Gilded Heroes

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Kirito, Jaymes, Strea, Rain, and Philia ascend the interior of the World Tree, while Leafa and Recon provide backup with their spells. Above the five is the first round of guardians, all sword users. With a silent clue the five SAO survivors part ways and attack. Their increased numbers should lead to better results, but they won’t count out failure until Kirito reaches the top.

“So far so good,” Kirito says as he regroups with Jaymes and the girls.

Jaymes nods while glancing upward. “Yeah. but don’t count them out yet. Here they come.” Like flies to a cookout, more guardians swarm the air around them. Fearful yet determined, Kirito strikes first, furiously cutting down guardian after guardian while taking a few hits himself. But whenever one falls, five more takes its place. They’re unending… Kirito looks to the top of the tree, but no longer can he see the ceiling. Instead, a barrier of guardians blocks his view.

Kirito receives some healing, but it would be nice if some of his other stats could be buffed.

“Recon!” Kirito averts his gaze to see the male Sylph join the fight, using magic to cut the guardians. He even protects Leafa when the enemy attempts to attack her. “Recon! That’s enough--”

“Get outside!” Outside? What spell is he conjuring? Whatever it is, it leads to the formation of a giant ball of light and a great explosion. When it ends, all that’s left is a gaping hole in the guardians’ barrier and the flame of Recon. Self-destruct magic?

“Kirito, Jaymes,” Rain shouts from just below them, “fly as fast as you can! This might be your one chance!” Kirito nods and ascends to the gap as fast as he can, Jaymes right on his heels. But just as their goal is in reach, their path is blocked once again. Kirito, stunned by colliding with the guardians, is relentlessly impaled while Jaymes is driven into a disadvantageous fight. Philia, Rain, and Strea are separated and unable to assist, and Leafa attempts to heal as she’s flanked by a pair of guardians.

It seems to be all but over...until the cavalry arrives.

Hearing a chorus of shouts, Kirito glances down and sees green wings and dragons ascend the towering tree. “The Sylphs?”

Jaymes descends to Kirito’s level, his jaw unhinged. “Dragons… Cait Sith?” Explosions rock the air as the flying beasts of the Cait Sith and the wind magic of the Sylphs wipe out guardians in large numbers. Not enough to completely clear the area, but enough to restore confidence. “Guess they put our money to good use.”

“Yeah.” As Jaymes departs, Kirito heaves his blade up and gets ready to fight again. Just then, a streak of green and gold flies past him to kill a guardian. “Sugu… Watch my back!”

Leafa joins Kirito back to back and nods. “Leave it to me!” They fight together, watching over each other as brother and sister. Their fight, along with the other four with them, spurs the Cait Sith and Sylphs to come higher and eventually break another gap in the barrier of guardians.

Leading the charge up, Kirito looks to the Salamander to his left. “Jaymes… Let’s go!”

“Behind you… Oh.” Once again, the enemy looks to intercept the path of Kirito and Jaymes, but two shouts call for their attention. One of them is Leafa to Kirito as she throws her katana upwards; the other is Strea to Joshua as she holds on to him. Both line up and place one blade on top of the other, creating a giant thrusting force that breaks through the guardians.

“Go… Go, Brother… Go!”

“Keep going, Kirito, Jaymes, and Strea!”

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