The Blond Fairy in Green, Leafa

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Clear, night skies, a full, warm moon, and crisp air against her face. Yes, this is the reason she loves this game so much. This is not how she heard of SAO on the news and from survivors, but ALO is the complete opposite. Where there was imprisonment, there's freedom. Where there was fear, there's fascination. Where there was death, there is life. Two years ago, she didn't understand, but now she realizes what brings one person to a virtual world with a new persona unknown to anyone who doesn't know you in the real world.

"Lea-Leafa, wait!"

Leafa turns to the short, timid boy behind her. They're friends in the real world, and as aforementioned, the personas between worlds couldn't be any different. In actuality, he's taller than her and a tad bit more courageous, whereas she's not as brave as her real self. "You can do it, Recon! If we can escape to Sylph territory... Recon, dodge!" Recon looks down and barely escapes the blasts of fire from the red fairies trailing them. Leafa grits her teeth and glares down at them. Damned Salamanders... "Back off, already... Fine. Prepare for battle!"

"We can't. I'm sure Sigurd and the others are already..."

Leafa draws her sword. "I'll draw as much of their attention as I can, so try and knock one down."

Recon sighs. "I'll do my best."

Leafa nods. "You should do something useful once in a while, okay?" Leafa flies off, not hearing Recon's slick comment and engaging the Salamanders. She dodges and cuts down the armored leader of the squad, then flies through the remaining three. Gaining their attention, she thrusts the least armored one in his chest and pushes him back against one of his allies, then finishes him off with a horizontal strike. Leafa flies around the two others, then looks back to Recon, the boy, slicing down a Salamander all on his own. When he tries, he's pretty good. They can win-- "Ah!" Leafa barely moves out the way of another blast, and that same one catches Recon off guard. "Idiot! Don't stop!"

Too late. Recon is impaled with his opponent's spear, but he brought the spearman down with him. As he disappears with an apology, Leafa finds herself avoiding more fire attacks and being approached by the charging Salamanders. The latter distraction costs her as a magic attack burns her body and knocks her out of the air. She tumbles through the trees but lands on her knees, quickly assessing herself as the enemy flies down and hovers.

The leader of the squadron opens his helm and speaks to Leafa. "Sorry, but we're on a mission. Leave your money and items, and we'll let you go."

"Why are you being a gentleman, Kagemune? It's been ages since we fought a woman. Let's kill her!"

Leafa clicks her tongue. "I'll take at least one of you with me. Anyone who doesn't fear the death penalty can come and get me!"

"You're a strong-willed girl. Very well." The Salamanders prepare to finish Leafa off while she raises her sword. The two sides stare off for a moment before they're interrupted by a yelp and crash just behind Leafa. It happens to be a Spriggan who lands on his head. Some newbie who doesn't know how to land, it seems. Then comes in another player, a Salamander by race, landing like a superhero, but Leafa doesn't remember him in her earlier chase nor is he regarded by the three in front of her.

"You're pitiful, buddy." The Salamander picks up the Spriggan and shakes his head.

"I'm going to have to practice my did you do it so easily?"

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