shaped brooch over her heart. “We did it, Ko. We finally brought everyone back.” She smiles and nods to him, telling him how proud she is of him and how happy her three closest friends are together again.

If only fate was kind, and let Koharu join them too.

The image shifts to a girl with pink hair, dark pink eyes, and wears a dark red top with puffed sleeves and a flared skirt of the same color, combined with a pure white apron on top of it, as well as a red ribbon atop her chest. Ah, yeah… He bets he’ll see her real soon, and that makes him excited. After all, he hasn’t forgotten her cherished blacksmith.


Four months later

"Seriously, Lis… I mean, Rika, you're driving me crazy with all that slurping."

"Leave me alone. He's all over her, and it's driving me nuts. Acting like that at school, it's so tacky..."

"Hey girls." Joshua silently joins Keiko "Silica" Ayano and Rika "Lisbeth" Shinozaki at their usual lunch table, though the latter girl is too focused on the window to greet him. Keiko, however, looks at him with pleading eyes. He doesn't pretend to not know what Rika's doing with such aggressive slurping of the juice box in her hand.

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